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Volume 6, Issue 2

Open Access Journal

Volume 6, Issue 2

Impact Factor 3.582

1) Cultural Perspectives on Teachers’ Perceptions of Curriculum Theorizing: An Autobiographical Case Study
Author’s Details: Yang Gao1, Lucy Kulbago2, Aziz Alamri3 – 1Kent State University, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies,White Hall 410, Kent, Ohio, the USA

The autobiographical study revealed three Ph.D. students and inservice teachers perceptions of curriculum theorizing. Three teachers in the study are one from China, one in the United States and one from Saudi Arabia. Reflective journals, written philosophies of curriculum theorizing, and weekly discussions were used as the data to examine the three teachers perceptions through cultural lenses. With reference to Pinars (2012) Allegory, which consists of horizontality,” verticality,” and Montage in curriculum theorizing, three researchers and participants examined how their cultural backgrounds (verticality), teaching experiences, and doctoral learning experiences (horizontality) informed their perceptions of the curriculum. In the final part, three teachers also made the reflections on explained what might be an ideal state (Montage) of curriculum theorizing in the time of globalization.
Keywords: Autobiographical Study, Cultural Perspectives, Curriculum Theorizing.

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2) A Cultural Reflection of China’s Tobacco Technology
Author’s Details: LI Peng 1, Luo Lingling 2 -1 Doctoral student, School of Marxism, Northeastern University, P.R.China, 110006 Professor, School of Marxism, Northeastern University, P.R.China, 110006

In the background of global tobacco control smoking, tobacco technology as a technology with a clear negative effect, has not disappeared from time to time in the world, but has gradually narrowed down the scale and social impact in the efforts of governments, Which in addition to economic, institutional, technical factors, but also contains a profound cultural roots. From the perspective of Social science and technology, taking the tobacco industry technology in China as an example, the tobacco culture has emphasized the traditional culture of Chinese culture, the spread of tobacco standards to traditional Chinese culture, the inheritance of tobacco to traditional hierarchical concepts. The cultural characteristics of smoking behavior in the field of social life, and the systematic analysis of the social function of the decision-making of China’s tobacco technology development, the humanization of technological products and the huge technical premium, and the deep cultural connotation of the tobacco industry and the long-term impact of technology on social culture, from the perspective of social and cultural barriers to smoke control has a certain significance.
Key words: China’s Tobacco, Tobacco Technology, Industrial Technology, Cultural Analysis,
Cultural Reflection.
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3) An Analysis of the Influence of Technological Innovation on Social Culture In The Process Of Technological Evolution
Author’s Details: LI Peng 1, WANG Rui 2 – 1 school of Marxism, Northeastern university,P.R.China,110006 school of law & art, Shenyang University of Technology, P.R.China, 110870

Technological innovation has entered into our social life through medical technologies, informative technologies, industrial technologies, experimental technologies and other approaches, and has deeply influenced the way people live, behave and think. The cultural innovation brought by the demonstration effect of technology. Enrich ideational culture to achieve a fundamental change of lifestyle. Build new system cultural pattern through innovation incentives. Create an affluent and critical material and cultural environment. Meanwhile, Technological innovation is both concrete and historical, and abstract and evolutionary.
Key Words: Technological innovation, social culture, influence, technological
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4) The Main Means Of Converting the Phrase Free Unit Idioms (Comparison, Hyperbole, Metaphor)
Author Details: Dr.Përparim FAKAJ – “Reald” University of Vlora, Albania

The wording includes all short term, strong and beautiful, with a figurative sense, which is formed with time in the mouth of people who were followed from generation to generation and are polished with care, craftsmanship, and taste.
Albanian is one of the Indo-European languages ​​very rich in phraseology. Creating and using them shows its unlimited opportunities to meet with its means of communication functions and enables the company to the demand of the growing development of the semantic lexical unit.
Ways of implementing the movement of meaning to the converting from free units to phraseological ones are comparison, metaphor, hyperbole, and litota. But, by weight, by volume and the quality of implementation, the first place occupies the metaphor, after that is the comparison,  litota and at the end is hyperbole. Hyperbole is often seen as a kind of comparison, we have shared as a special tool, and it forms the subgroup that appears with its distinctive features from other groups.
: phraseology, Short term, artistry, taste, metaphors, comparisons, hyperbole, litota
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5) Work Life Balance Of Working Women In Education Sector : A Case Study Of Naushahro Feroze And Mirpurkhas
Author’s Details: (1)Ali Raza Memon-Research Associate, Sindh University Campus NAusheroferoze (2)Dr.Aisha Bashir Shah-Assistant Professor-IBA-University of Sindh-(3)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor-SZABAC-Dokri

This paper talks about work life balance of working women in education sector particular in District Naushahro Feroze and MirpurKhas WLB is important topic in academic and business practices, women has to satisfy their work and their family which has to positive impact on work life balance. WLB is measured by psychological distress scale, work satisfaction scale and family satisfaction scale, researcher apply the quantitative research and numerical analysis of the data using the random sampling method taking only female working women which works in education sector ,and filled the survey questionnaires data from District Naushahro Feroze and MirpurKhas ‘s private and government schools, universities campuses, and colleges. That was analyzed through IBM SPSS 16.0 check questionnaires scales validity through Chronbach’s Alpha that is (0.994), of 160 retuned questionnaires out of 200. Than co-relation has to be used for hypothesis proving and see relationship between variables. This study also identifies main problems and challenges which faced by married working women.

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6) Impact of Regional Trade Integration-Case of South Asia
Author’s Details: (1)Riaz Ahmed Dahar-Student of PhD, University of Canberra Australia (2)Mr Altaf Mazhar Soomro,Research Assistant at CricDoc, Australia (3)Maqsood Ali  jamali-Lecturer-Department of Business Administration,Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Benazirabad-Sindh Pakistan (4)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor, SZABAC-Dokri

In this paper, impact of regional trade integration a case of South Asia is evaluated. Despite the large potential and availability of inputs like land, labour and capital the countries of South Asia namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are far behind from full use of   regional trade integration. The data of four countries i.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is taken as a sample for regression. After regression, this paper witnessed that volume of trade in South Asia has significantly increased after formation of SAARC but still it has a big potential to improve. The regression analysis shows that growth in GDP, Population, and Foreign Exchange contributed positively in growth of exports whereas decrease in exchange rate and CPI has also positive impact in growth of exports. The paper witnessed that formation of SAARC does not have any significant impact on trade creation or trade diversion. It is evaluated that though consistent efforts have been made at the regional level for regional integration through formation of SAFTA (i.e. South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement) under SAARC but due to mutual conflicts, hatred, lack of trust and smuggling (i.e. black marketing)  role of SAARC is insignificant. In this regard, it is proposed that if better policies be chalked out i.e. tariffs rates be reduces, trading quotas are removed, trade among regional countries be promoted then the goal of high trade can easily be achieved. The availability of better infrastructure, sound institutions, skilled labour and better communication system is the key towards promotion of regional trade integration.  
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7) Relationship between Current Account Balance and Budget Balance: A Descriptive Analysis Author’s Details: (1)Riaz Ahmed Dahar-Student of PhD, University of Canberra Australia (2)Aisha Bashir Shah (3)Shahida Habib University of Balouchistan  (4)Dr.Faiz-Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor, SZABAC-Dokri
This research investigates the Relationship between Current Account Balance and Budget Balance: A Descriptive Analysis.  Data were collected from secondary sources.  Data were analyzed by using SPSS-21 version. It was revealed that In graph 1 behaviour of variable Bd is shown in 16 observations or countries. It is the average value of the given countries in the past decade (2001-2013) while in graph 2 same exercise is done with the variable Ca. We can see that the trend or behavior of both variables is different checked in graph 3 for most corrupt nations. But for more accurate and detailed results to check the behavior and relationship of both variables and therefore its also one of the major reasons that we are moving to the regression analysis.
Key Words:
Relationship Current, Account Balance, Budget Balance, Descriptive Analysis
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