Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 9 , Issue 7

Volume 9, Issue 7

1) E-Pbb Public Service Innovation Process In Lamongan Regency
Author’s Details: ¹Ika Devy Pramudiana-¹ Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya- Malang, Indonesia ²Sumartono, ²Tjahjanulin, ²Bambang Santoso Haryono – ²Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya ,Malang,Indonesia

One of the latest innovations in the Lamongan district is the launch of e-PBB. Lamongan Regency Government began in 2013 to apply land and building tax payments through electronic or known as e-PBB. In this study the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The analysis technique used in this study is to use interactive model analysis. According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana. The process carried out in starting the e-PBB program is the stage of submitting ideas, the stage of idea evaluation, the stage of development, the readiness of infrastructure, the readiness of human resources and the readiness of funds to take place comprehensively by observing the environmental and cultural conditions of the community.
Key word:
innovation, public services, process, e-government
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Gender-based Violence and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms among Women in Nakuru County, Kenya
Author’s Details: Dorothy Wangari Mwathi-Kenyatta University-nyanjau3@gmail.com

Gender based violence (GBV) is an act of directing violence to a person based on their gender. GBV can lead to physical, emotional/psychological, and sexual harm to the opposite gender. Although men can be victims of GBV, more women than men are victims of GBV. The current study investigated depression and anxiety symptoms among women who are/have experienced GBV in the metro area of Nakuru County using descriptive survey design. The study targeted all women aged 18 to 50 years in Nakuru metro area. Purposive sampling was employed and data was collected mainly from churches, markets, and institutions. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and findings presented in table of frequencies and percentages. The findings revealed that women who are/have undergone GBV exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety. The study recommended that the Ministry of Health in conjunction with Ministry of Gender in every county should come up with programmes that provide interventions for victims of gender based violence, especially women. The programmes should also sensitize the communities on the adverse effects of GBV in order to discourage GBV and social as well as cultural beliefs that promote GBV against women.
Key words:
Gender-based violence, depression, anxiety
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General Representations about Immunopatological State
Author’s Details: (1)Vladimir M. Zemskov (2)Andrey M. Zemskov (3)Konstantin N. Pronko-(1) AV Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery, Moscow, Russia (2) NN Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh, Russia,(3)Facecontrol, Systems, Moscow, Russia Corresponding author:Zemskov Vladimir M. (E-mail-arturrego@yandex.ru)

Many components of immunopathology, which include various types of immune deficiency, and their clinical manifestations, are considered. Deficiencies of cellular and humoral immunity, clinical manifestations of combined immune deficiency, phagocytic link, complement system are specifically discussed. The mechanisms and competition of types of immunity – antibacterial and viral, antifungal, antiparasitic and antihelmintic, anti-cancer, are considered in detail. The immunopathology of the COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 infection is discussed. The problem of pathological stimulation of the immune system, specifically allergy and autoimmune lesions, as well as various mechanisms of modification of immune responses is discussed.
Key words:
immune deficiency, types of immunity, coronavirus infection-19, allergies, autoimmune pathology
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4) Students’ Perspectives on the Role of Counsellors in the University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Author’s Details:(1)Lilian F. Wiysahnyuy,Ph.D-Higher Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda, Cameroon(2)Nji Junior Tangu-Higher Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

In spite of the importance and the availability of Guidance and counselling services in the University setting, it is observed that students barely exploit these services. It is common place to find students facing problems which can easily be handled by counsellors but who end up channelling their challenges to inappropriate remedial sources. This makes one to wonder whether they are aware of the Guidance and counselling services which are provided by the university.  It is based on this reflection that this paper was designed to find out students perspectives on the role of counsellors in the University of Bamenda (UBa). Specifically the paper sought to find out whether or not students are aware of the role of counsellors in UBa, to examine the extent to which they use the services and to find out the impression students have about the role of counsellors in UBa. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The sample size of 250 students was selected randomly from the Faculties of Arts, Economics and Management Sciences, Law and Political Science, and the Faculty of Science. After analysing the data using descriptive and inferential statistics, the findings revealed that an overwhelming majority of the students were not aware of the role of counsellors in UBa, and most of the students had negative impressions on the role of counsellors. It is clear that if students are not aware of the role of guidance counsellors, they will hardly go for counselling. Therefore a wider publicity on the role of counsellors has to be made in order to create awareness of the existing counselling services in UBa.
Key words: Counselling, Counsellor, Guidance, Role and Impression  
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