Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 8 , Issue 9

Volume 8 , Issue 9

1) Protocol-based Rehabilitation Versus Problem Based Rehabilitation in ACL Reconstruction – Cross over Study with Evidence
Author Details: Dr.S.S.Subramanian – M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D. (Physiotherapy). The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of Physiotherapy,Chennai – 100. Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER-Chennai – 73.
Adhering to standard protocols following surgeries are routinely practiced, whereas patient-specific therapy can facilitate earlier restoration of function in a quicker time frame. An increasing ACL – reconstruction surgeries are globally done. Aims & Objectives of this original cross over research was to compare protocol based exercises versus patient-centric exercises in a subject post ACL – reconstructive surgery. This original study where 40-year-old Male having undergone ACL – reconstruction (ACL – R) at Coimbatore where (Phase – I) 8 weeks of post-operative protocol based physiotherapy was carried from 13.12.2017 to 10.02.2018. Next 8 weeks (Phase – II) the same subject was treated with evaluation and patients problem-based exercises from 16.02.2018 to 17.04.2018 in Chennai. Results of Phase – I and Phase – II were analyzed statistically and discussed with evidence. With results showing P<.05 for Phase – I and P<.001 for Phase II. Conclusion: Apart from protocol, subjects individual evaluation and functional needs to be given priority for early an effective and enhanced rehabilitation.
Keywords: ST- Semitendinosus, ACL- R Reconstruction, ROM- Range of Motion, ACL – Anterior Cruciate Ligament, AAOS – American Association of Ortho Surgery 

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2) Internal Control in Vietnam’s Textile and Apparel Enterprises
Author’s Details:(1)Thi Hong Hanh Le, MA-University of Economics – Technology for Industries (2)Thi Thu Hien Phan, PhD-University of Economics – Technology for Industries Correspondence: Thi Hong Hanh Le, 456 Minh Khai Street, Hai Ba Trung district, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Textile and garment industry plays an important role, contributing effectively to the development of Vietnam’s economy, accounting for about 20% of GDP, about 15% of total export turnover and creating jobs for more than 3 million workers. 20% of the country’s labor force. However, businesses in the industry are facing many difficulties; the most challenging is to ensure financial health and increase competitiveness. Therefore, improving the internal control system in textile enterprises is one of the effective management methods that need to be implemented
Internal control, textile, and garment, Vietnam
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3) Research Overview of the Impact of Internal Control on Organizational Compliance and Performance
Author’s Details:(1)Thi Hinh Nguyen-Viet Nam Training Institute of Industry and Trade Sector (2)Thi Kim Lien Tran-University of Economics – Technology for Industries (3)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economics – Technology for Industries Correspondence: Thi Kim Lien Tran, No. 456 Minh Khai Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam
The paper reviews the research in the world and in Vietnam on internal control, the effect of internal control on the compliance and performance of various organizations. Also, provide future research directions for researchers interested in internal control
Keywords: Internal control, compliance, performance
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4) Measurement and Disclosure Corporate Social Responsibility
Author’s Details:(1)Thi Hinh Nguyen-Viet Nam Training Institute of Industry and Trade Sector (2)Thi Kim Lien Tran-University of Economics – Technology for Industries (3)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economics – Technology for Industries Correspondence: Thi Kim Lien Tran, No. 456 Minh Khai Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Implementation of corporate social responsibility, towards sustainable development, is one of the important goals of businesses. In particular, the issues of social responsibility, such as environmental protection, community activities, and employee regimes are always focused on by managers. Therefore, the publication of information on the sustainability reports in general or the disclosure of corporate social responsibility attracts the attention of many managers as well as economists. This paper presents a theoretical basis for the need to disclose corporate social responsibility information, measures, and disclosures on corporate social responsibility
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, measures and disclosures
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5) Overview Some Aspects of International Law in Relation to Building Dams in the Developing Countries
Author’s Details: (1)Quang Vu Luu, MA- Dien Bien Technical Economic College, Vietnam (2)Minh Tuyen Pham, PhD-The People’s Court, Bac Ninh, Vietnam (3)Thi Thu Hien Phan, PhD-University of Economics – Technology for Industries Correspondence: Minh Tuyen Pham, 46 Nguyen Gia Thieu Street, Suoi Hoa Ward, Bac Ninh City, Bac Ninh Province.
The paper reviews the rules of international law in the construction of special dams in developing countries. We have given the advantages and disadvantages of dam construction and summarized the principles of international law related to dam construction
Keywords: international law, developing countries, dam construction
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6) The Issues Of Tourism In The Integration Of The Town Of Bejaia In The Economic Development Process
Author’s Details: (1)Ouahiba Bouchama-Master of Conference –A- Normal higher school Bouzareah, Algiers (2)Meftah Saida-Master of Conference-A-  Normal higher school Bouzareah, Algiers
The idea of this study on the integration of the city in the process of economic development is to determine other horizons of development through the tourist option. Nevertheless, Algeria has experienced a production of urban spaces structured in its entirety by the industrial function. The latter did not participate in the growth of the city. It has been a factor of the polarization of migratory movements towards the city without for that it generates a consequent urbanization consequent, in detriment of other sectors susceptible to an economic revival. Tourism can be an alternative to development, given the landscape diversity and the natural and cultural resources that the country possesses. But this sector has always been marginalized by land use plans and urban policies.

We chose Bejaia is given one of the coastal Algerian cities, located 230 km from the capital.

-Insert between the sea and the mountain; it overlooks a bay that resembles that of Rio de janeiro in Brazil.

– Rich in natural and cultural assets; the sea, the famous Gouraya Park and the historical monuments dating back to Roman times.

-Characterized by its architectural and urban diversity.

-It has a port, an airport, and a very diversified transport network.

At the same time, it is lagging behind in its development, which is reflected in the deterioration in the quality of urban life and the lack of jobs, even though it has one of the largest industrial zones in eastern Algeria and one of the ports. of the most important in the country.This situation has aroused our curiosity to think about the concept of development, is it possible to support development in urban areas through the promotion of tourism? The present work is the beginning of coherent answer to this problematic. It would then be necessary to identify directions for the future, that is to say, to trace the path of development by starting with the establishment of an economic platform based on the alternative of tourism.
Keywords: issues; tourism; economic development; the city of Bejaia.
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7) Lea Kipkorir: Forgotten Pioneer of Early Childhood Education in Kenya
Author’s Details: (1) Grace Jepkemboi, PhD-University of Alabama at Birmingham (2)Rose Ruto-Korir, PhD-Moi University, Kenya

Lea I. Kipkorir is one of the forgotten pioneers of early childhood education, ECE, in Kenya. This paper examines her life, career and contributions to the field. A 1969 graduate of Harvard University, Lea rose through the ranks to the heights of her career as the Director of Kenya Institute of Education, KIE, the institution charged with designing and implementation of the curriculum in Kenya. Her notable contributions to ECE in Kenya are in six areas. 1) Her career in ECE changed a common perception that early childhood education is for ‘academic failures in the school system.’ 2) Strengthened partnerships with Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Aga Khan Foundation and UNICEF. These partnerships transformed day-care centers into pre-school segments of the education system and initiated early childhood development, ECD, programme which was used to qualify entry to primary school in Kenya. 3) A member of a specialist interest group (SIG) on ECE with partners from Jamaica and India. They developed ECD programme, Kenya Pre-School Education Project and a culturally sensitive curriculum. 4) Head of Kenya Pre-School Education Project at KIE, which developed curriculum modules for nursery schools and day centers, training of teachers, caregivers and supervisors. 5) As director of KIE, Lea played a significant role in the transfer of pre-school education to the Ministry of Education in 1979. 6) As director, she led the establishment of NACECE and DICECE and other policies that resulted in significant growth and expansion of ECE from the national level to grassroots across the country.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Kenya, Pioneer, Women, Curriculum
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8) When Academic Programs at Higher Education Institutes Do Not Meet the Market Needs: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia
Author Details: Omar M. Muammar-Ph.D. in Giftedness, University of Arizona-Fellow, ALC; Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia-Associate Professor -Vice President,Entrepreneurship and Creativity-Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University-Director of Leadership Center-Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University
Lea I. Kipkorir is one of the forgotten pioneers of early childhood education, ECE, in Kenya. This paper examines her life, career and contributions to the field. A 1969 graduate of Harvard University, Lea rose through the ranks to the heights of her career as the Director of Kenya Institute of Education, KIE, the institution charged with designing and implementation of the curriculum in Kenya. Her notable contributions to ECE in Kenya are in six areas. 1) Her career in ECE changed a common perception that early childhood education is for ‘academic failures in the school system.’ 2) Strengthened partnerships with Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Aga Khan Foundation and UNICEF. These partnerships transformed day-care centers into pre-school segments of the education system and initiated early childhood development, ECD, programme which was used to qualify entry to primary school in Kenya. 3) A member of a specialist interest group (SIG) on ECE with partners from Jamaica and India. They developed ECD programme, Kenya Pre-School Education Project and a culturally sensitive curriculum. 4) Head of Kenya Pre-School Education Project at KIE, which developed curriculum modules for nursery schools and day centers, training of teachers, caregivers and supervisors. 5) As director of KIE, Lea played a significant role in the transfer of pre-school education to the Ministry of Education in 1979. 6) As director, she led the establishment of NACECE and DICECE and other policies that resulted in significant growth and expansion of ECE from the national level to grassroots across the country.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Kenya, Pioneer, Women, Curriculum
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