Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 8 , Issue 8

Volume 8 , Issue 8

1) Role of Micro-Finance on the Economy of Pakistan by Using Vector Auto Regression Model: A Case Study of Sukkur
Author’s Details:(1) Faisal Rasool Siyal-MPhil. ScholarDepartment of Public Administration Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs(2)Prof. Dr. Syed Munir Ahmed Shah-Chairman Department of Public Administration-Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs(3)Mumtaz Hussain Junejo-Dean Faculty of Management Sciences-Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs
This research investigates the Role of Micro-Finance on the Economy of Pakistan By Using Vector Auto Regression Model: A Case Study of Sukkur.  Data were collected from various secondary sources, ie annual reports IMF reports.  It was revealed that Thus, microfinance has so far reached numerous people across the world. In this regard, MFIs have become dominant financial institutions for the poor who cannot access to formal financial institutions in some parts of the world. There are about 1000 listed micro finance institutions (MFIs) now operating in Pakistan (InM 2015). Beyond the MFIs, Non-government organisations (NGOs) are also actively involved in delivering microfinance activities in Pakistan. The total amount of credit so far disbursed till 2013 by all the MFIs is BDT 515,364.60 million (CDF 2013). The overall scenario and performance of MFIs in Pakistan can be found at a glance from the following Table 2.1. The table shows the name of the MFIs, numbers of active members, outstanding borrowers, disbursement amount and outstanding amount of loan and number of branches until 2013 in Pakistan. Among the top fifty MFIs as reported by Credit and Development Forum (CDF), the author has provided key information about the top eight MFIs in Pakistan. The Table 1 shows that the total number of active members of Grameen Bank was 8,543,977 while the number of outstanding borrowers is 6,738,588. The next position is held by BRAC, which has 5,640,684 active members and 4,528,600 outstanding borrowers. As the most promising MFI, DISA has been performing very well, having 45,429 active members while the number of outstanding borrowers stands at 36,161. The amount of disbursement of loan of DISA for the year 2013 is BDT 921.15 million
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2) Impact of Consumer Buying Behavior Behavior and Marketing Psychology: A Case study of Selsun Blue shampoo
Author Details: Arslan Ali Channa-MBA student-Kaplan Business School Melbourne, Australia

This research Investigates Impact of Consumer Buying Behavior Behavior and Marketing Psychology: A Case study of Selsun Blue shampoo.  Data were collected from various secondary sources i.e annual reports and magazines. Data were analyzed by using SPSS-24-Version.  It was revealed that Selsun Blue is one of the largest anti-dandruff shampoo brands in the FMCG category. The company has recently facing a challenging crisis with a historic low on sales and waning customer loyalty. Analysis of the current situation has led to the conclusion that the company’s marketing strategy is misaligned with factors that influence consumer behavior. There is a need to conduct consumer surveys and tap into the psychological factors that govern the behavior of consumers. These factors include individual, perception, attitude, motivation, and cultural factors. The demographic and psychographic variables also play a part in affecting consumer decisions. Keeping these factors in view, Selsun Blue needs to understand the needs of consumers more deeply and target the right customers through the right segmentation. It is recommended, after detailed analysis, that the company should rebrand itself through a new packaging and lower pricing. Clear information regarding the product’s main features should be provided on the packaging it, as FMCG products can be advertised on the shelf on supermarkets while consumers are searching through the aisles. The company should also focus more on enhancing the sales volume rather and improve revenue this way. This would enable the company to attract more customers and gain their loyalty, which is the main problem that it is currently experiencing. With these strategies, correctly executed, there is little reason why Selsun Blue, a genuinely effective anti-dandruff shampoo brand, should not become the favorite choice of consumers in the market. Lastly, the company can also take advantage of research studies that establish Selsun Blue as a more effective brand compared to its competitors. This can improve the credibility that customers can feel for the brand and thus increase repeat sales for the product at the hands of satisfied customers.
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3) Impact of Culture on Entrepreneurial Risk Taking Governance, Ethics and Sustainability
Author’s Details: (1)Arslan Ali Channa-MBA student-Kaplan Business School Melbourne, Australia (2)Dr.Nadeem Bhatti –HOD – Department of Business administration-North American College 730, Younge St.Suit No.207, Toronto, Ontario-Canada (3)Riaz Dahar-Postgraduate Student -ANU-Canberra Australia-(4)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor-SZABAC-Dokri-Email:faizs045@gmail.com

This research investigates the
Impact of Culture on entrepreneurial risk taking Governance, Ethics and Sustainability.  Data were collected by various secondary sources.  It was revealed that. Pressure increases, the situation becomes worse when the consultants are failing in getting new employees. The clients’ satisfaction survey reveals that they are not treated well once they commit for the deal, so later they are less likely to revert. Although, entrepreneurial risk taking and bringing new clients through creative ideas is productive for every company but if pressure is taken farther then the same practices cause damage for the company.  It was further revealed that as employees are solely compensated by commissions therefore they have to, at any cost, get sales done. Even if they have to cross ethical boundaries because if they won’t bring in the sales they won’t be compensated. Moreover, consultants are given ambitious targets and the target-setting flow is top-down. So, this means they will take high risks and often time will get the organization in danger as well
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4) Impact of HR practices of Woolworths Limited Australia
Author Details: Arslan Ali Channa-MBA student-Kaplan Business School Melbourne, Australia

This research investigates the A report on HR practices of Woolworths Limited Australia.  Data were collected from various secondary sources, ie. Annual reports, magazines and quarterly reports.  Data were analyzed by using SPSS-22 version.   It was revealed that Employee engagement could be enhanced by various tactics as mentioned earlier by the JD-R model. However, it has been observed that by expanding benefits with respect employee need is beneficial in enhancing their level of engagement. The company is suggested to provide a health bonus to its staff. Along with it, some senior employees with family issues can also be offered health care.It was further revealed that it was found out that the human resource department of the company is highly particular about the work performance of their staff. Since it is a retail company, it is essential for the staff to be trained enough to operate different IT technologies in the store. In this regard, it has been established that Woolworths annually spend a good amount of training and development of their staff to enhance their work performance. The company offers proper training to new staff to make them aware of the working criteria. Moreover, after performance audit, gaps in performances are met by relevant training where necessary. In short, HR management has a strong inclination towards the development needs of its staff.
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5) Digital Analytics, Big Data and Technologies: A case Analysis
Author’s Details: (1)Arslan Ali Channa-MBA student-Kaplan Business School Melbourne, Australia (2)Dr.Nadeem Bhatti-HOD-Department of Business administration-North American College-730, Younge St.Suit No.207, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (3)Riaz Dahar-Postgraduate Student-ANU-Canberra Australia (4)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor-SZABAC-Dokri-Email:faizs045@gmail.com Dr.Naheed Arian, Associate Professor, University of Sindh Jamshoro

Good Data is software that provides business intelligence to companies through big data and advanced analytics. Good Data is one of the strongest and highly rated software for supporting businesses to gather real marketing and customer related information. The key strength of the software is that it helps marketers to understand the requirements and needs of their customers in a better way. The marketing analytics is a major feature of GoodData which allows companies to understand the overall purchasing history and journey of their clients (GoodData, 2018). In addition, it provides social analytics to connect a company’s revenue with marketing expenses.
GoodData consists of comprehensive cloud analytics that links with a company’s cloud data to help them make better and faster business decisions concerning resource utilisation, sales, and other operations of the business. It provides companies with specific operational insights to enhance the efficiency of decision-making and smoothen the velocity of sales (GoodData, 2018). The cloud model that GoodData is based on is an innovative Insight as a Service model that allows cloud resources to integrate well with on-premise data. Thus, GoodData is multi-purpose business intelligence software that provides virtually all operational areas of companies to benefit from in a tangible way.
GoodData offers exceedingly useful features for sales analysts. It supports statistical techniques and tools that can be utilised by companies to make accurate sales forecasts. The statistical functions supported by GoodData include outlier analysis, trendline, and regression. Through these functions, companies can readily predict anomalies and sales in addition to predicting what-if scenarios and running affinity analysis (GoodData, 2018).  Not only is GoodData capable of providing accurate sales forecasts, it can  also  generate  insights  into recent changes in sales trends in the past, such as a company performing below expectations in terms of sales in the last  quarter. On the basis of these insights  provided,  sales professionals can focus on high-performance opportunities and allow business analysts to make recommendations for enhancing sales-oriented decisions of the company as a whole.
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6) Knowledge Management: A Case Study of the Citizen Foundation
Author’s Details: (1)Arslan Ali Channa-MBA student-Kaplan Business School Melbourne, Australia (2)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor-SZABAC-Dokri (3)Riaz Dahar-Post Graduate Student, ANU-Canberra (4)Dr.Mubashir Mehdi-Assistant Professor-University of Agriculture Faisalabad

This report has identified and presented details action-plans for TCF to work on in the quest of improving its knowledge management practices. It has catered several areas that includes from strategic, middle, to bottom levels management. This report is literature driven and hence incorporated the framework of Holsapple and Joshi’s  (2004)  and identified elements that influence knowledge management practices of TCF and illustrated  a  detailed  plan  of  how these can be tackled,  activities that  need to be implemented and  how  these will be implemented to flourish the right practices, and finally what resources  are needed to achieve  the given goals and objectives.
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7) A Case: Challenges Of Maternal Care In Haiti: Amidst the Health Policies, Systems and Rural Realities
Author’s Details: Ken Hashimoto1, Ernst Louis(1)Technical Adviser for the Ministry of Health in Haiti, Japan International Cooperation Agency (2)Director of Belle Anse Health Center, Department of South East, Ministry of Health in Haiti

Objectives: This narrative case study illustrates typical challenges in maternal care in rural Haiti, where access to the health service is considerably affected due to geographic, financial and cultural constraints, as well as fragile health systems and ambitious policies. The case aims to provide lessons and opportunities for discussion.
Background: In Haiti, 79% of the population lives in poverty. The country is under-resourced and offers 6.3 health professionals per 10,000 people. The Haitian Ministry of Health regulates institutional delivery. Normal delivery can take place in health centers in communes or departmental hospitals, while abnormal delivery is to be provided for at departmental hospitals. In the South-East Department, with an 85% rural population, only 12.8% of pregnant women delivered at health facilities in 2016.
Case narrative: In a remote village in the commune of Belle Anse, Marie was in labor with a traditional birth attendant. Because of increased bleeding, it was decided to transfer her to the local health center. Upon gathering fares, Marie and her husband travelled a rough road on a moto-taxi for one and a half hours. The health center staff immediately administered intravenous fluid. The physician suspected placenta previa and placental abruption, which required a C-section. The health center provided only basic emergency obstetric care, and so it was decided that Marie should be transferred to the departmental hospital, another hour and a half away by boat and by car. Since no ambulances were available in the area, they struggled to find the means. The hospital was too far to reach.
Discussion: Three questions are addressed: “What does this narrative imply?”, “What are the Haiti Government’s prospects?” and “What are the fundamental issues and a potential way forward?”
Keywords: health policy,  health system,  access,  childbirth,  Haiti
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8) First Reported Family of Heritable Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Sri Lanka- Case Report
Author’s Details:(1)Madegedara Dushantha (2)Bandare Asela (3)Senevirathna Sachini (4)Nakandela Samadera (5)Rathnayake R.M.D.H –Respiratory Unit, Teaching Hospital,Kandy ,Sri Lanka (1)Consultant Respiratory Physician (2) (3)Senior Registrar in Respiratory Medicine (4)Resident Respiratory Physician (5)Research Assistant – Correspondence – Dr DushanthaMadegedara ,dmadegedara@yahoo.com
Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension (PPAH) is a rare, often fatal disease characterized by elevated pulmonary pressure without secondary causes.  A minority of cases of PPAH are due to heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension (HPAH). HPAH is an extremely rare autosomal dominant disease, frequently caused by mutation in BMPR2 gene. Cases of HPAH have not been reported in Sri Lanka to date. We describe a Sri Lankan family, which we consider as the first reported family with HPAH.
A 38 year old female presented with two episodes of syncope following mild exertion. She reported mild exertional breathlessness, associated with bilateral leg oedema during preceding one year. There ware evidence of pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure at examination. Severe pulmonary hypertension was noted in 2D echocardiogram. Further investigations were failed to identify secondary aetiology. Her family history was remarkable that her mother and a sibling have died prematurely at 44 and 22 years of age respectively due to pulmonary hypertension. This demonstrated the autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance suggesting HPAH. However, genetic analysis was not available to recognize mutant gene due to lack of resources. Unfortunately, she succumbed to death as a result of severe uncontrolled pulmonary hypertension in spite of medical therapy.
HPAH is an extremely rare genetic disease. Detailed family history should be obtained to avoid misdiagnosis of cases in clinical practice. It is vital to recognize HPAH for family screening and early diagnosis of asymptomatic cases.
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9) Counselling Across the Gender Divide: Male Teachers’ Attitudes towards Counselling Secondary School Female Learners in Zimbabwe
Author Details: Moses Kufakunesu-Associate Professor in Psychology of Education, Great Zimbabwe University- Department of Educational Foundations, P.O Box 1235, Masvingo, ZIMBABWE
the attitudes of male secondary school teachers towards counselling female adolescent school learners were examined in Zimbabwe in the current study. The study was grounded in the field of Educational Psychology specifically focusing on Freud’s classical psychoanalytic theory, Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Horney’s feminine psychology together with Rogers’ person-centred theory. The qualitative research approach was employed with the descriptive survey as the research design. Data collection was done using open-ended questionnaires and telephone interviews. The researcher used the stratified random sampling method to generate a sample of 20 male secondary school teachers based in Masvingo. The stratification was done relative to teaching experience, age and highest professional qualifications. The study established that seven out of the 20 respondents expressed positive attitudes towards counselling female secondary school learners while eight of the respondents expressed serious misgivings regarding the exercise. The remaining respondents were half-hearted and pointed out that they were willing to assist female secondary school learners on a limited number of issues. Variables such as culture, technological advancement, ignorance of the counselling techniques and dynamics, the developmental stage of the target counsellees and the issue of qualifications to conduct counselling were cited by the research participants as they substantiated their opinions.  The researcher recommended that counselling workshops to sharpen classroom practitioners’ counselling acumen be undertaken on a regular basis so that counselling could be undertaken across the gender divide
Key words:
Counselling, adolescence, period of storm and stress, crushes, midlife crisis, gender divide, emotionality
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10) Management Consultancy Services and Growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Cross River State: A Study of Lafarge Cement Company Calabar, Nigeria
Author’s Details: (1)Ushie Michael Adadu (2)Egbe, Aneozeng Awo
(1)(2)Department of Business Administration-Faculty of Management Sciences Cross River University of Technology-Calabar, Cross River State – Nigeria
This present study examined the role of management consultancy services in the growth of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Calabar Cross River State, a study of Lafarge Cement Company. Extensive review of literature was carried out, findings from previous studies formed the fulcrum of this research work. Management consultancy services form expert opinions, building business processes and system and formulation of strategies. Other aspects include industry networks, access to credit and business diagnostics and training. Major findings of this study among others shared that the high cost of the management consultancy services is a great inhibitor to its access and utilization by owner managers of SMEs. Albeit, it was however established that owner managers were egger to embrace management consultancy services experts for the cost. The study concludes that if owner manager applies management consultancy services experts for the cost in their business, there would be a significant growth and the rate of failure would reduce.
Keywords: Management, Consultancy, Business, SMEs, Services Enterprises, Growth, Company

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11) Business and Ethical Decision Making For Corporate Efficiency: A Case of Royal Bank of Scotland
Author’s Details: (1)Michael Peter Ojie-Department of Business Management, University of Calabar, Nigeria(2)Ushie Michael Adadu-Department of Business Administration, Cross River University of Technology Calabar, Nigeria
This study assessed Business and Ethical Decision Making for Corporate Efficiency: A Case of Royal Bank of Scotland. An extensive review of related literature was carried out, as such, findings from preceding studies formed the pivot of this research piece. Business and Ethical Decision Making for Corporate Efficiency form professional views. The study of ethics is said to be focused on the choices facing an individual because, as a person brings in his or her personalities into the group; the standards of the group decision, would be forced to shape their values and behaviors. Therefore, to study ethics in management requires studying both the basis of an individual choices and how a group or organization ensures that the decision-making standards are followed. Other aspects include ethical leadership in organizations, decision-making process for business efficiency, business and ethical decision-making for business efficiency. While it was recommended that the entire business system needs an overhaul starting with, involving the employees as regards ethical behavior of organizations in the decision making process because they are assets of any organization, management should be morally ethical in their decisions to boost company’s reputation and finally by improving on the internal structures though enabling the free flow of information to aid transparency in organization’s business activities.
Business, Ethics, Business Ethics, Management, Business, Organization, Manager, Ethical, Decision-making, Ethical Leadership
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