Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 8 , Issue 7

Volume 8 , Issue 7

1) Assessing the Level of Meeting the Training Quality Requirements of Students Graduating From the Dien Bien College of Economics and Technology
Author Details:(1)Thi Hong Duyen Le-
Dien Bien Technical Economic College, Vietnam(2)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economic and Technical Industries E: ptthien.kt@uneti.edu.vn; T: +(84) 0914 915 926- Correspondence: Thi Thu Hien Phan No. 296/61/12 Linh Nam Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, Vietnam
This report aims to assess the level of satisfaction of training quality requirements of students and students after graduating from the Dien Bien College of Economics and Technology. Study and investigate, survey 300 former students and 300 employers, the results show the level of meeting the quality of education and training for employers of each department and the whole school: Faculty of Economics finance – Finance 79.52%; Faculty of Science – Engineering 76.55%; Faculty of Administrative Law 75.55%; The whole school 76.89%
Evaluation; response level; education quality
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2) Some Solutions to Improve the Quality of Work to Get Feedback from Learners about Teaching Activities of Lecturers
Author Details:(1)Thi Hong Duyen Le-
Dien Bien Technical Economic College, Vietnam(2)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economic and Technical Industries E: ptthien.kt@uneti.edu.vn; T: +(84) 0914 915 926- Correspondence: Thi Thu Hien PhanNo. 296/61/12 Linh Nam Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, Vietnam
This report aims to provide some solutions to improve the quality of the work of getting feedback from learners about teaching activities of lecturers at the Dien Bien College of Economics and Technology. Through this activity to assess the status of the teaching quality of the teaching staff. Thereby, building teachers with ethical qualities, professional conscience, improving pedagogical capacity and quality of lectures, and through this activity also helps the school to raise the sense of responsibility. in implementing training objectives, currently. On the students’ side, it also contributes to improving the sense of responsibility in implementing regulations on training and awareness raising in learning and research; create conditions for learners to reflect their thoughts and aspirations to express their opinions about the quality of lecturers’ lectures
Solutions, quality, feedback
[Download Full Paper] [Page 09-14]

3) An Investigation With Reference to the Place of Computers and Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance Learners at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
Author Details: Dr. Gor Ochieng Peter, PhD – Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media, Rongo University, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of demographic and institutional factors on the utilisation of online library services by distance learners at the University of Nairobi. Specifically, the study aimed at achieving one objective: viz. investigate the influence of adequacy of computers on Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance learners at the University of Nairobi. The study was anchored on the positivist research paradigm. Descriptive survey and correlation research designs were adopted for this study. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules. The target population consisted of 1671learners in the School of Open and Distance Learning and 14 librarians found in the University of Nairobi namely Kikuyu Campus, Chiromo Campus and the main library Campus (The Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library). The sample size was 312 respondents. A pre-test study was conducted using 31learners and 1 librarian. This constituted 10% of the study sample. The researcher tested for the inter-item reliability of the instruments using Cronbach’s Alpha and results ranged from 52.5%-95.8% for learners’ questionnaires while that of librarians recorded 69.8%.Data analysis were done using frequency counts, the mean and standard deviation while hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis; One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was at 0.05 level of significance. The finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between   internet connectivity and Utilization of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The results showed a coefficient of correlation r = 0.309, which suggests a positive relationship between variables; R2 = 0.137, which implies a positive linear correlation. The significance of change also referred to as the ρ-value is ρ= 0.019. This value is pegged on the study putting the limit of 0.5 or 95 percent degree of the confidence interval. Since ρ-value 0.019<0.05, the investigator rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the alternative that there was a significant relationship between Internet connectivity and utilisation of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The study recommends that all distance learners irrespective of their gender and age should be enlightened to use online library services provided by the University of Nairobi. In order to create awareness, there is a need to engage distance learners in activities that give practice and require them to demonstrate their competence in evaluating the quality of information they use. The outcome of this study may act as a basis for policy formulation for both the University of Nairobi and the government of Kenya regarding Distance Learning Programmes. Further research may be carried out to ensure that these demographic and institutional factors are tested in other study samples found in other public universities in Kenya.
Keywords: Internet connectivity, Institutional Factors, Distance Students, Utilization, Online Library Services
[Download Full Paper] [Page 15-30]

4) The Uniqueness of Saudi Female Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities
Author Details:(1) Dr. Najwa Mordhah-Assistant professor of Human Resources Management-Management Science Department-Yanbu University College (Women’s Campus) Royal commission/ Yanbua, KSA
Email: mordhahn@rcyci.edu.sa najwa_murdhah@yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 00966 552254480

In recent years, the Hofstede model of the cultural framework has captured the attention of scholars interested in the topic (Sivakumart & Nakata, 2001). This model explains that different cultures hold different values related to their work (Hofstede,1991). The argument of this study and also in other previous studies is that these values are not excluded to individual relations towards work itself, but also towards relationships with co-workers and as well as toward the organization and so forth. This paper contributes to the literature of cultural influence on the workplace especially Hofstede’s theory by understanding the unique context of Saudi Arabia and its impact on Saudi female workplace. Provides a coherent picture of Saudi culture and avoids any bias since the researcher is a female who is born and raised and have worked in the Saudi Arabian workplace environment. Therefore,  this paper envisions to explore the relationship between the religious and cultural environment of Saudi Arabia in the workplace of women. Yet, this paper would enrich the feminism theory from a new approach, an approach that deals with Islamic Saudi women in the workplace and whether veiling and segregation entail advantages or disadvantages to Saudi women.
Keywords: Culture, Religion, Hofstede’ Model,  Saudi work  cultural values, Saudi women workplace
[Download Full Paper] [Page 31-43]

5) Overview Some Aspects of International Law In Relation To Building Dams In the Developing Countries
Author Details:  (1)Quang Vu Luu, Dien Bien Technical Economic College, Vietnam  (2)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economic and Technical Industries E: ptthien.kt@uneti.edu.vn; T: +(84) 0914 915 926 Correspondence: Thi Thu Hien Phan No. 296/61/12 Linh Nam Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, Vietnam

A dam is a barrier or a wall built across a river which stops the river’s flow and collects the water. The article summarizes the theory of Dams and the Dam’s benefits and disadvantages in Vietnam.
Keywords: Dam, Vietnam, developing countries
[Download Full Paper] [Page 44-49]

6) Perceived influence of students Programme of study on Utilisation of online library services at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
Author Details: Dr. Gor Ochieng Peter, PhD – Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media, Rongo University, Kenya.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of demographic and institutional factors on the utilisation of online library services by distance learners of the University of Nairobi. Specifically, the study aimed at achieving one objective: viz. Asses the influence of students program of study on Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance learners at the University of Nairobi. The study was anchored on the positivist research paradigm. Descriptive survey and correlation research designs were adopted for this study. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules. The target population consisted of 1671learners in the School of Open and Distance Learning and 14 librarians found in the University of Nairobi namel Kikuyu Campus, Chiromo Campus and the main library Campus (The Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library). The sample size was 312 respondents. A pre-test study was conducted using 31learners and 1 librarian. This constituted 10% of the study sample. The researcher tested for the inter-item reliability of the instruments using Cronbach’s Alpha and results ranged from 52.5%-95.8% for learners’ questionnaires while that of librarians recorded 69.8%.Data analysis were done using frequency counts, the mean and standard deviation while hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis; One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was at 0.05 level of significance. The finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between   internet connectivity and Utilization of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The results showed a coefficient of correlation r = 0.309, which suggests a positive relationship between variables; R2 = 0.137, which implies a positive linear correlation. The significance of change also referred to as the ρ-value is ρ= 0.019. This value is pegged on the study putting the limit of 0.5 or 95 percent degree of the confidence interval. Since ρ-value 0.019<0.05, the investigator rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the alternative that there was a significance relationship between Internet connectivity and utilisation of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The study recommends that all distance learners irrespective of their gender and age should be enlightened to use online library services provided by the University of Nairobi. In order to create awareness, there is a need to engage distance learners in activities that give practice and require them to demonstrate their competence in evaluating the quality of information they use. The outcome of this study may act as a basis for policy formulation for both the University of Nairobi and the government of Kenya regarding Distance Learning Programmes. Further research may be carried out to ensure that these demographic and institutional factors are tested in other study samples found in other public universities in Kenya
Keywords: Internet connectivity, Institutional Factors, Distance Students, Utilization, Online library Service
[Download Full Paper] [Page 50-66]

7) Confidence in Understanding and the Subjective Norm’s Ability to Predict Behavioral Intention
Author Details: Eric Langstedt-Mount Saint Mary College

The subjective norm has been an inconsistent predictor of behavioral intention in the theory of reasoned action model.  This analysis examined an explanation found within health communication research, testing it in a consumer behavioral context.
The current study examined whether confidence in perceptions influences the utility of the normative measure as a predictor of purchase intention.  Respondents were asked to consider two purchase decisions.  Results indicate that the level of confidence people have in their understanding of normative beliefs influences their use of the subjective norm as a predictor of purchase intention.  Differing from previous studies that suggest behavior is either attitudinally or normatively directed, the subsequent analysis found purchase decisions to be attitudinal when confidence in perceptions of relevant others is low, and normative when confidence in perceptions of relevant others is high
Keywords: Theory of Reasoned Action; Theory of Planned Behavior; Subjective Norm; Purchase Intention
[Download Full Paper] [Page 67-73]

8) Quelques Facteurs Explicatifs De L’achat Des Produits De L’ordonnance Médicale  Chez Les Usagers De La Ville De Bingerville
Author Details: (1)Fofana Memon(2)Traoré Kassoum(3)Koutou N’Guessan Claude (1)(2)(3)Sociologue, Université Peleforo Gon Coulibaly

Although the question of access to care and their implication on the health of the population has been the subject of numerous studies, this is not the case for the purchase or not of the medical prescription by the doctor.  ‘User  Inequalities in access to health services and the disparities in their quality, the increase in infectious diseases and their implication on the mortality observed today, allow the conduct of deep reflections to understand the nature of the relationship of users to health.  ‘prescription.  The present study through the construction of the factors that influence the report of the user in possession of his medical prescription, provides some answers to the following question. What are the social resources that influence the purchase or not of the medical prescription by the user?  The study uses a participatory methodology (MAPP) that allows local users and all the entities involved in the care process (doctors, pharmacists, etc.) to construct, using a matrix, the factors influence and their degree of influence as a trend
Keywords: medical prescription, purchase, health, user, doctor
[Download Full Paper] [Page 74-80]

9) Study on the use of symbols in The Pilgrim’s Progress
Author Details: Zeng xiu曾秀 

The Pilgrim’s Progress is a classic work of English literature by John Bunyan, a celebrated English minister, and preacher. The book is the most characteristic expression of the Puritan religious view and it tells the story of Bunyan’s own conversion in symbolic form. The Pilgrim’s Progress was quite popular with all social classes at the time of its publication for Bunyan’s unique narrative technique and fine psychological description of the human mind. This paper tries to explore the religious thoughts expressed from the perspective of symbol study, mainly from the following aspects: in the description of the setting, in the embodiment of objects and in the life experience of the characters. Through symbolic images, the narrative of The Pilgrim’s Progress strengthens the feel of common life. With the analysis of these images, this study explores the deep religious spirit and conversion behind these images.
Keywords: symbolism; setting; objects; characters
[Download Full Paper] [Page 81-85]