Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 8 , Issue 6

Volume 8 , Issue 6

1) How to Improve Primary School Students’ Self-Regulated Ability in the English Learning
Author Details: Zhen Zhou- Foreign Language School, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Correspondence: Zhen Zhou – Tel: 15083549166. E-mail: zoye100@sina.com

At present, with the deepening of the new curriculum reform, whose aim is to cultivate students’ self-regulated learning ability, we can clearly discern many differences in the new textbooks, which puts forward new requirements for students and teachers, requiring students to collect information and solve problems independently and requiring teachers to effectively guide students to solve problems themselves. This paper attempts to discuss the problems existing in primary school students’ English learning, the affecting factors and the ways to improve primary school students’ regulated learning ability of English, so as to explore the ways to improve primary school students’ regulated learning ability of English
Keywords: Self-regulated learning ability; Primary school students;
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2) Technology for Treating Wastewater from Rubber Latex Processing
Author’s Details:(1)Thi Thu Hoai Pham, PHD-University of Economic and Technical Industries(2)Thi Thu Hien Phan, PHD-University of Economic and Technical IndustriesCorrespondence: Thi Thu Hien Phan No. 296/61/12 Linh Nam Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, Vietnam. E: ptthien.kt@uneti.edu.vn; T: +(84) 0914 915 926

The article analyzed the status and nature of waste from rubber latex processing. After that, the situation of treatment of rubber latex processing is analyzed through stages. In general, the rubber processing industry is an industry that has a lot of impacts on the environment, but waste treatment technology is getting better and better with better technology to improve the negative impact on the environment
Wastewater, rubber latex processing, Vietnam
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3) Acute Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Due to Sarcoidosis Mimicking Guillain-Barre Syndrome- A Case Report
Author Details: (1)Dushantha Madegedara (2)Asela Rasika Bandara (3)Sachini Seneviratne (4)Sajani Dharmadasa (5)Samadara Nakandala
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Teaching Hospital, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Corresponding author Dushantha Madegedara (E-mail-dmadegedara@yahoo.com)

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory granulomatous disease with diverse clinical manifestations. Neurological manifestations occur in the minority which can mimic much other pathology. Sarcoid peripheral neuropathy is a heterogeneous group comprising many different clinical patterns. Acute demyelinating type of polyneuropathy masquerading Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) can rarely occur due to sarcoidosis. We report a 50 year old female with recent onset symptoms of sarcoidosis developing acute demyelinating polyneuropathy mimicking GBS. The distinction between both conditions is important for appropriate management. However, this can be challenging in clinical practice
Keywords: Sarcoidosis, Demyelinating neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome

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4) Digitizing Payments: Opportunities for Financial Inclusion for Sub-Saharan Africa
Author’s Details: (1) Mark Yama Tampuri Jnr –Jiangsu University(2) Kong Yusheng –Jiangsu University

Use of technology innovation and digital inclined financial services has seen a remarkable endorsement in Africa. Mobile money accounts are growing and could overcome the number to those of financial institutions in Africa. The paper examines generally the opportunities for sub-Saharan African countries in digitizing financial services
The paper recommends the need to integrate financial inclusion strategies within humanitarian activities and proposes a shift in humanitarian using digital payments. It notes this should be done – in a hierarchy, and with a long-term goal, taking into consideration the different needs of financial services within an economy.
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Financial Institutions, Government Policy, and Regulation, Financial Markets  JEL Codes: G2, G21, G28, O16
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5) The Study of Scheduled Caste Movement and Protest in Western Uttar Pradesh
Author’s Details: (1) Dr.Krishna Agrawal, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Sociology, S.V. College, Aligarh
(2)Dr. Abhimanyu kumar,
Head of Department of Sociology Govt. P.G. College, Ranikhet, Almora

The term ‘Scheduled Castes’ is used for ‘untouchables’ as the then British colonial government through its Government of India Act 1935 placed these people in a schedule. In 1936, the British Government of India Order included certain castes in the list of Depressed Classes, such as the Scheduled Caste people. The Scheduled Caste people are in the lowest rung in the caste hierarchy throughout the country of India. In this social order of uneven relationships, the Scheduled Caste people are at the underside; and therefore are thought to be generally substandard to all others in the Indian community. This paper is based on the secondary sources related to scheduled caste movement
Keywords: Scheduled caste, people, community and relationship
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6) The Effects of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance: A Study on the Selected Pharmaceutical Firms of Bangladesh
Author Details: Safiqul Islam-MBA (Student), University of Dhaka, Department of Management

Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of work diversity on employee performance in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh. The study also sought to determine the effect of education diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity and age diversity on employee performance in the Pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh. A descriptive research design was used in this research. The study target population was all the managers working at the headquarters of all the pharmaceutical farms of Bangladesh. This study used non probability random sampling and snowballing sample method to fill up the questionnaire. The sample size of this study was therefore 50 workers of most renowned pharmaceutical farms of Bangladesh
Keywords: Race, Ethnicity, Economic Status, Pharmaceutical Industry
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7) Internet Connectivity as an Institutional factor influencing Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance Learners at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
Author Details: Dr. Gor Ochieng Peter, PhD – Directorate of Open and Distance Learning,- Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media, Rongo University, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of demographic and institutional factors on utilisation of online library services by distance learners of the University of Nairobi. Specifically, the study aimed at achieving one objective: viz. examine the influence of Internet Connectivity on Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance learners at the University of Nairobi. The study was anchored on the positivist research paradigm. Descriptive survey and correlation research designs were adopted for this study. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules. The target population consisted of 1671learners in the School of Open and Distance Learning and 14 librarians found in the University of Nairobi namely Kikuyu Campus, Chiromo Campus and the main library Campus (The Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library). The sample size was 312 respondents. A pre-test study was conducted using 31learners and 1 librarian. This constituted 10% of the study sample. The researcher tested for the inter-item reliability of the instruments using Cronbach’s Alpha and results ranged from 52.5%-95.8% for learners’ questionnaires while that of librarians recorded 69.8%.Data analysis were done using frequency counts, the mean and standard deviation while hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis; One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was at 0.05 level of significance. The finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between   internet connectivity and Utilization of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The results showed a coefficient of correlation r = 0.309, which suggests a positive relationship between variables; R2 = 0.137, which implies a positive linear correlation. The significance of change also referred to as the ρ-value is ρ= 0.019. This value is pegged on the study putting the limit of 0.5 or 95 percent degree of the confidence interval. Since ρ-value 0.019<0.05, the investigator rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the alternative that there was a significance relationship between Internet connectivity and utilisation of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The study recommends that all distance learners irrespective of their gender and age should be enlightened to use online library services provided by the University of Nairobi. In order to create awareness, there is need to engage distance learners in activities that give practice and require them to demonstrate their competence in evaluating the quality of information they use. The outcome of this study may act as basis for policy formulation for both the University of Nairobi and the government of Kenya regarding Distance Learning Programmes. Further research may be carried out to ensure that these demographic and institutional factors are tested in other study samples found in other public universities in Kenya.
Keywords: Internet connectivity, Institutional Factors, Distance Students, Utilization Online Library Services 
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8) Reliability of Power supply and utilization of online Library Services by Distance Learners at the University Of Nairobi, Kenya
Author’s Details: (1) Dr. Gor Ochieng Peter Ph.D. (2) Benedict Ochieng Yongo (1)(2)Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media, Rongo University, Kenya.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of demographic and institutional factors on the utilisation of online library services by distance learners of the University of Nairobi. Specifically, the study aimed at achieving one objective: viz. Examine the influence of reliability of power supply on Utilisation of Online Library Services by Distance learners at the University of Nairobi. The study was anchored on the positivist research paradigm. Descriptive survey and correlation research designs were adopted for this study. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules. The target population consisted of 1671learners in the School of Open and Distance Learning and 14 librarians found in the University of Nairobi namely Kikuyu Campus, Chiromo Campus and the main library Campus (The Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library). The sample size was 312 respondents. A pre-test study was conducted using 31learners and 1 librarian. This constituted 10% of the study sample. The researcher tested for the inter-item reliability of the instruments using Cronbach’s Alpha and results ranged from 52.5%-95.8% for learners’ questionnaires while that of librarians recorded 69.8%.Data analysis were done using frequency counts, the mean and standard deviation while hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis; One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was at 0.05 level of significance. The finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between   internet connectivity and Utilization of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The results showed a coefficient of correlation r = 0.309, which suggests a positive relationship between variables; R2 = 0.137, which implies a positive linear correlation. The significance of change also referred to as the ρ-value is ρ= 0.019. This value is pegged on the study putting the limit of 0.5 or 95 percent degree of the confidence interval. Since ρ-value 0.019<0.05, the investigator rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the alternative that there was a significance relationship between Internet connectivity and utilisation of online library services at the University of Nairobi. The study recommends that all distance learners irrespective of their gender and age should be enlightened to use online library services provided by the University of Nairobi. In order to create awareness, there is a need to engage distance learners in activities that give practice and require them to demonstrate their competence in evaluating the quality of information they use. The outcome of this study may act as a basis for policy formulation for both the University of Nairobi and the government of Kenya regarding Distance Learning Programmes. Further research may be carried out to ensure that these demographic and institutional factors are tested in other study samples found in other public universities in Kenya.
Keywords: Internet connectivity, Institutional Factors, Distance Students, Utilization, Online Library
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