Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 8, Issue 4

Volume 8 , Issue 4

1) The Impact of Dividend Announcement on Stock Prices: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan
Author’s Details:  (1)Usman Ghani-Department of Business Administration-University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad Ghulam Mujtaba Chaudhary-Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of Kotli (AJ&K)  Maria Ghani-Department of Business Administration-University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad

Dividend announcement is an important decision which changes the shareholder perception in the context of the company’s performance and profitability. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of dividend announcement on stock prices of commercial banks in Pakistan during the period of 2012 to 2016. Event window approach is used to analyze the impact of dividend announcement on stock prices. The 15 days event window is constructed which taking -7 (pre-announcement days) and +7 (post-announcement days) around the event day. The abnormal returns around the window are calculated by taking the difference in actual and expected returns. The market model is used to calculate expected returns. The average abnormal returns (AAR) and cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) are calculated to find out the overall impact. The results show an insignificant impact of dividend announcement on stock prices of sample banks statistically.
Keywords: Dividend Announcement, Stock prices, Event Study, Banking sector, PSE 100 Index.

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2) The Relationship between Sensation Seeking and Compulsive Buying
Author Details: Ertuğrul Gödelek-Mersin University, Science and Literature Faculty, Mersin, Turkey

this study aims at investigating the relationship between high-level sensation seeking and compulsive buying. The main hypothesis of this study is that “individuals who exhibit high-level sensation-seeking behavior also exhibit compulsive buying behavior.” Of course, the opposite of this would be a valid argument. Put it differently, “consumers who exhibit compulsive buying behavior also are high-level sensation seeking individuals.” To test this hypothesis, the Sensation Scale (Zuckerman, 1972; Zuckerman, 1971; Zuckerman, 1964) was administered to voluntary participants at first. Later, the “Buying Impulsiveness Scale” developed by Rook et al. (1995) was administered to measure compulsive buying behavior (Gödelek et al., 2018). 250 (151 women and 99 men) voluntary individuals participated in the study. The correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the data.It is found that the findings of the study confirmed the hypothesis
Keywords: sensation seeking, compulsive buying, purchase

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3) Impact of Exports on Economic Development of Pakistan: Exports and Economic Development: A Longitudinal Survey of Pakistan Economy (1985-2015)
Author’s Details: (1)Shahid Hussain Jalbani-Student of M.Phil-Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs(2)Riaz Dahar-University of Canberra Australia(3)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor-SZABAC-Dokri
The thesis aims to highlight the relationship between the exports and the economic development variables during 1985-2015. To obtain this purpose, the researcher has carried out a secondary research for collecting the required data. For example, only quality resources, such as World Bank, and official websites of the Pakistan government, have been accessed for collecting the required data. To evaluate the relationship between the variables, the author has used the exports (E) as an independent variable whereas Gross Domestic Product (GDP), tax revenue (TR), foreign direct investment (FDI), and unemployment (U) have been taken as dependent variables. Subsequently, the author has used E-views software for determining and assessing the relationship between the variables. More specifically, both simple linear regression and multiple linear regressions have been carried out. However, before applying and ascertaining their relationship, stationarity of all collected data has been performed. The empirical results reveal different findings relating to the variables. The result shows no strong relationship between the GDP and exports whereas tax revenue retains a weak relationship with the exports. On the other hand, FDI maintains no strong positive relationship with the exports. At the same time, unemployment retains a weak relationship.  The multiple regression results show a positive relationship between the exports and all four economic variables.
Keywords: Economic Development, Impact of Export

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4) Association between Glycemic Control and Lipid Profile in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Author’s Details: Ghada ZA Soliman, Amal  H AbdEl-Razek-Food Science Department; National Nutrition Institute; Cairo- Egypt Corresponding Author: amr_soliman2005@yahoo.com

Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disease. Impaired lipid metabolism resulting from uncontrolled hyperglycemia has been implicated in cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients. Also, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) has been regarded as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between HbA1c, fasting blood sugar (FBS) with serum lipid levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Subjects and Methods: Venous blood samples were collected from 84 type 2 diabetic patients as well as 42 age and sex matched apparently healthy control. Blood samples of all participants were analyzed for HbA1c and fasting blood glucose (FBG). Serum was analyzed for lipid profile including:  total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TAG); low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). TC/HDL-C ratio as well as HDL-C/LDL-C ratio was calculated. Results: All lipid parameters were significantly altered in T2DM patients as compared to normal control. Moreover, Patients with uncontrol diabetes (UCD) had significantly higher levels of FBG and lipid parameters than those with WCD. No significant difference in lipid parameters was found between both genders, except for TC/HDL-C ratio and HDL-C/LDL-C ratio of PCD females.
Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus-lipid profile-fasting blood glucose-Glycosylated hemoglobin-glycemic control.

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5) Egyptian Physalis peruviana L. as Anti-diabetic and Hypolipidemic Natural Herb: A Promising Treatment of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
Author’s Details: Ghada Z A Soliman1, Amira Sh. Soliman2, Mohamed S. Abbas2, Sara M.M. Abdallah1 Prof Dr Biochem at National Nutrition Institute, Cairo, Egypt; 2Natural Resources Department, Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies, Cairo University, Egypt-Corresponding author: amr_soliman2005@yahoo.com

Diabetes mellitus and associated complications continue to be a major health concern. The estimated number of diabetic patients is increasing worldwide despite new medicine discoveries. It is likely to increase to over 300 million by the year 2025. According to IDF diabetes Atlas 2015, an adult with diabetes in Egypt reaches 8.1 million. Due to the side effects of synthetic anti-diabetic drugs, the search for safe and effective anti-diabetic agents continues to be an important area of research. Physalis peruviana Linn. (Family Solanaceae) commonly called “Harankash” in Egypt is a small tropical annual herb. It is used in ethnomedicine for treating malaria, asthma and hepatitis. We aimed to investigate possible anti-diabetic, hypo-lipidaemic and antioxidant effects of Physalis peruviana on experimentally alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. Thirty-five rats were divided into 5 groups [(7 rats/group]: Normal &6 diabetics groups with different treatments; treatments: Non, glibenclamide, dried physalis, physalis p. ethanolic extract). The experiment lasted for 6 weeks. Fasting blood serum was analysed for blood glucose, cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triacylglycerol levels. Also HbA1c and MDA were analyzed. Dried physalis powder or its ethanolic extract was significantly effective in lowering serum glucose, cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels in the dried physalis powder or its ethanolic extract -treated diabetic rats compared with the control diabetic rats which exhibit hyperglycaemia accompanied with weight loss. Also increase HDL-C level, returning to near normal level. The present results indicate that dried physalis powder or its ethanolic extract possesses hypoglycemia, hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidaemic potential.
Keywords:Physalis puryviana
L, Antidiabetic drugs, Hyperlipidemia
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6) On Privacy between China and the West
Author Details: Xiaoling Yang-Foreign Language School-Nanchang Normal University

Privacy is the natural right of a person, and since human used the leaves to hide the embarrassment, privacy has existed already. Because of the different cultural history between China and western countries, Chinese and western people have different value views. Therefore, Chinese and western people have different views on privacy’s meaning, degree of emphasizing and legal status. In the communication between Chinese and western countries, the cultural conflict occurs frequently, and it seriously influences people’s mutual connection. This thesis not only discusses the different embodiment of privacy between Chinese and western people but also discusses the reasons for different views on privacy
Keywords: Privacy; Cultural differences; Reasons

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7) Exploring Oral English Teaching Strategies of Chinese Senior High School through Schema Theory
Author Details: Xuelian Lei-Foreign Languages Department, Nanchang Normal University, No. 889 Ruixiang Road, Changbei Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanchang city, Jiangxi Province, China

In oral English teaching of Chinese high school, oral discourse production and understanding have not been paid due attention, nor could it meet the required curriculum standard of spoken English. In this study, Schema Theory Survey is adopted to measure oral English skills of 116 senior high school students in mainland China. Furthermore, software SPSS 20.0 is used to analyze the data collected, and the explanation is given to the results. The results of Schema Theory Survey shows that learners always apply schema theory consciously or unconsciously to their English learning, and the construction, regulation, and activation of students’ linguistic schema, text schema, and content schema can promote the students’ oral English level, simultaneously teachers can employ Schema theory to help improve students’ oral English ability by strengthening the preparing work before speaking, and designing spoken activities with strong applicability. Further research is warranted to make more improvement in oral English teaching. Keywords: schema theory, oral English teaching, high school English

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