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Volume 8 , Issue 12

Volume 8 , Issue 12

1) Effect of Non-Financial Incentives on Employee Performance among Federal Polytechnic Staff in Ado-Ekiti
Author’s Details: 1Ogundipe, C. F. 2Bankole, O. A., 3Ayodele, O. O., & 4Obalakin, I. O. 1-4
Department of Business Administration, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria 

The study examined the effect of non-financial incentives on employee performance among Federal Polytechnic staff in Ado-Ekiti. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of recognition, developmental opportunity and career advancement on employee performance. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised both academics and non-academics in Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti. The sample size was 319 and was determined through the Yamane sampling model. Primary data used for the study were gathered through the administration of a structured questionnaire to the target respondents. Data gathered were analyzed using a regression model. The result showed that recognition positively and significantly affects employee performance, Furthermore, the result showed that developmental opportunity positively and significantly affects employee performance and finally, career advancement positively and significantly affect employee performance. Thus, it concluded that non-financial incentive positively affects employee performance among Federal Polytechnic staff in Ado-Ekiti.
Non-Financial Incentive, Employee, Performance

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2) One Stop Service In Order To Improve Community Service through Mall Public Service
Author’s Details: Susi Ratnawati’, Sri Umiyati² –
¹’ Faculty of Social Science and Political Sciences Bhayangkara University, Surabaya Indonesia ²’Faculty of Social Science and Political Sciences, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya Indonesia
The new public service through the Mall Public Service is the answer to the wishes of the public about fast, easy, safe, comfortable and integrated services. It takes high morale and fighting power to bring all Human Resources personnel to the level of change Mall Public Service l is an integration of business processes, operational mechanisms, data sharing, management of Human Resources, infrastructure facilities that support the convenience of each visitor, especially for vulnerable groups, cooperation between the central government, regional governments, and the private sector A total of 24 agencies both central, regional, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) joined in this Public Service Mall. From here also, 168 types of services can be directly arranged, starting with police services, Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) Health, labor, taxation, immigration, MSME galleries, banking, prosecutors, State electricity companies (PLN), Regional Water Companies (PDAM) ), including licensing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM). So, people do not need to go back and forth to many places to take care of many things. But, it is enough to come in one place, and the officers assigned at the Sidoarjo Mall Public Service are officers who are already trained, professional, and always friendly in serving. The goal is that the community is truly maximized when they receive services. As the existing program, namely prioritizing community satisfaction in service. So the officers stationed here are friendly people in serving the community. Where a good government is a government that serves, not ask to be served.
Keywords: one stop service, community, mall, public service, integration
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Non-Smoking Area Policy in Public Spaces as an Effort to Protect Passive Smokers
Author’s Details: Diana Rapitasari¹, Susi Ratnawati² ¹’² Bhayangkara University Surabaya Indonesia

This study examines the policy of no smoking areas in public open spaces comprehensively as an effort to reduce cigarette smoke exposure where the program and activities also efforts of the government and the community through education and advocacy and awareness about dangers of smoking. Research targets review and analyze non smoking area policies in public open spaces to prevent exposure to cigarette smoke, so these variables can be studied comprehensively and holistically then a qualitative approach is used. In 2017 cigarette production was 341,9 billion cigarettes. According to director of customs and excise admissions and regulations at the directorate general of customs and excise Susiwijono when looking at the actual cigarette production realization figures in the July 2014 period, it can be seen that the effect of the Government regulation no 109 of 2012 related to the provisions of the Health Warning (pictorial health warning) that requires installation of health warning pictures 40% of the area of cigarette packaging is not too significant in controlling the production and consumption of cigarettes. There may be an effect on cigarette consumption, but not to large. Of the ten largest smokers in the world, Indonesia ranks third after China and India. For Surabaya, the active number of workers among young people at the age of students is very alarming. In October 2012, active smokers were 12,98 % and 14,3% of students had and sometimes smoked. Surabaya city government often sees that people who don’t smoke or can be termed passive smokers often get the effects of people who smoke or are active smokers. Of course, passive smokers get losses here especially health problems and disruption of the public environment.
Keywords: policy, non-smoking, public areas, regulation
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4) Relationship between Teacher Classroom Observation and Student Academic Performance in KCSE in Public Secondary Schools in Rongo Sub- County, Kenya
Author’s Details:(1)Opere William Odoyo (2)Dr. Gor Ochieng Peter (3)Tom Odhiambo Wawa-Directorate of Open & Distance Learning, Department of Curriculum Instruction & Media, Rongo University, Kenya. Correspondence Authors
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of external instructional supervision on students’ academic performance in KCSE in public secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County, Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at achieving one objective viz: Determine the influence teacher classroom observation on students’ academic performance in KCSE in public secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County. A descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. The target population comprised of 309 teachers from 16 public secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County. The sample size therefore consisted of 16 principals, 96 teachers and 2 quality assurance and standards officers hence constituting a total of 114 respondents that were used in the study. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview schedules.The validity of the instruments was done using a pilot study. The reliability of the instruments was computed using a formula by Mugenda & Mugenda (2006) that recorded a correlation coefficient of 0.789; thus, the instruments were reliable. Data analysis was run using percentages and frequency counts. The findings indicated that teacher classroom observation influenced students’ academic performance in KCSE in public secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County. The results further revealed a positive correlation between comments given to teachers by the supervisors and students’ academic performance in KCSE examinations and finally, that the selection and use of teaching and learning resources improved teacher delivery of content, which eventually translates into student academic performance at KCSE examinations. The study recommends that there should be enough provision of facilities to enhance the process of classroom observation by external supervisors. 
Keywords:Teacher Classroom Observation, Students’ Academic Performance
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Influence of Direct External Environment on the Performance of Fast Food Restaurants in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis
Author’s Details: (1)Bankole, O. A. (2)Ajayi, O. M. (3)Olasehinde, S. A.1-2Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management Sciences Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria-4Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management Sciences-Federal University of Oye Ekiti, Nigeria

The study examined the effect of the external business environment on the performance of fast-food restaurants in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of customer, competitor and supplier on the performance of fast-food restaurants Ado-Ekiti Metropolis.  A descriptive survey research design was employed. The population of the study comprised of a staff of registered fast-food restaurants in Ado-Ekiti. The sample size of 146 was employed using census sampling. Primary data used for the study were gathered through the administration of a structured questionnaire. Data gathered were analysed using multiple regression. The study found that the external business environment (customer, competitor and supplier) has a significant effect on performance (t=7.399, t=4.637, t=4.053, p<0.05). The study concluded that the external business environment is significantly and positively related to the performance of fast-food restaurants in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis from which the recommendation was made.
Business, Environment, Fast Food, Performance

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Which Leg Shall I Cut Off ? (Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID) is not only a neurologic disease -Results of five case-studies)
Author Details: Prof. Dr. Erich Kasten-Medical School Hamburg, Am Kaiserkai 120457 HAMBURG (Germany)

Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID, formerly known as Body Integrity Identity Disorder, BIID) is the intensive feeling that the body will be “more complete” after the amputation of a limb. One explanation is a defect of the somatosensory cortex due to e.g. a developmental mistake in a fetal status with the result of a reduced representation of the concerned limb in the CNS. In this short article the data of five subjects are presented. Here, the need for an amputation has changed, e.g. from the left to the right leg. This finding is not in accordance with the theory of brain dysfunction. these people rather have the ideal to have a stump instead of an arm or a leg. Many of them see one-legged or one-armed persons as “heroes” who still survive in an awkward environment due to personal strength and in spite of their handicap. Suggested is a developmental theory in three phases: 1. eurobiological base: an “error” of body representation, achieved in a fetal status (genetic or due to a minimal brain lesion); 2. Developmental influence: Identification with a handicapped person in a sensible phase of early youth and 3. Confirmation: stress, frustration and sexual identity problems lead to lead to an unstable living situation. Through pretending with crutches or in a wheelchair, those affected experience relaxation and inner peace; this is repeated in other frustrating life situations and there is the stabilization of the idea that an amputation solves all problems.
Keywords: BID, Body Integrity Dysphoria, BIID, Body Integrity Identity Disorder, Apotemnophilia, Wannabe, Xenomelia

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Impact of Local Government Administration on Welfare of People: A Case Study of District Kashmore
Author’s Details: (1) Muhammad Naeem Mirani-M.Phil Scholar-Department of Economics-Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs(2)Fayyaz Raza Chandio – Chairman  – Department of Economics-Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs

“The transition from the old local government system to the new one is the symbol of Achilles’ heel in the changed system. Consequently, the adopted local government system 2001 is an attempt to move from the traditional way of administration to contemporary one. Undoubtedly, new local government mechanism has innovative structural and operational characteristics which would not only affect the old traditions of the system but also offer effective code of conduct and new standards to the local government mechanism of Pakistan. The newly introduced system, good ideas and new principles have been installed to offer the fundamental facilities to the common public. However, it is an essential fundamental responsibility of the system to turn their theoretical ideas into authenticity to empower the affected people. During the execution of a standard procedure system, it comes across a set of challenges. On the other hand, the innovative system is considered as the unique one in its characteristics and lacking behind in the effective execution. The main purpose of this academic project is to explore the apparent realities of the mechanism through a collection of authentic information from the residents through the questionnaire. This tool of information has been designed in all aspects and dimensions. The collected information has been analyzed and offered a set of findings for further consideration which are going to be used for the future prospects of the new installed system of local governance in the state. In spite of the actual fact that it’s going to preferably be taken additional common within the event that common open is giving lower scores on the execution of unused framework than the councilors and government hirelings in any case, extraordinary states of mind are worrisome. The most outstanding verdict of the study is that there is a lack of insight and information about the system itself by all the users, which is building the system performance-evaluation more confusing, intricate and thus, the theme to a diversity of elucidation. The statistical methods measured the prospects of system and service delivery among masses. To improve the performance of the new system, the common masses must share their collective opinion pertinent to service delivery by the local government administration system of the country”.
Keywords: Welfare of People

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8) To Develop A Cybernetics Approach to Judge Recent Initiatives towards A More Entrepreneurial Economy of Pakistan

Author’s Details: Fritz Bohmler. Lic. Oec USG / Switzerland CEO of:  kmu-consult-böhmler gmbh – Germany
Visiting Pakistan the last 6 years I was confronted everywhere with the impacts of a poor, fast growing society with increasing unemployment. Due to its importance the top governmental level asked the educational institutes officially to enhance the entrepreneur abilities off the continuously growing number of more than 500.000 students/ year. Being always near to students as visiting Prof, trainer in entrepreneur workshops, and speaker at international and national conferences I was frustrated about what I felt desperate, partially useless approaches -because purely academia driven or only for the upper class accessible – to address this crucial topic for a more economical and sustainable development of Pakistan.Curious, innovation driven, Master of social sciences, MBA, Entrepreneur and CEO of innovative companies I was wondering what are the reasons for such a huge mismatch of need and approaches. Personally perceiving weekly one new business opportunity and listening to excellent ideas of young students.

Keywords: Cybernetics Approach, Entrepreneurial, Economy of Pakistan
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In Pursuit of Innovative Financing Alternatives for Social Enterprises: Lessons for Social Enterprises of Bangladesh
Author Details: Mohammad Abul Bashar-Associate Professor-Department of Management-University of Chittagong-Chittagong, Bangladesh

In the pace of breeding population social demands are increasing while the scarcity of the resources is predominating. Consequently, poverty is overwhelming the world. Various socio-economic problems, fundamental needs and wants are still unmet, or are yet to be addressed proficiently by the existing market systems (Di Domenico et al. 2010; Peredo& McLean, 2006; Hacket, 2010). Research evidence indicates that social enterprises (SEs) that are convincingly addressing social needs (Mair and Marti, 2006; Levine, Kogut and Kulatilaka, 2012 and Darko, 2015) are constantly confronting barriers to access financing in a sustainable manner ( Arena, et al, 2018). For instance, so far, the institutional financing solutions (like grants, charity, and personal equity) that are being widely exploited by the SEs are not sufficiently adequate to support social tech start-ups to scale (Arena, Bengo, Calderini and Chiodo, 2018). On the ground, this research aims to explore the innovative financing methods and instruments for social enterprises (SEs). This research contributes  in two ways – i) identified new tools of financial re-engineering through exploring of financing practices by some of the forwarding thinking foundations and pioneering countries, and ii) thereby, harvesting lessons for Bangladeshi social enterprises, so that Bangladeshi SEs find the ways to conquer financing challenges and overcome the difficulties to attain financial sustainability.
Financing social enterprises, approaches, challenges and financial sustainability

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Social Entrepreneurship in Market Failures Contexts: Examining ‘BRAC Model’ as Resolving Social Problems in Bangladesh
Author Details: Mohammad Abul Bashar-Associate Professor-Department of Management-University of Chittagong-Chittagong, Bangladesh
Food security crisis, unemployment, poverty, climate change, global warming etc. are the fundamental and inevitable challenges, and/ or social problems of the world today (World Economic Forum, 2016). Growing research indicates that local to global policy makers, think-tanks, intellectuals and practitioners are constantly urging to mitigate those social problems in an effective, value creating and sustainable way. Numerous research evidence suggests that, despite the nascence, social entrepreneurship can act as a role model to initiate a functional change in the society. This study aims to investigate ‘the BRAC model’. The research found that the ‘BRAC model’ is unique to any other social enterprising model in the world. Since its inception in 1972, inferences based on thousands of real world stories (BRAC Annual reports from 1973 to 2018 in http://www.brac.net/annual-reports-and-publications) throughout Bangladesh and overseas, BRAC has been distinctively contributing to motivating the disadvantaged marginal people and the youth to initiate actions towards bring positive social change in the society. This research suggests that social entrepreneurs (in both developing and developed countries) may adopt or adapt or accommodate the ‘BRAC Model’ in shaping social enterprises toward the accomplishment of the socially sustainable model in a given context. This study used the method is a qualitative (monographic descriptive) method with a single case study design predominated by logical analysis and synthesis.
Social Entrepreneurship, Market Failure, BRAC Model and Sustainability.

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Effects of Job Rotation and Knowledge Sharing On the Performance of Teaching Hospital Staff in Ekiti State
Author’s Details: BANKOLE, Oluwole A., EGUABOR, Roland O., OBALAKIN, Isaac O. 1-3Department of Business Administration, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
The study examined the effects of job rotation and knowledge sharing on the performance of Teaching Hospital Staff in Ekiti State. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of job rotation and examined the effect of knowledge sharing on the performance of teaching hospital staff in Ekiti State.  A descriptive survey research design was employed. The population of the study comprised teaching hospital medical staff in Ekiti State. The sample size of 308 was employed using the Yamane sampling model. Primary data used for the study were gathered through the administration of a structured questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed using linear regression.  The study found that job rotation has a significant effect on employee performance (t=8.140, p<0.05) and that knowledge sharing has significant effect on employee performance (t=10.181, p<0.05) thus concluded that job rotation and knowledge sharing is significantly and positively related to the performance of teaching hospital staff in Ekiti state.
Job Rotation, Knowledge Sharing, Performance

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