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Volume 8, Issue 1

Open Access Journal

Volume 8, Issue 1

Impact Factor 4.428

1) Democracy, Local Government and Development in Nigeria: Case of Ekiti State
Author’s Details: (1) OLUWALEYE, Janet Monisola (PhD)-Department of Political Science-Ekiti State University, Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria(2)IFEYINWA, Arum (PhD)-Department of Political Science-Ekiti State University, Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria

There is a renewed interest on emphasis for revival of local democracy around the world. This is contingent on the strategic position occupied by the local government as a tool for effective governance and development. Thus, the constitution provided for a democratically elected local government councilors and chairmen to bring about the expected development. However, of recent, true democracy at the local government has been replaced with the practice of appointing caretaker committees appointed by the Governor. This practice is usually rubber stamped through stage-managed elections usually conducted by the chief executive to achieve their personal objectives. The study considers democracy at the local government level of Ekiti State with a view to assessing its practice and attendants effects on development. It employs both primary, interview with key informants, and secondary data to interrogate democracy and the performance at the local level. This study discovers that local governments have performed below expectation and that genuine democracy is needed at the local government level to bring about the much desired development longed
Key Words: Democracy, Development, Local Government, caretaker committee, Election

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2) The Impact of Students’ Attitude on their Performance in Mathematics: The Case of Secondary schools in Babessi Sub-Division
Author’s Details:Valentine Banfegha Ngalim (Ph.D.), The Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Ibrahim Yusuf Mbenteh (DIPEN II), Higher Teacher Training College, Bambili, The University of Bamenda

The persistent under-achievement in Mathematics has warranted further research to determine the place of attitude in students ’academic performance in this subject. The attitude of students in Mathematics is a factor that is known to influence their learning and performance. This paper sets out to investigate students’ attitude on their performance in Mathematics. We adopted a descriptive survey design to carry out the studies. The target population comprised all forms five students in government secondary (grammar) schools Babessi sub-division. Purposive sampling was used to select the type of school, and random samplings were used in selecting the schools and students. We used questionnaires to collect data from 138 students from the four selected schools. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. From the findings, we concluded that students’ attitudes have a significant effect on their performance in Mathematics. The poor performance of students in the Mock results for the 2017/2018 academic year (with a 14% pass)testify that most students in secondary schools in Babessi sub-division probably have a negative attitude towards Mathematics. Also, the students’ performance in Mathematics could be attributed to other intervening variables like teaching methods and the use of teaching aids in the subject. However, we recommended the necessity for teachers to promote learning habits that develop good attitudes thus enhancing the good performance of students’ in the subject.

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3) The Relationship between Student-Teacher Ratio and Academic Achievements at Secondary Level in the Subject of Physics
Author’s Details: Saeed Ahmad1, Muhammad Arshad2, Dr. Zia Ahmad Qamar3, Dr. Muhammad Hameed Nawaz4
1SST (Sc), GHS Warburton (City), Nankana Sahib, Punjab (Pakistan) 2SST Science, Govt. Fazilka Islamia Model High School Pakpattan, Punjab-Pakistan3Govt. High School No.1 Haveli Lakha, Okara-Pakistan. E-4Associate Professor, University of Lahore, Punjab (Pakistan)

The research study was conducted to explore the relationship between the student teacher ratio and academic achievements at the secondary level in the subject of physics. The study was experimental research by nature so pre-test, post-test control group design was adopted and the sample of 127 students of 10th grade from Govt. High School Warburton out of the population of 287 students was divided into control and experimental groups with 40 students (control group) and 87 students (experimental group). Units (1-5) from the physics book 10th grade published by Punjab Text Book Board Punjab were selected as contents of study and two achievements tests (Pre & Post) in Physics were developed having 20 multiple choice items. The validity of the instruments was assured by the expert opinions of three experts and the reliability of the instruments was assured using test-retest techniques having 0.837 Pearson’s product moment. Pre and post tests were administered to the Experimental and Control groups by the researcher along with the two other teachers and data was collected. The data collected were tabulated, mean score and standard deviation statistics were used to explore the answers of the research questions while the t- test statistics were employed to test the hypothesis for the analysis and interpretation of data. It was concluded from the analysis and interpretation of data that there exists an inverse relationship between academic achievements and student teacher ratio and was recommended that Government may ensure the implementation of the law of student teacher ratio at the secondary level.
Key Words: Student- teacher ratio, Academic achievements, Secondary level, Physics
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4) An Explorative Study to Investigate the Academic, Financial and Administrative Problems of the Principals of Government Higher Secondary Schools in the Province of Punjab
Author’s Details: (1)Farooq Ahmad, Ph.D. Scholar, University of Lahore, Pakistan (2)Dr. Zia Ahmad Qamar, Govt. High School No 1 Haveli Lakha. Okara Pakistan (3)Faheem Huma Gulzar, Ph.D. scholar, University of Lahore, Pakistan (4)Muhammad Arshad, Ph.D. scholar, University of Lahore, Pakistan (5)Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Baig, University of Lahore, Pakistan

The intent of this study was to recognize the problems of Principals of Government higher secondary schools of the province of Punjab. This study was quantitative based on survey design. A survey was conducted for the collection of relevant data from the respondents. All the public higher secondary schools’ principals of the province Punjab were the target population of this research, while the principals of 10 districts (e.g., Gujranwala, Gujarat, Sialkot, Narrowal, Hafizabad, MandiBaha-ud-Din, Bhakkar, Khushab, Mianwali, and Sargodha) of the province Punjab was the sample of this study. To draw the sample for this study, multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was adopted. To the tune of 187 principals of Government Higher Secondary schools was constituted the sample of this study. As a research instrument, a self-devised questionnaire was used to obtain the pertinent data from the respondents. Statistical techniques like frequency, t.test, and one-way ANOVA were applied for analysis of the data. It was found that principals of the public higher secondary schools were facing different kinds of problems like academic, financial and administrative in administrating of their schools. Consequently, some recommendations were made to deal with these problems efficiently.
Principals, financial, administrative and academic problems, Higher secondary schools
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5) Determinant of Family Background Variable on Career Choice of Secondary School Students in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Author Details: Babatunde Joseph Ojo (Ph.D.) – Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Nigeria

The study investigated determinants of family background variables on the career choice of secondary school students in Ekiti State, Nigeria.  The purpose of the study is to determine which of the family background variable that influences the career choice of secondary school in Ekiti State.  To also find out the degree at which each of the variables influences the career choice of these students.  Two questions were raised to guide the study with one null hypothesis. Descriptive of survey design was employed in the study.  The population was all senior secondary school students where 500 students were sampled through stratified and Simple Random Sampling Methods. A self-designed instrument named family background variables and career choice questionnaires (FBVCCQ) was used to collect relevant information. The instrument was validated through test-retest with the reliability coefficient of 0.78.  The instrument was administered and collected immediately.  The collected data were analysed using frequency counts and percentage, ANOVA was used to test the only one hypothesis formulated.  The results revealed that family background variables generally have an influence on the choice of career among the secondary school students in Ekiti State.  The study suggested that career program should be put in place by the counselling unit in the school to help these students in preparing for their future
Family background variables, career choice, parents’ decision, parents’ occupation, parents’ income, siblings influence, home types, family occupation
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6) Application of Online Based Licensing Services Innovation
Author’s Details: Vera Rimbawani¹ juli Nurani¹ Susi Ratnawati²
Faculty of Law¹’ faculty of Social and Political Science², Bhayangkara Surabaya University  

In connection with service Investment licensing now has developed a service system whose main purpose is directed to the creation of ease of service Investment permit both foreign and domestic, without reducing the requirements that must be met by applying the concept of “one roof service system.” Previously, the concept of investment licensing service that carried was “one stop service system” by relying on “one door service system.” However, the concept of licensing services does not bring much change to the lower level, where investors still feel the convoluted procedure where the requirements, time and cost to be incurred by investors cannot be measured or ascertained.Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Sidoarjo Regency made a breakthrough online package service with the intention of simplifying the process of permission at the same time and facilitate the submission of application through internet media. It aims to provide convenience and alternative means of applying for permits.Research methods used by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014: 31-33) in the analysis of qualitative data there is three flow of activities that occur simultaneously. Activities in data analysis are Data Condensation, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing / Verifications. This research is divided into 3 (three) stages. They are first collecting primary data and sekuder through interview, observation and documentation, research location and preparation of research result of the application of public service innovation in Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Sidoarjo Regency. Both process analysis and application of public service innovation, modeling. The third is the implementation of the innovation model design of licensing service based online with the good and the formulation of the recommendation of the innovation model of licensing service based on online license in the Integrated Licensing Service Agency. Outcomes in the form of Scientific Publications in International Journal reputable in the journal Society for International Development and textbooks
Keyword: aplication, innovation, service Lisence, online
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7) Sensitivity to Classroom Diversity among Teachers of Minority Children in the United States
Author’s Details: *(1)Annette Mohan, Ph.D-A & M University, Huntsville-6619 Winchester Circle, Pelham, AL 35812 (2)Grace Jepkemboi, Ph.D-University of Alabama at Birmingham-EB 116, 1720 2nd Avenue S – Birmingham, AL 35294-1250 Email: memoi@uab.edu

*Corresponding author: annette.mohan@aamu.edu
The landscape of classrooms in the United States is undeniably changing. Schools and teachers are seeing more diversity of learners in terms of culture, race, language, traditions, family systems, and socio-economic status and special needs children. These changes affect the conversations and human interactions teachers have to make education more meaningful and students successful. Whereas diversity is a strength and enhances the school and learning community, it can also present  challenges to those who may not embrace it. According to Banks (2007), the intricacies of cultural differences could lead to potential misunderstandings and even conflict.  The purpose of this article is two-fold: 1) To explore effective tools for navigating diverse classroom environments and empowering educators to be culturally responsive to the needs of the learners. 2) Expound the role of teacher sensitivity as they work and interact in highly diverse classroom environments
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8) Analysis of Adult Literacy Teachers Training Programme In Punjab
Author’s Details:Ghulam Haider1, Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Baig2, Dr. Namra Munir3, Dr. Zia Muhammad Abbasi4, Dr. Zia Ahmad Qamar5
Ph.D. scholar Department of Education, The University of Lahore, Pakistan2Head of Department, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan3Assistant Professor Department of Education, The University of Lahore, Pakistan4Deputy District Education Officer Talagang Dist. Chakwal5 Govt.High School o 1 Haveli Lakha Okara, Punjab Pakistan

Teachers not only build a structure for one field of life but also have tools and ideas to build up generation and strategies for every nation, society, and country. It must not be done without adult teachers training and not achieve the national goals or objectives of education. So this study has been designed to evaluate the adult literacy teachers training programme in the southern districts of the province of Punjab viz: Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalpur. The study was quantitative in nature based on a survey of the opinions of the literacy teachers teaching in the aforesaid districts of Punjab. A questionnaire was used as a research tool for this study. To the tune of 300 teachers were selected at random as the sample of the study. The obtained data were analyzed applying frequency and percentage. It was found that the literacy teachers of these districts had the desire to be trained in a very comprehensive way. Literacy teachers should be given an incentive for effective training. Furthermore, the recommendations and suggestions were made on the basis of these findings
Key Words: Adult education, literacy, adult literacy, literacy teachers, training programs
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9) Strabismus Surgery in Adults: A New Formula for Calculating in Recessing-Resecting Muscles
Author Details: Duong Dieu, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Faculty of Medicine, 300 A Nguyen Tat Thanh street-W4-Hochiminh City-Vietnam

The author introduces a new formula is simple for calculating the amount of muscle to recess-resect for the surgical correction of esotropic strabismus and exotropic strabismus. There are many ways to measure the angle of strabismus and many methods to calculate the amount of muscle recess-resect in a pair of opposing muscles. The Hirschberg method for measuring the kappa angle was described details here for diagnosis. Based on this diagnosis, a new formula was proposed will be easily calculating in surgical correction of strabismus in adults. 
Keywords: esotropic or exotropic strabismus, strabismus surgery, recess-resect muscle surgery, a formula for calculating
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10) A New Procedure Graft by Rotated Conjunctival Flap with One U Suture for Surgical Pterygium
Author Details: Duong Dieu-Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Faculty of Medicine, 300 A Nguyen Tat Thanh street-W4-Hochiminh City-Vietnam

Pterygium is a degenerative ocular surface disorder with fibrovascular dysplasia growth of the subconjunctival tissue onto the cornea that can be caused cosmetic as well as vision when it got advanced. The most popular surgical procedure is currently limbal conjunctival autograft with suture, sutureless or glue. It has its own drawbacks like cost, increased operating time, postoperative discomfort, inflammation, necrosis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, scarring, and granuloma formation. A new procedure by a rotated conjunctival flap with one U suture is introduced details.  It is an easy and cheaper technique for the management of pterygium with less recurrence
surgical pterygium, rotated conjunctival flap, one U suture, pterygium recurrence.
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11) Impact Of Technology on the Academic Performance of Form One Pupils in Masvingo Urban, Zimbabwe
Author’s Details:(1) Kudzai Chinyoka, Emily Ganga (2) Rose Mugweni
Great Zimbabwe University-Department of Educational Foundations

this study examined the impact of technology on form one pupils’ academic performance in two secondary schools in Masvingo urban. The study is informed by Bandura’s social cognitive learning theory and Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory. The study used a phenomenological design with interviews with eight students (four from each school) and two teachers as data-collection instruments. The design helped to bring to the surface deep issues and to make the voices of the participants heard. To make sense of the collected data, the researchers applied the grounded theory of data analysis to identify themes and categories. This study established that the use of technology by children at both their homes and schools positively and negatively contributed to learning and academic performance. Technology allowed the dissemination of knowledge to be dispersed instantly and it allows for quicker and more effective communication. The study established that, if the technology is used in moderation and under adult guidance, it enhances language development, creativity, and problem solving skills while overuse and addiction to certain types of technologies can be disastrous. This study recommends that parents and teachers monitor children’s use of technology in order to reap benefits from various technological gadgets. The government and other interested parties should ensure that schools are equipped with relevant technologies. The study also recommends that teachers be in-serviced on ways of using technology in teaching and learning
Key Words: technology, academic performance, phenomenology, cognitive development
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12) Effect of Gender-Role Stereotyping and Process Skills Acquisition Strategy on Upper Basic Iii Science Students’ Achievement and Retention in Katsina State, Nigeria
Author’s Details: 1Samuel, Ruth Iwanger 2Umar, Usman Sani
1Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.2Guidance and Counselling Unit, Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.

This study was designed to determine the effect of gender-role stereotyping on Basic Science students’ achievement and retention exposed to process skills acquisition strategy. The pre-test, post-test, non-equivalent control group, the quasi-experimental research design was employed for the study. The sample for the study comprised ninety-five students selected from the Katsina Central Senatorial District of Katsina State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study, and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument for data collection was the Science Process Skills Acquisition Test (SPSAT). The reliability of SPSAT was determined using Split half and the coefficient obtained was 0.76 implying that the instrument was reliable for the study. Descriptive statistic of the mean was used to answer the research questions, while ANCOVA was employed to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study indicate that there was a significant difference in the achievement and retention of male and female students in Basic Science using Process Skills Acquisition technique. The difference in achievement and retention were in favour of male students. Based on the findings, it is recommended that Basic Science teachers should be encouraged to adopt the use of the Process Skills Acquisition Strategy in teaching the subject
Key Words: Achievement; Basic Science; Gender-role Stereotyping; Process Skills Acquisition; Retention.
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13) Influence of School Facilities and School Types on Senior Secondary School Science Students’ Academic Performance in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Author’s Details: (1)Umar, Usman Sani-Guidance and Counselling Unit, Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria(2)Samuel, Ruth Iwanger-Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nasarawa State.

This study examined the influence of school facilities and types on Senior Secondary School Science Students’ academic performance in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Two research hypothesis were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised all public senior secondary schools in urban and rural areas of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the sample. Thirty schools were randomly selected (ten from each of the 3 Senatorial Zones in the State). A total of 300 students formed the sample of the study. A researcher-designed questionnaire titled, “School Facilities and Types Questionnaire (SFTQ)” was used as an instrument for the study. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha. The alpha coefficient of internal consistency for the instrument was 0.84, suggesting that the items had relatively high internal consistency levels and considered acceptable.  The data were analysed using t-test statistics to test the two hypotheses at alpha=0.05. The findings of this study revealed that there was a significant influence of school facilities on science students’ academic performance in urban and rural schools and also, there was a significant influence of school facilities on science students’ academic performance in private and public schools. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that; Government should not relent in its effort of proving succor urban and rural schools. It should also encourage Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), philanthropists, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the society at large to join its efforts in the form of Private-Public Partnership (PPP) for salvaging the schools from total collapse.
Key Words: Academic Performance, School Facilities, School Types, Secondary School, Science Students.
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14) The Analysis of Different Chinese and Western Dress Culture
Author Details: Xiao Ling Yang-Foreign Language School Nanchang-Normal University Nan Chang Jiangxi China330030 

With the impact of global economic and cultural development, intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequently. This paper will analyze the differences in dress culture between China and the West from structural features, dress sense, and functional consciousness. And the reasons of geographical environment, aesthetic conceptions, religious beliefs, and historical origin are described.
Key Words: Chinese and Western dress; difference; reason
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15) Prevalence and Chemotherapy of Mites Infestation in Sheep: A Case Study of District Bolan, Balochistan
Author’s Details: Shujat Ali1, Kamran Ashraf1, Nisar Ahmed2, Muhammad Avais3, Shakirullah4, Dr Abdullah Dostain 5, Dr Shahab Ud Din 6, Muhammad Farooq71Department of Parasitology University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore 2Department Parasitology University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore of 3Department of Clinical Medicine University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore 4Livestock and Dairy Development Department Quetta, Balochistan 5Livestock and Dairy Development Department Quetta, Balochistan 6Department of zoology University of Balochistan Quetta, Balochistan 7Livestock and Dairy Development Department Quetta, Balochistan

Corresponding author:  shujataliarbab089@gmail.com
Present study sought to determine the prevalence and chemotherapy of mite’s infestation in sheep as the case study of district Bolan, Balochistan Pakistan. A total of 200 sheep were randomly selected so as to detect the prevalence of mites’ infestation. Data was maintained describing date wise observations. The prevalence was checked by applying Chi-square design by using SPSS software. While chemotherapy results were analyzed by using the One-Way-ANOVA. A probability level of <0.05 were considered as significantly differences. Results shows that total 200 sheep were observed by using the standard procedure of scraping technique and 30 sheep were found positive for mite’s infestation and an overall prevalence was 15% (30/200). Most of cases for mite in sheep were noted from union council Jalal Khan of District Bolan. High prevalence was observed in male sheep. Out of 50 Balochi sheep breed 11 sheep were found positive for mite’s infestation. After that next highest prevalence was noticed in Rakhshani sheep breed. Out of 50 Rakhshani sheep breed 9 sheep were found positive for mite’s infestation. Statistical analysis showed chi square value is 32.1667 and p value is 0.0001 that a probability level p>0.05 were considered as significant. Data shows association between age and mite’s infestation is strong.
Key Words: Balochistan, Bolan, chemotherapy, mites, sheep
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16) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Technique against Whitefly of Cauliflower: Technology Adoption in Diffusion of Innovations Prospect
Author’s Details: (1)Dr.shahab- Ud- din  (2) Dr Abdullah Dostain (3)Dr Shahida Habib Alizai (4)Shazia Jaffar (5)Dr  Ahmed Ali Mengal 
(1)Department of zoology  University of Balochistan  Pakistan(2) Livestock and Dairy Development Department Balochistan Quetta Pakistan  (3)Gender Development Studies Department University of Balochistan Quetta(4)Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta  (5) Agribusiness Directorate, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan – Corresponding; author drabdullahdostain20005961@gmail.com

A field study was carried out in the experimental station Entomology Section, Agriculture Research Institute, (ARI) Tandojam, Sindh Pakistan during 2018, so as to examine the efficacy of different bio-pesticides against the whitefly of cauliflower. Seven treatments with three replications were applied. In this regard, the pre-treatment was observed and recorded. The results revealed that the non-significant variation was observed at 0.05 level for pre-treatment. The analysis of variance also showed that effect of IPM techniques against whitefly varied significantly (P<0.05), when monitored after 24 hours after first spray (F=7.80; DF=20; P<0.05). The analysis of variance showed that effect of IPM techniques against whitefly varied significantly (P<0.05) when monitored after 24 hours after 2nd spray (F=5.39; DF=20; P<0.05) highly significant (P>0.05). Based on results following suggestion put forward. Although, the chemical control were effective against the cauliflower whitefly, but on the basis of efficacy, neem extract, shows nearly effect followed by tobacco extract and tooh extract are suggested for safe control of insect pests on cauliflower and no residual effect.
Key Words: Integrated Pest Management, Whitefly, Diffusion of Innovation
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17) Study the Constitutional and Political Development in Pakistan (1947-1973): A Way Forwarded
Author’s Details: (1) Shazia Jaffar (2) Dr.M. Usman Tobawal (1) (2) Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta

Present research was carried out so as to determine the constitutional and political development in Pakistan since (1947-1973). In this regard, both historical and descriptive research was used. Qualitative research methods were utilized in present research, Based on objectives of the present exploration the 200 respondents (Social Science Division, University of Balochistan) among them 100 students and similar, 100 academic staff were selected as sample size based on in-depth interviews. Simple random sampling was used. However, the Cronbach‟s Alpha program was noted as .701. Analysis of variance, ANOVA (Duncan Multiple Range Test) or DMRT test was to run so as to denote the perception variations between groups in the present research. The p-value was calculated at 0.05 alpha levels. The finding revealed that non-significant was also observed in research question 1. The non-significant was observed at 0.05 levels in research question 2. A significant variation was observed in research question-3. Thus, the research question 4 was accepted at 0.05 level or p> value. In view of the preceding conclusions, the following recommendation put forward. There should be a need of appreciation at the local to national level of the issues solution. Nevertheless the government of Pakistan has measured this issues but, reliable and steady follow-up should be mandatory.
Key Words: Pakistan, constitutional, political, development
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18) Production and Efficiency of Mung Bean cultivation as a Third main Crop. A Case Study of Kamber-Shahdakot Sindh Pakistan
Author’s Details:  (1) Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Associate Professor, SZABAC-Dokri-Larkana (2) Dr.Mubashir Mehdi-Assistant Professor – Deptt: of Management Sciences – UAF Faisalabad (3)Dr.Javed Shabbir Daar-Assistant Professor-SZABAC-Dokri
This research investigates the Production and Efficiency of Mung Bean cultivation as a Third main Crop:  A Case Study of  Kamber-Shahdakot Sindh Pakistan.  Data were collected from 10 growers Kamber/Shahdadkot district.  Data were analyzed by using SPSS-22 version.  A structural questionnaire was developed for the validity and reliability of data.  The sowing dates for Mung bean  April, 24-30 and harvesting in early July.   It was revealed that 12 to 15 mounds per acre yield from different farms.   It was further revealed that market after early variety of wheat this Mung Bean is the crop between Wheat and rice.  According the results of different sowing dates from 20th April, 2018 to 29th April, 2018, it was revealed that production response is differernt as well as acreage yield.  Results indicates that production and acreage response of the different dates shows that if sowing dates in the last week of April, than production response is quiet low compare to early April, sowing dates.  Farmers can earn more income by sowing Moungbean as a third crop.
Key Words: Production, Efficiency, Mung Beans
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