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Volume 7, Issue 8

Open Access Journal

Volume 7, Issue 8

Impact Factor 4.428

1) Rawls’ Theory of Humanitarian Intervention: Philosophical Implication for the Surge in Islamic Terrorism
Author Details:Valentine Banfegha Ngalim (Ph.D.) The Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Frankline Berinyuy (MPHIL) Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda

the unprecedented levels of humanitarian and military interventions around the globe in the so-called defense for human rights and the aftermath of such interventions are so serious that it becomes very important to consider this study. The good motives for interventions such as to fight the abuse of human rights and improvement in the living condition of  people may be good enough, but often some of the hidden reasons that accompany these interventions make us ask if this is not just a ploy to destabilize stable nations and take their oil or minerals. In this paper, we are going to look at the intrinsic relationship that exists between humanitarian interventions and Islamic terrorism. We are going to contend that a surge in terrorism is or has its roots in uncontrolled intervention especially those not backed by the authorization of the United Nations.
Keywords: Humanitarian intervention, Human Rights, state, peoples, autonomy, sovereignty, terrorism

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2) Effects of Training and Development on Organisational Performance in Health Sector
Author’s Details: (1)Enitilo, Olalekan-Department of Business Administration & Management, Best Solution Polytechnic, Akure (2)Dada, Durojaye Joshua-Department of Accountancy, Best Solution Polytechnic, Akure (3)Ajayi, Ibidolapo Ezekiel-Department of Finance, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti – (4)Folorunso, Adeoye-Department of Finance, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti

The study examined the effect of training and development on organisational performance. The specific objectives were coaching of staff; induction programme; employee’s induction and organisational empowerment on organisational performance. The target population of the study was 202 employees of Saint Nicholas Hospital located at Obalende, Lagos. The employees comprised of health workers and administrative staff. A sample of one hundred and thirty-three respondents was sample using stratified sampling techniques. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. In the descriptive analysis, the use of percentages was used; more importantly in the areas of the frequency of respondents to their views on the questions of research instrument while inferential statistics used was multiple regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the analysis were found to be significant at 0.931 showing that coaching, induction programme, job rotation, and organisational empowerment influences organisational performance. The results revealed that Job rotation has a negative relationship with organisational performance (p= 0.438 > 0.05), the findings of organisational empowerment and organisational performance has positive relationship (p= 0.55 > 0.05), the results between induction and organisational performance is positively related and is significant (p= 0.000 < 0.05) while the relationship between coaching and organisational performance is negatively related (p= 0.483 > 0.05). Based on this finding it is concluded that training and development affect organisational performance which implies that effort must be made to ensure that employees’ skills and knowledge are fully underutilized through adequate and timely training design and implementation
training, organisational performance, induction programme, job rotation, coaching, organisational empowerment
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3) On Affecting Factors and Teaching Strategy of English Listening Comprehension in China
Author Details: Zhen Zhou- Foreign Language School, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China-Correspondence: Zhen Zhou 

Listening is the basic and also the most important skill among the four skills of listening, speaking, and reading and writing, which plays a significant role in the English learning. However, most college students in China fear English listening and are much frustrated by listening, and their listening achievements are not satisfying. The present college English teaching needs much improvement and reform. The article first elucidates the problems arising from English listening teaching, and then explores the affecting factors of English listening teaching, and finally puts forward some teaching strategy based on the English listening teaching and learning problems, in order to supply some implication and reference for the English teaching and learning and ultimately enhance the teaching and learning efficiency of English comprehension in China
Keywords: listening comprehension, short-term retention, psychological factors, background culture, cultural
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4) On the Marriage Differences between China and Western Countries
Author Details: Xiaoling Yang-Foreign Language School Nanchang Normal University

With the development of technology and transportation, the communication between China and the west has increased in almost every field such as economy, culture, and politics. Obviously, marriage as the most important part of life is a hit issue of cross-cultural communication.This paper aims at exploring the differences between marriage concepts between Chinese and western cultures and giving some proposals on how to minimize the communication mistake in marriage and marriage purposes. It will be helpful in cross-cultural communication about marriage concepts.
Keywords: marriage customs; spouse preference; marriage purposes; China and western countries
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5) Housing as a Basic Need for Human
Author Details: Shazila Andleeb-Designation: Research Student Institute/University: Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

PURPOSE: The purpose of this research paper is to examine analyzing and outlining the growth of the housing industry and its rights. The main purpose is to eliminate the problem related to the relevancy and application of housing complexities and its systems across the world.
DESIGN OR METHODOLOGY: This paper is set out according to the principle instruments and the rights of development of housing regional and other related bodies. The analysis of the housing system is basically organized on the basis of housing system of development and channels and networks of legal and lawful means of professional concerns and their domains.
FINDINGS: All across the world the rights for housing is being considered as a lawful and constitutional concerned nationally and internationally. The findings also suggest the significance of housing rights and the conceptual frame work of human rights effect the implementation. Professional epistemic community development of the housing shape the policies and procedures and laws. The paradiagm of housing foundation and rights are effectively translated into developed fashion of designing housing system.
RESULTS: Collection of data through the questionnaire are based on 7 likert scale throughout and the findings estimation is dependable more over the cost and benefit analysis. Primary data are collected through survey, questionnaire and observation and secondary data are collected through  books , articles , research papers , journals , literature , published material , other sources , print media article collection , magazines , newspapers , published electronic services , e-journals , websites , weblogs , unpublished general records , government records health education and census data , public and private sector records and retrospective information. To analysis the data statistical package for social sciences software has been used. Correlation and regression analysis of cost and benefit analysis shows the mean value of 5.2822 and standard deviation of 1.54744.
CONCLUSION: In short the conclusion is that the wave of market economy downturn has a greater strength into its own self financially and the research study proofs that conducting the research study is crucial and beneficial towards the societal developmental factors.
The required research is not enough for the development of housing project management as a whole or specifically the example of effectiveness of the rights of housing and its elements of its whole system implication.
Housing, Building, Finance, Development, Environment, Taxation, Cost, Affordability, Hypothesis, Concerns About Housing
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6) Sales and Sales Promotion of Qarshi Soft Drink (Applesshh and Lemonsshh)
Author Details: Shazila Andleeb- Research Student Institute/University: Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

We have done a research on “SALES DECLINE OF QARSHI SOFT DRINKS”. First of all we visited Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd Karachi Sales Office to get the basic information about Qarshi Industries along with the information about their soft drinks. It has helped us very much. After gathering information we made our questionnaire for primary research because no research had been done by anybody as we were the first to the research on Qarshi Soft Drinks. We had done convenience research in which we had included our university students, different college students & general public. As people were not aware of this product so we had also done sampling so as to make people aware. We analyzed the data that had been collected during our primary research. Then we converted our data to excel sheet in which coding was done first to make our thesis to be analyzed easily. After coding we made frequencies to make our work easier. Then frequencies were converted into percentages for graphical representation. After that we calculated the mean & standard deviation in order to check the variation in our data. Also we used the calculated mean & standard deviation in Z-test for the acceptance or rejection of our hypothesis. Last of all we had concluded our whole research by giving some recommendations to Qarshi Industries in order to increase the sales of their soft drinks.

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7) Assessment of Technical factors for HMIS performance for Health Management Information System (HMIS) Performance in ElgeiyoMarakwet County, Kenya
Author’s Details: Benson K. Biwott1, 2*, Sera M Odini3, Stanslaus K Musyoki4
1School of Health Sciences, Mount Kenya University PO BOX 342-01000 Thika Kenya 2Department of Health Records and Information Services, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, P O Box 3-30100 Eldoret Kenya 3Department of Health Policy and Management School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences Moi University, P O BOX 4606-30100 Eldoret, Kenya 4School of Health Sciences, Kisii University, P.O Box 408-40200, Kisii, Kenya 4Department of Biomedical Science and Technology, Maseno University, Private Bag, Maseno, Kenya *Corresponding Author- Benson K. Biwott
Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) have been used by many countries using platforms adopted or own-designed.  It’s implemented by integrating all healthcare services and gives service providers the ability to collect, store and use health data. The System is able to provide information on all aspects of the organization from billing to patient care and beyond. Despite its significance, lack of specificity and clarity hamper systematic understanding, successful implementation, and evaluation of its functional factors. The study is aimed at assessing the functional factors for Health Management Information System (HMIS) performance in Elgeiyo-Marakwet County (EMC). The specific objective to: determine technical factors for HMIS performance in the County. Quantitative research method was used and data gathered through administration of questionnaires to 52 respondents across the county. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 20.0. The study found that there is presence of technical factors which includepresence of standard indicators, manuals, reporting forms and time, data presentation & analysis for HMIS. The study concludes that competency in HMIS tasksand availability of minimum package of information (MPI) for collection, collation, analysis, dissemination and use of health information in HMIS. The study recommends enhanced support for technical inputs for greater performance for HMIS and regular review in the county
Key words: HMIS, Kenya, ElgeiyoMarakwet County, Technical factors
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8) Women Personal Network and Financial Profitability : Case of Tunisian Small Firms
Author Details: Hayet Ben Said – CEFI research lab (Economic Growth and International Finance). High School for Economic and Commercial Sciences of Tunis (ESSECT)
Many studies deal with the role of the female personal network in the success of the business. However, only a few examine the relationship between women’s network and the profitability of the firm. The current article aims to identify what mark the network of women entrepreneurs and whether the network affects the success of the firm. For that, based on 41 very small firms,  we examine  the effects of the network on the financial profitability of the firm. The estimation of an equation using the least ordinary square suggests that the characteristics of the female network such as the informal and homophilic character do not affect the success of the firm. While the size of the network and the involvement of women in the network affect the profitability of the firm. In the light of this study, we advance that even if the female network differs from that of the male, the variables which are related to the network and which affect the profitability of the firm do not depend on the gender
Keywords: Female entrepreneurship; characteristics of the female personal network;  profitability of the firm;  41 very small firms; ordinary least square method
JEL :M21
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9) Thermo Elasticity: A Patent Review
Author Details: Dr. Kiran Bala-Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Govt. College, Barwala (Pkl. )

Thermo elasticity is the change in size and shape of a solid object as the temperature of that object fluctuates. The principles of thermo elasticity have affected the way engineers design a number of different objects. The patent is a limited legal monopoly granted to an individual or firm to make, use and sell its invention and to exclude others from doing so. According to section 3 (k) of Indian patent act, mathematical methods are nonpatentable because these are considered to be acts of mental skill. However, any application of mathematical formula may be patented if it satisfies the qualifications of “invention.“ This paper reviews recent and important patents related to applications of thermo elasticity within different fields.
Keywords:  Thermo elasticity, patent, application.
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10) A Study on the Storm Surges & Its Forecasting Methods
Author Details: Gangadhara Rao Irlapati-H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibabanagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad – 500 055, Telangana, India

Storm Surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted astronomical tides. Storm Surge should not be confused with storm tide, which is defined as the water level rise due to the combination of Storm Surge and the astronomical tide. This is a coastal flood or tsunami – like phenomena of rising water commonly associated with low pressure weather systems such as tropical cyclones Storm Surge is often the greatest threat to life and property from a hurricane. Storm Surge is one of the main causes of coastal inundation .Some mathematical models used to predict surge must incorporate the effects of winds, atmospheric pressure, tides, waves and river flows, as well as the geometry and topography of the coastal ocean and the adjacent flood plain. I have conducted many studies on the forecasting methods of Storm Surges and invented the Global Monsoon Time Scale, Astro-climatic weather forecasting study Time Scales, Bio-forecast effect along with the G.R.Irlapati’s Geo-scope which may also useful in predicting the Storm Surges At The Time Of Tsunamis.
Keywords:  Global Monsoon Time Scale,
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