Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 7, Issue 2

Open Access Journal

Volume 7, Issue 2

Impact Factor 4.428

1) Investigating the Effect of Ownership Structure, Board Structure and Company Control on the Performance of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange
Author’s Details: (1)Mahsa sajjadi (2)Fereydoun Ohadi (3)Mahdi Taghavi
the present study investigates the effect of board structure; ownership structure and control of companies on the performance of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange.We examine the impact of board of director’s traits on firm performance for a large sample of Iran’s listed firms. Traits that we examine included a number of board of director’s, number of sessions, sexuality and so on. We find that most of the board’s features do not affect the performance of companies whose shares are in the stock market in Tehran.
Study on the hypothesis in this research was done by to software; spss and eviews that show the results of this research
Keyword: board of directors, performance, board size, Tehran stock market
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2) Risk Management in the Drug Industry in Iran
Author’s Details: (1)Zeynab Shojaei Nodeh (2)Dr. Zahra Borumand
Today, the risk is the focus of attention of all organizations, investors and owners of various industries, and even the authorities of countries. Because of its impact and its high importance, it must identify and manage the risks. In the meantime, the drug industry, which is also one of the most important industries, is in a situation where the risk of continuing many of the risk factors and crises continues to worsen. The statistical population of this research includes 104 managers of active pharmaceutical companies in Iran. The results showed that the risk factors were pricing, sanctioning, lack of competitiveness, drug trafficking, lack of criteria for advertising of foreign companies, poor quality and timely non-timely clearance of imported drugs. Many known risk factors It comes from outside the company, and the need for long-term risk management is felt.
Keyword: Risk Management, Drug Industry, pricing, Internal and external factors, Risk factors

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3) Matthias Alexander and Edwardian Actresses/Actors
Author’s Details: Jeroen Staring-Dr Jeroen Staring teaches mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments.

This case study investigates anecdotes and claims about Alexander Technique founding father Frederick Matthias Alexander who allegedly ‘treated’ numerous eminent Edwardian London actresses and actors. Research shows it is advisable to question those stories and claims.
Key Words:
Dora Barton, Kate Bishop, Lily Brayton, Sarah Brooke, Constance Collier, Alice Crawford, Daisy Cordell, Violet Elliott, Evelyn Glover, Norah Kerin, Marie Löhr, Edith Tasca-Page, Maud Beerbohm Tree, Viola Tree. Frederick Matthias Alexander, George Alexander, Oscar Asche, Alexander Leeper, Mary Leeper. Harry Brodribb Irving, Henry Irving, Matheson Lang, Robert Loraine, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Lewis Waller, James Welch, Robert Young. Alexander Technique, Westminster County Court, Westminster Police Court.

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4) Assessment of Impact of Local Government Administration on Public Service Delivery in Pakistan: A Current Scenario of Kashmore
Author’s Details: (1)Mohammad Naeem Mirani-Student of M.S/M.Phil Department of Economics Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs (2)Riaz Ahmed Dahar-Student of Ph.D., University of Canberra Australia (3)Mr. Altaf Mazhar Soomro, Research Assistant at CricDoc, Australia (4)Maqsood Ali  jamali-Lecturer-Department of Business Administration Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University (5)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Assistant Professor-SZABAC-Dokri

Abstract: Current research investigates Assessment of Impact of Local Government Administration on Public Service Delivery in Pakistan: A Current Scenario of Kashmore.  Data were collected from The data collection tool for this research study is the instrument-questionnaire in the form of nominal scale and likert scale.  It was revealed that The services are offered by the local government administration are playing an indispensable role in creating a relationship of accountability between the rural communities of the country and the government. On the other hand, the major focus of this research study is to evaluate the performance of the local government administration of Kashmore on the service deliveries of basic amenities of life such as poor quality of water and food, pitiable health services, pathetic education system, dilapidated infrastructure and lack of recreational activities. In order to resolve these existing set of problems, formal and educational research is going to be conducted to gauge the performance of the local government administration and the satisfaction level of masses of the community of Kashmore.
Keywords: Impact of Local Government, Public Service Delivery

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5) Ethno-Botanical Appraisal and Uses of Specific Valuable Therapeutic Plant in District Kalat, Balochistan Pakistan: Gender-Base Prospect
Author’s Details: 1Shahida Habib, 2Noor Ahmed Rodini, 3Abdullah Dostain, and 4Ahmed Ali Mengal 5Shazia Jaffer 1Gender Studies Development University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 2Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 3Livestock and Dairy Development Department Balochistan, Pakistan 4Agribusiness Directorate, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 5Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan Corresponding Author: Abdullah Dostain

In order to improve the socio-economic condition of the nomadic peoples the present study was carried out. Kalat district was selected as purposively due to the rich biodiversity of therapeutic plants and ethno-medicinal culture of the native communal. A descriptive type of survey research design was carried out. 127 informants among the 85 plant collectors (females), 17 forestry department staff and 10 herbal practitioners were cross-examined through the simple random sampling procedure. The sample size of both population were determined by using the Fitzgibbon & Morris (1987) and Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table of “selecting sample sizes for research activities” at the 0.05 percent conceivable error rate. The results reveals that the most (40 percent) of the respondents were fall in the age categories 36 to 40 years. Most (46 percent) of the respondents were illiterate. Perceived score of the common plant collectors was (M=3.76) and ranked first similar, perceived score of the Forestry Department respondents and herbal practitioners were: plant resources (M=4.04) and ranked order was first. Significant discrepancy and deviation were found five out of six categories. Most (44 percent) of the respondents were of the view that they vended plant for medicinal purpose. Based on achieved outcomes following recommendations were suggested. Check and balance system concerning illegal selling of medicinal plants should be imposed in order to provide the halt for valuable medicinal plant extinct and cultivate the valuable plants at a greater extent. Better strategic marketing of the medicinal plants perhaps accelerate the income of the Pupu/Hakims/individuals, it is therefore, suggested that the government should be provided the technical facility, guide line and advice for the nomadic peoples particular females so as to upsurges their socio-economics conditions and livelihood options.
Keywords: ethno-botanical, appraisal, therapeutic plant, Kalat, Balochistan

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6) Perceived Stimulus of Human Resource Development (Hrd) Practices On Climate of Public Universities in Province Of Balochistan, Pakistan
Author’s Details: 1Noor Ahmed Rodini, 2Shahida Habib, 3Abdullah Dostain, and 4Ahmed Ali Mengal 5Shazia Jaffer 1Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 2Gender Studies Development University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 3Livestock and Dairy Development Department Balochistan, Pakistan 4Agribusiness Directorate, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan 5Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan – Corresponding Author: Abdullah Dostain

Present study was carried out in Balochistan province, Pakistan so as to determine the respondent’s perception based on five-point Likert scale about human resource development practices on climate of public universities: namely BUET, SBK, BUITEMS and UOB Quetta. Two hundred (200) respondents, (50) respondents from each public university were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 used for the data analyses. Results reveals that significant discrepancy was observed 4 out of 7 categories about HRD climate within public universities, Further, significant alterations were detected five out of seven categories about capacity building programs. Statistical significant variances were also set up 4 out of 7 about constraints statements. Based on achieved outcome following recommendation was put forward. HRD dimension regards as the colossal reassurance tools for enlargement professional capacity, indispensable, part and parcel towards development hierarchy, in this regard HRD practices should be implemented at grass root level so that achieved the desirable output and better conceptual productivity for future development for the employees within work environment
Key wards:
human resource development, public universities, Quetta Balochistan, Pakistan

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