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Volume 7, Issue 11

Open Access Journal

Volume 7, Issue 11

Impact Factor 4.428

1) Shifting Demographics and Changing Expectations: Lecturers’ Experiences in Teaching HIV and Aids Course for Transformative Learning in Higher Education
Author’s Details: (1) Rose Mugweni (Corresponding Author) (2)Emily Ganga (3)Kudzai Chinyoka
(1)(2)(3)Great Zimbabwe University School of Education and Culture Cell: +263 773249806

This study explored lecturers’ experiences in teaching HIV and AIDS education as a course for transformative learning and behavior change at the university level. The theoretical framework which guided the study is the Concerns-Based Adoption Model. The sample comprised of twenty lecturers, four Heads of Department and two Ministry of Higher Education officials in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. A qualitative case study research design was employed in the study. Data were collected through individual interviews, focus group discussions and open-ended questionnaires. The study found that lecturers had diverse experiences in teaching HIV and AIDS as a curriculum area. All twenty lecturers, however, experienced feelings of lack of direction, being overburdened and fear regarding the teaching of HIV and AIDS. Some of the lecturers 15 (75%) experienced HIV and AIDS as a sensitive subject useful for transformative learning and behavior change. Yet others experienced feelings of uncertainty as to the effectiveness and transformative nature of the course. 14 (70%) lecturers also experienced a lack of information and didactic skills regarding HIV and AIDS module and its execution thereof. Overall, there were inconsistencies regarding lecturers’ experiences in the execution of HIV and AIDS education in universities due to lack of professional qualifications in HIV and AIDS education and the non-avail­ability of policy and curriculum documents. It is recommended that universities become proactive in developing lecturers’ knowledge base and skills through ongoing professional develop­ment. HIV and AIDS lecturers should reflect on their practice and teach HIV and AIDS Education for students’ transformative learning and behavior change.
Key Words: 
HIV and AIDS, expectations, lecturers, experiences, teaching, transformative learning
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2) Quality of Work Life as a Mediating Variable of the Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Study on Teaching Hospitals in Egypt
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The objective of the research is to investigate the significant mediating role of Quality of Work Life (QWL) in the relationship between Spiritual Leadership (SL) and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Teaching Hospitals in Egypt. The research community consists of all employees at Teaching Hospitals in Egypt. Due to time and cost constraints, the researcher relied on the sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results; the most important of which are (1) there is a statistically significant relationship between SL (vision, hope / faith, altruism love, the meaning/significance of work, membership, organizational commitment and productivity) and QWL. The multiple regression model showed that there is an impact of SL on QWL; (2) there is a statistically significant relationship between SL and OCB. The multi regression model showed that SL influences OCB.  (3) There is a statistically significant relationship between QWL (wage justice, hospital working conditions, promotion opportunities, adherence to hospital principles, hospital staff development, hospital integration, college, and social responsibility) and OCB. The multiple regression model showed that there is an impact of QWL on OCB and (4) QWL plays the mediating variable between SL and OCB at Teaching Hospitals in Egypt.The study referred to a number of recommendations; the most important of which are (1) re-studying and structuring of the system of wages in the hospital, (2)  increasing rewards in the hospital in order to meet the low wages and be commensurate with the individual effort in the hospital, (3) providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees in different educational hospitals, (4) showing concern for achieving the welfare of hospital staff and improving the quality of the career in terms of providing promotion opportunities and being objective in accordance with specific standards and controls, (5) initiating activation of training programs but not to specific categories, (6) promoting involvement of hospital staff in the decision-making process, in view of the nature and sensitivity of work in the hospital, which concerns the lives of citizens, (6) activating complaints and suggestions box in the hospital in a way that helps employees to express their opinions and suggestions, (7) abiding by the principles and rules governing the nature of work in the hospital for all individuals, (8) development and utilization of human capacities in the hospital, (9) highlighting the importance of achieving social integration in the hospital, (10)  emphasizing the absence of a negative impact on the work life  on the total life area of ​​the personnel working in the hospital, (11) emphasizing the social responsibility of the hospital by improving the mental image of the hospital members of the community, (12) paying more attention to the staff by officials in the hospital, through the identification of their wishes and needs and trying to realize them commensurate with their objectives in order to improve the process of organizational identification

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3) The Influence of Beatrice Hinkle and Jungian Psychology on the Early Progressive School Movement in the United States
Author’s Details: Jeroen Staring1, Jerry Aldridge2, and Lois McFadyen Christensen 3
1 Dr. mult. Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments

2 Dr. Jerry Aldridge is professor emeritus at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has published extensively on progressive education and women’s issues. Before returning to Birmingham, Alabama recently, he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia and New York City
3 Dr. Lois McFadyen Christensen is a professor of early childhood education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has published numerous articles and books related to early childhood, social studies, and critical pedagogy.
Until the 21st century, the so-called progressive education movement in the United States was most often attributed to dead white men, especially John Dewey and others, including Colonel Francis Parker, William Heard Kilpatrick, and Harold Rugg (Cremin, 1961). More recently, Lucy Sprague Mitchell, Caroline Pratt, and other women have also been given credit as founders of progressive education (Aldridge & Christensen, 2013; Sadovnik & Semel (Eds.), 2002; Staring, 2013, 2014, 2016). Less attention has been given to the psychological underpinnings that informed progressive schools. This case study briefly reviews some of the psychological foundations of progressive education and documents the contributions of Dr. Beatrice Hinkle, M.D. the first woman pioneer of analytical psychology in the United States, to the early progressive school movement
Key Words:
Florence Cane, Evelyn Dewey, Beatrice Moses Hinkle, Margaret Pollitzer Hoben, Flora Dodge “Fola” La Follette, Margaret Naumburg, Claire (Raphael) Reis. Frederick Matthias Alexander, Waldo David Frank, Arthur M. Reis, John Broadus Watson. Bank Street College of Education, Bureau of Educational Experiments (B.E.E.), Children’s School, City and Country School, Dalton School, Heterodoxy Club, Walden School.
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4) Spiritual Leadership and Quality of Work Life an Exploratory Study on Menoufia University Hospitals
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The objective of the research is to identify the relationship between Spiritual Leadership (SL) and Quality of Work Life (QWL) at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. The research community consists of all employees at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. Due to time and cost constraints, the researcher relied on the sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results, the most important of which are (1) the scarcity of research that focused on the study and interpretation of the relation between the study variables (SL and QWL) in the Egyptian business environment in general and Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt in particular, (2) SL is a state expressed in a set of organizational dimensions (vision, hope/faith, altruism, meaning/meaning of work, membership, organizational commitment, and productivity, which can be used to improve the QWL, (3) SL is an important tool used by successful managers in developing all employees and spreading social awareness among them in such a way as to enable them to deal with the work environment by providing job security, freedom, and independence of employees, and positive interaction between employees and good relations among themselves, (4) there is a statistically significant relationship between SL and QWL at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt.The study referred to a number of recommendations, the most important of which are (1) the need for managers attention to the future vision of the hospitals, (2) the need for managers to have the element of hope and faith in the vision of the hospitals, (3) the need to have the love of altruism among the leaders in the hospitals, (4) the need for all employees of the organization to be convinced that their jobs are important and meaningful both for themselves and for others, (5) the need to deepen the membership of the organization in all its employees, (6) the need for managers to raise the level of organizational commitment (7) the need for managers to increase productivity and continuous improvement in the hospitals, (8) re-structuring of the system of wages in the hospital , (9) increasing rewards in the hospital (10) the need to pay attention to the application of the principle of reward and punishment in the hospital, (11)  the need to improve the wages of all employees in the hospital, (12) providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees in the hospitals, (13) concern for achieving the welfare of hospital staff and improving the quality of the career, (14)  activation of training programs but not to specific categories, (15) involvement of hospital staff in the decision-making process, (16) activating complaints and suggestions box in the hospital, (17) abiding by the principles and rules governing the nature of work in the hospital, (18) development and utilization of human capacities in the hospital, (19) the importance of achieving social integration in the hospital, (20) emphasizing the absence of a negative impact on the life of the work on the total life area of ​​the personnel working in the hospital
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5) Influence of Learning Disabilities on Parents of Children with Physical Disability: Counselling Implications
Author’s Details: (1) Dr. KPANJA, K.L. (2) UMAR, U. S. (1)(2)Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.

the study assessed the social and financial burden on parents of children with physical disability and its counseling implications. The study was a cross-sectional one conducted in all special education secondary schools in Nasarawa State, Nigeria, with a purposive sample size of 70 students. Two instruments designed by the researcher were used for the study, as follows: Social Burden Scale (SBS) and interview technique for parents. Simple percentages were used for data analysis. The results show that parents have to bear huge financial liabilities, over and above that of rearing normal children. The financial burden made the parents more impoverished and indebted. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that urgent support for activities of the physically disabled children at the secondary school level should be put in place in order to curb the huge economic and social burden of caregiving; efforts should be made to strengthen the existing schemes for the disabled, with a special focus on the parents working in the unorganized sector; NGOs, CBOs, and Disability Rehabilitation Centres should be reinvigorated to play active roles in popularizing and facilitating their utilization; trained psychologist should be recruited in all secondary schools and counseling should form an integral part of rehabilitation
Learning disability and physical disability.
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6) The Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in the Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Success: A Study on Commercial Banks in Menoufia Governorate
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The overall objective of the research is to identify the role of Organizational Identification (OI) as a mediating variable of the relationship between Spiritual Leadership (SL) and Organizational Success (OS) at commercial banks in Menoufia Governorate. The research community consists of all employees of the commercial banks in Menoufia Governorate. Due to time and cost constraints, the researcher adopted a sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze the data and test the research hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results; the most important of which are: (1) there is a statistically significant relationship between SL (vision, hope/faith, altruism, meaning/significance of work, membership, organizational commitment, productivity) and OI (organizational loyalty, organizational similarity, and membership). The multiple regression model showed that there is an impact of SL on OI; (2) there is a statistically significant relationship between SL and OS (organizational survival and organizational growth). The multi regression model showed that SL influence OS; (3) there is a statistically significant relationship between OI and OS, and (4) there is a direct impact of OI on the relationship between SL and OS. OI plays a partial role in the relationship between SL and OS. The study also indicated that there is a direct impact of SL on OS. In other words, OI mediates the relationship between SL and OS.The study referred to a number of recommendations; the most important of which are: (1) managers should be interested in the future vision of their units and departments; (2) managers have the element of hope and belief in the vision of the bank; (3) the altruism of leaders in the bank; (4) the conviction of all employees of the bank that their jobs are important and meaningful both to them and to others, (5) deepening the membership of the bank with all its employees; (6) managers ‘interest in raising the level of organizational commitment; (7) increasing productivity and continuous improvement; (8) identifying the desired needs of employees in order to improve OI; (9) the necessity of learning investment in the promotion and development opportunities for OS; (10) designing and implementing a series of training programs that raise awareness among leaders in terms of the concept, importance and areas of OI, and its positive effects; (11) The need to pay attention to continuous meetings and the practice of social and recreational activities, and (12) inviting employees to participate in the various decision-making processes of the bank.
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7) Aldous Huxley, the Bates Method, The Art of Seeing, and Frederick Matthias Alexander: An Unexpected, Overhauled History
Author Details: Dr. Jeroen Staring: Until recently, Dr. mult. Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments.

Abstract: This case study cites the only known letter of Aldous Huxley to F. Matthias Alexander. The case study also discusses the background of this Huxley letter to Alexander
Key Words:
Frederick Matthias Alexander, Dr. William Horatio Bates, Dr. Jean Baptiste Claverie, Edwin Cox, Margaret Souders Darst Corbett, Aldous Leonard Huxley, Bernarr Adolphus Macfadden. Alexander Technique, Bates Method, bodybuilding, physical culture.
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8) Knowledge Cultivation and Knowledge Monopoly from the Postgraduate Students Perspective: A Study in the Egyptian Context
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The objective of the research is to identify the role of Knowledge Cultivation (KC) in facing Knowledge Monopoly (KM) on postgraduate students at Sadat City University in Egypt. The research community consists of all postgraduate students at Sadat City University in Egypt. Due to time and cost constraints, the researcher adopted a sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results, the most important of which are: (1) KC is one of the modern concepts that need special care, because of its significant and important impact in the development of the capabilities and possibilities of human minds, which is reflected positively at Sadat City University, (2) KC of the human minds at Sadat City University, which will contribute to the interaction of previous knowledge with new knowledge in their minds, resulting in new knowledge of high value contribute to effectively improve their performance, (3) KC contributes to the motivation of the human minds of owners of useful knowledge to declare their implicit knowledge and convert it to others and share with them, which raises the level of collective knowledge and reduces the cases of monopoly knowledge at Sadat City University, (4) There is a significant correlation between KC and KM at Sadat City University, where the greater the interest and the use of KC the greater the ability to face KM, and (5) KC affects the face of KM. The application of KC contributes to raising the skills and abilities of human minds to face the cases of KM by others by increasing the absorptive capacity of knowledge, facilitating knowledge transfer processes and among them a large number at Sadat City University.The research concluded that: (1) there is a need to adopt the method of KC effectively and encourage the process of transforming knowledge and participation among human minds at Sadat City University in order to promote and raise the level of individual and collective knowledge, (2) encouraging human minds at Sadat City University with the implicit knowledge of high importance to convert them into explicit knowledge and share them with others, (3) activating the method of communication among the human minds at Sadat City University, which enhances the exchange process and the transfer of knowledge among them, (4) the development of future plans and programs at Sadat City University in order to activate the role of KC in the face of KM, (5) the need for Sadat City University to invest in KC as it is one of the methods that can be used in the face of KM, (6) Sadat City University should benefit from the implicit knowledge that exists among the human minds working in the university in order to make it accessible to others within the university, (7) the need to communicate with universities and other similar institutes in order to benefit from specialists and experts in training human minds at Sadat City University and transfer their expertise to them, (8) providing support and participation in courses, conferences and seminars within  Sadat City University, which leads to the development of knowledge and experience, (9) the need to expand the application of research in other universities, in order to reach a more comprehensive model commensurate with the Egyptian Universities.

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9) Gender-Role Stereotyping As a Correlate of Career Aspirations among Gifted Senior Secondary School Students
Author Details: Umar, Usman Sani-Department of Educational Foundations,Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria

This study examined gender-role stereotyping as a correlate of career aspirations among gifted senior secondary school students in Niger State, Nigeria, using descriptive survey design and a sample size of 178 senior secondary school two (SSS-II) gifted students through purposive sampling technique.  Three instruments were used for data collection, namely: Occupational Checklist (OCL); Personal Attitudes Questionnaire (PAQ) and Attitudes towards Students Scale for Adolescents (ASSA). Findings from the study show that male students were interested in a significantly greater number of careers and they showed greater gender-role flexibility in their career aspirations than their male counterparts. The male students, on the other hand, aspired for careers that were significantly higher in education attainment and prestige level. It is concluded that the strength and direction of the relationships between career aspirations and gender-related personality attributes varied by gender. Based on the findings, recommendations were made among others that; Gifted students should be given relevant resources and opportunities if they are to have equal opportunities in life beyond school
Career aspirations; Gender-role stereotyping; Gifted students; Senior secondary school
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10) Case study of collegiate Division I diver: perseverance, acceptance, and shifting identity
Author Details: Jacob Cannon Jensen-
California State University Northridge
This instrumental case study focused on the experiences of John, a Division I collegiate diver and his battle with acrophobia, or fear of heights, as well as Wilson’s disease.  This condition causes the body to store excess amounts of copper in the body, especially the liver, which can lead to long-term damage to vital organs.  Through thematic analysis of interviews, field notes, and participant observations, the central themes that emerged from the data were those of perseverance, acceptance, and shifting identities.  John used a range of mental skills such as imagery, relaxation exercises, and exposure to heights in order to learn to manage his fear of heights.  However, John also had to accept the fact that he was not chosen to be on the traveling team, would probably never fulfill the early expectations placed on him of becoming an Olympic diver, shifting identities from that of student athlete to that of student and diving coach, and a lifetime of managing a chronic disease.  The instrumental case study allowed for an exploration into the sociological and psychological complexities of being a high-level athlete.  This case study highlighted that helping an athlete from a sports psychology perspective is a complex undertaking and that athletes can have a combination of cognitive and motivational factors that impact their performance. This study could be useful for sport psychology consultants, athletes, and coaches working with athletes struggling with phobias and chronic illness and/or injury.
Keywords: acrophobia, diver, identity, perseverance, sports psychology, Wilson’s disease
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11) Assessing Career Maturity of Secondary School Students Using Developmental Theory Therapy
Author Details: 
Babatunde, Joseph Ojo-Guidance and Counselling Department, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
The study investigated the effects of guidance and counselling programmes on career maturity of junior and senior secondary schools students using the developmental theory. Two research questions were raised to guide the study, and one hypothesis was formulated. Quasi experimental of pre-test, post-test, two groups design was adopted for the study. Career Development Inventory of Kuti (1979) was adapted and used for data collection. The instrument is of three scales: planning orientation scale, use of resources for career exploration scale and information and decision making scale.  The validation of the instrument was re-established with a coefficient of 065, 070 and 0.65 for each scale respectively. The experimental procedure was systematically carried out. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts and t-test to assess the career maturity of junior and senior secondary school students. The findings revealed that there were differences between the career maturity of students in junior and secondary school classes. It showed that students in senior classes were more matured than students in the junior classes on the issue of career maturity. The treatment also improved the career maturity and decision making skill of the participants. The study recommended that career guidance and counselling programmes should be made compulsory in secondary schools at both junior and senior classes.
Keywords: Career maturity, Developmental theory, Career guidance and counselling programme, Career decision making skills.
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