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Volume 7, Issue 10

Open Access Journal

Volume 7, Issue 10

Impact Factor 4.428

1) The Determination of Consumer Behavior towards Online Shopping a Study of District Naushahro Feroze Market
Author Details:Ali-Raza Memon (Phd Scholar)-Okan Universitei Istanbul, Tuzla Campus.

Basically, online shopping is purchasing of the products, services or experiences through internet from different websites, blogs and markets, this trend is increasing day by day due to easy access of the internet and easiness of the shopping through online, and there are lot of other facilities and benefits in the online shopping(OS)  such as online shopping has been widely increased and used as a source of purchasing products and services It has become a more popular segment of the Internet world. Because it provides consumer more information and choices to compare product and price, easier to find anything, convenience, through online (Butler and Peppard,1998 ).  It is shown that online shopping provides more satisfaction to the modern consumers which are seeking convenience and speed, but there are some difficulties and problems in the online shopping(OS) in all over the world, there are different problems in different areas of the world but here researcher is going to observe the consumer behaviour towards online shopping in the Naushahro Feroze city and its nearby areas through searching different factors and their effect on the consumer behaviour (CB), in the area of study living standard of the people is not so high and not so low its moderate and facilities are also limited so the purchasing power can be moderate, culture and traditions can also effect on the consumer behaviour towards online shopping(CBTOS) but researcher has not selected some of these factors which are not highly related with the(CBTOS)  although  researcher has focused on the highly related factors according to his thinking which can more explore the problem
Key Words:
Consumer behaviour, online shopping

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2) A Study of English Major Education Mode in Normal Universities from the Perspective of “Whole Person Education” 
Author’s Details:Zhen Zhou-Foreign Language School, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Correspondence: Zhen Zhou – Tel: 15083549166.

“Whole Person Education” is an ideal educational concept, aiming at correcting the instrumentality of modern and contemporary educational purposes, and devoting itself to cultivating all-around talents with sound personality and comprehensive development, which is called a great revolution in education. The idea of “Whole Person Education” also provides a brand-new perspective for the study of English education in normal universities, which is of great practical significance. At present, English education in normal universities in China attaches too much importance to the transmission of English knowledge and the cultivation of language skills, ignoring the cultivation and edification of students’ feelings and moralities. This paper first analyzes the ideological characteristics of “Whole Person Education” and then explores the application of “Whole Person Education” in the teaching of English majors in normal universities: the construction of a general education curriculum system, the integration of whole-person education and professional courses, the development of comprehensive practical activities, the improvement of teacher training programs, and the rational positioning of teaching, positioning of the teachers role, the cultivation of students’ critical thinking ability and the improvement of English curriculum evaluation mechanism. This paper aims to promote the all-round development of students’ abilities and improve the teaching quality of English majors in normal universities by exploring the construction of English education model in the perspective of “Whole Person Education.”
holistic education, English majors, general education, humanity, teachers’ concept
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3) The Influence of Beatrice Hinkle and Jungian Psychology on the Early Progressive School Movement in the United States
Author’s Details: Debi Prasad Das (Assistance Professor, HR and OB area) School of Management, KIIT university, India,Mengistu Guliti Buba (PhD Candidate)-Department of Management, Wollo university, Ethiopia
the human resource of any company represents the determinant factor to enhance business development . The continuity of organization and its continued growth and prosperity are assured through human resource development . Human resource development plays a great role in the activity of efficient and effective Performance of the organization through people. The success of any business depends on the quality of its human capital and, while it is recognized that training plays an important role, there are still concerns as to which kinds of training and skills acquisition bring economic success. Satisfaction is an important ingredient for evaluating organization’s success. Satisfaction in one’s job means increased commitment in the fulfillment of formal requirements; and is deemed as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience, (Locke, 1969). Performance refers to the accomplishment of something or mere working effectiveness. In an organization performance is realized at the levels of organization, process and individuals and the interrelationships among these will define the vantage points of the organization. In contributing to the overall goal of the organization, training and development processes are implemented as this benefits not just the organization but also the individuals making up that organization. For the organization, training and development leads to improve profitability while cultivating more positive attitudes toward profit orientation. The importance of being satisfied with the job is known for more than 50 years.
Key words: Human Resource Development, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
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4) Impact of Social Activism on their Student Performance: “A Study of Students in Sindh University Campus Naushahro Feroze & Dadu”
Author’s Details:(1)Ali-Raza Memon (PhD Scholar) OKAN University, Istanbul, Turkey(2)Ms. Paras Channar (Lecturer) IBA University of Sindh, Jamshoro

this research paper is about social activism and its impacting on student’s performance having a study of district Naushahro Feroze and Dadu. Social Activism and Students politics are very issue in academic practices, students have involved nowadays in social issue that has big impact on their academic career.  Social Activism is tested through Humanity, Interpersonal Discussion and Academic Issues these items are tested through chron bach alpha which shows better consistency (0.884), also variables are tested with co-relation analysis for measure the strength of relationship among variables and demographic profiles of every participant represent with frequency distributions.
Key words: Student Performance, Social Activism, Humanity
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5) An Empirical Study on the Usage of 3rd Party Purchase and its Benefits to Manufacturing SMEs of Karachi
Author’s Details:(1) Shama Noreen (2) Sidra Munir Khan (3) Bushra Saeed (4) Mobeena But
Department of Management Sciences University of Narowal

This study investigates potentials for third-party purchase services offered by 3PL providers from the perspective of manufacturing SMEs in Karachi. The study was based on trust and capacity of 3PL provider and then using the 3PP services and its benefits to the SMEs. The results collected from 38 usable sample showed that there is no significant relationship between the 3PP opting by SMEs and SMEs will not get any benefit from the 3PL providers. This study is first time ever conducted in Pakistan and following the research conducted by Mr. Yangyan Shi in New Zealand and China.
Key words: 3rd party purchase, third party logistics, 3rd party users
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6) On the Reflection of Naturalism in the characters in The Sea Wolf
Author Details: Zeng Xiu
The Sea Wolf is a psychological adventure novel by an American novelist Jack London, published in 1904. The book’s protagonist, Humphrey van Weyden, is a literary critic who is a survivor of an ocean collision and who comes under the dominance of Wolf Larsen, the powerful and amoral sea captain who rescues him. It combines elements of naturalism and romantic adventure. Among numerous works of Jack London, The Sea Wolf enjoys a quite high literary status, which is actually known all over the world, which western critics have given very high comment. It tells the story of a soft, domesticated protagonist who is forced to become tough and self-reliant by exposure to cruelty and brutality. Naturalism is a scientific method employed here to depict the characters in the novel in which a character’s fate has been decided, even predetermined, by impersonal forces of nature beyond human control. The novel is an experiment where the author could discover and analyze the forces, or scientific laws, that influence behavior, and these include emotion, heredity, and environment
: environment; heredity; nature
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7) To Study the Impact of Parents Education on Religion Wise Response to Polio Eradication Programme: A Sociological Study With Reference to Aligarh District in Uttarpradesh
Author’s Details: (1) Dr. Abhimanyu Kumar, Assistant Professor, Govt. P.G. College, Ranikhet, Almora(U.K.) (2)Dr. Krishna Agrawal, Associate Prof. Sociology, SVCollege, Aligarh,U.P.

This research paper is made to examine the views of the people of modern India for awareness with regard to polio eradication Programme. Empirical research method is used in this study. The present research is carried on the basis on   primary and secondary data. This data has been from the obtained from respondents having Socio-economic status of the parents   living in the rural urban areas of parents education on religion wise response. The research data is collected by preparing a schedule through stratified sampling method. An interview schedule was prepared and was applied to 600 respondents in which 300 belonged to urban areas and rest 300 respondents belonged to rural areas. The area of the sample is District Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh state of India
Key words: Polio, parents, socio –economic status, area, respondents 
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8) On English Grammar Teaching with Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Author Details: Ying Wen-Foreign Language School, Nanchang  Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of the study. Language learners in environments utilizing CLT techniques learn and practice the target language through interaction with one another and the instructor. This paper makes a brief analysis of traditional grammar teaching and communicative language teaching, the role of grammar in Communicative Language Teaching, and the advantages of implementing the communicative approach in grammar lessons. It is concluded that the communicative approach can help English teachers improve their grammar lessons
Key words: 
Communicative language teaching (CLT); grammar teaching; the role of grammar
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9) Skills of Nurses Regarding Oral Health Care Provision to Patients in Pediatric Intensive Care Units: A Nurses Perspective
Author’s Details:Tahira Khatoon1, Anum Fatima*2, Hizbullah Khan, Ayyazda Farhana, Tabassam Zia, Tahira Yasmine-
(1)Nursing Superintendent, Government Nawaz Sharif Teaching Hospital, Lahore-(2)Associate Professor, Principal Institute of Nursing Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt-(3)Assistant Professor Nursing,  Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan-(4)Head Nurse, Government Nawaz Sharif Teaching Hospital, Lahore (5)Head Nurse, School of Nursing, Services Hospital, Lahore(6)Nursing Instructor, School of Nursing, Services Hospital, Lahore
Corresponding Author*;Ms. Anum Fatima,
Principal/ Head of Department, Institute of Nursing Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt

Introduction: Oral health is known as, an important part of the overall health of every person but it may not be provided as it is needed for hospitalized children worldwide. Oral hygiene done by a nurse is not appropriate especially, in a patient who is semiconscious and non-cooperating.  Objectives: Assess the skills among nurses regarding the provision of oral health care to patients in Pediatric Intensive Care Units.Research Methodology: The cross- sectional descriptive Survey approach was used. This study was conducted in three Government hospitals from Lahore. 100 nurses participated from different PICU. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used. Findings and Discussion: The result of the observation made by a researcher also showed that majority of the nurses were providing care to the intubated patients once or two times per shift but oral care for non-intubated patients was not taken as a   priority by nurses working in PICU. The second factor was   non availability of oral care applicators and solutions in these particular areas. That may create a hindrance in providing standardized oral care in seriously ill children as for nursing skill in oral care that was observed by researcher in PICU; result showed that nurses were not paying attention to this critical issue because of not having any guideline regarding oral care and be unaware of the oral complication that may arise as a result of neglected oral. Conclusion: the standardized oral hygiene has considerable contribution to improve oral care practice of nurses working in intensive care units hence be organized with better information and practice recommendation. This shortcoming of nurse’s practices can be improved through short courses. It was also observed that there was the absence of the guideline/protocol .Therefore, there is the need of the hour to develop the protocol/guideline for nurses to advance the nurses practice
Key Words: Pediatric Intensive Care Units, Oral hygiene, skills, guideline/protocol
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10) A Comparative Study on the Effect of Activity Based and Traditional Methods of Teaching Science at Elementary Level
Author’s Details: (1) Muhammad Yuosuf-Ph.D. Scholar Department of Education, The University of Lahore (2)Dr. Namra Munir-Department of Education-The University of Lahore, Lahore (3)Dr. Rashid Minas Wattoo-Head of Department, the University of Lahore, Pakpattan Campus

The aim of this research was to study the effect of activity- based teaching and traditional method of teaching on the students’ achievement in the subject of Science at Elementary  level. The research was experimental based on pre-test, post-test control group design. Five chapters were selected from 6th  class Science book prescribed by Punjab Text Book Board for this research. Population of the research study was the students from GHS Model Town Lahore, Punjab (Pakistan). 70 students of class 6th  were taken randomly from Govt. High School Model Town Lahore. A pre-test developed from the same book was administered on them for equalizing the groups. Students were randomly divided into two groups (experimental and control) on the results of pre-test. Tests were administered keeping cognitive domain in view. Selected units from 6th  class Science Book prescribed by Punjab Text Book Board were taught to both groups (experimental and control) for the time of eight weeks. Activity based method was used for experimental group only and other group was taught traditionally. Time for the teaching was 40 minutes daily to each group. After completion of period of eight weeks a post test from the same book and content was administered to both groups. Independent sample t-test  was applied on the pre-test and post- test scores to check whether there is difference in the performances of two groups. It was concluded that students taught through activity based teaching performed better in post-test. It is recommended that in future Science may be taught with activities at elementary level. Science kit containing material for activities may be provided to science teachers
Keywords: Science, Traditional Method of teaching, Activity based Teaching/learning
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11) Comparison of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Urdu and English Teachers on The Basis of School Level
Author’s Details:(1) Muhammad Shafqat-Ph.D. Scholar Department of Education, The University of Lahore(2)Dr. Namra Munir-Department of Education The University of Lahore, Lahore(3)Dr.Iftikhar Ahmad Baig-Head of Department, University of Lahore, Lahore(4)Dr. Rashid Minas Wattoo-Head of Department, The University of Lahore, Pakpattan Campus

The Punjab government decision for changing medium of teaching from Urdu to English created disturbance among the teachers. Because Urdu was being used as medium of instruction even prior to creation of Pakistan, so, it was difficult for teachers to modify their minds, for English as language of instruction. Teachers showed less confidence in their capabilities and faced problems in adjusting themselves in new environment and while delivering education to the students efficiently. They were hesitant to absorb the change. Keeping in view the situation, the present study was conducted to measure and compare the willingness, confidence level and self-efficacy beliefs of the teachers of Urdu and English, on the basis of school level  The study aimed to explore the self-efficacy beliefs of school teachers and make a comparison on the basis of school level. For the purpose, the sample of teachers who were teaching Urdu or English to any of the classes from 1-10 was taken.
Survey method was used and for multistage stratified random and convenient sampling technique was adopted. Sample size was 864 with 432 male teachers and 432 female teachers form 216 randomly selected schools, out of which there  were 429 Urban and 435 rural teachers, 452 were teaching English and 412 were teaching Urdu in selected primary, elementary and secondary schools of the nine districts, selected from three administrative divisions of the Punjab province randomly.
Data were collected using adopted version of  Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) developed by Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk (2001) For data collection the scale having 24 items on the three different sub scales was used. Bilingual version of the questionnaire was used for the convenience of respondents and analyzed using independent sample t-test, two way and multivariate analysis of variance.  The study revealed that level of teachers’ school showed valuable effects on the self-efficacy score of the teachers. Urdu teachers had more self-efficacious value; hence, Urdu teachers felt high level of contentment and comfort in teaching as compared to their colleagues i.e. English teachers. Moreover, primary school teachers demonstrated high level of self-efficacious power as compared to elementary and  secondary school teachers.
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