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Volume 5, Issue 8

Open Access Journal

Volume 5, Issue 8

Impact Factor 3.582

1) Munchausen Syndrome as a Case of Rare Psychiatric Disorder.
Author’s Details: (1)Aqsa Shamim Ahmed-Ms Scholar, University of Lahore Faculty of Sports Sciences,(2)Dr. Jamshaid Ahmed-Associate Professor, University of Lahore Faculty of Sports Sciences

This is a case of 16years old girl presented with munchausen syndrome. She has a 3years history of non specific joint pain, bleeding of fingers and toe nails, episodic fainting spells. She had depressive symptoms for the last 1 month. She was admitted to the psychiatric ward of POF Medical Complex Wah Cantt for observation and found to cut her cuticles with blade, on confrontation, patient and her family started to quarrel with the hospital staff and left against advice.
Munchausen syndrome, Psychiatric Disorder, Self mutilating behavior
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2) Exploring the Relationships between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: A Study on Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The purpose of this study is to examine the
relationship between Service Quality (SQ) and Customer Loyalty (CL).
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive SQ, refer to (SQ Questionnaire, Cronin &  Taylor,1992) and CL (CL Questionnaire, Parasuraman, 1996). The data of the study was collected from 300 employees at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. Out of the 338 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt, 300 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 88%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: The research has found that there is significant and positive relationship between SQ and CL at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. The finding reveals that SQ affects CL. This study has been specifically conducted to seek empirical justification by considering SQ as the main contributory factor towards CL.
Practical implications: Learning the relationships between SQ and CL, retailers can effectively allocate their resources and develop a rational plan to improve their SQ under specific business circumstances. In addition, by referring loyal customers, Menoufia University Hospitals can attract more customers. Managers are advised to satisfy and better manage their relationships through quality product and service offerings to their customers as a competitive policy in the marketplace. Menoufia University Hospitals are required to offer products/services that meet or surpass consumers’ expectation. The study also reveals interesting implications in SQ and CL, useful to both academics and practitioners. Managers will find this research helpful in better understanding these variables and their roles on their companies’ performance.
Originality/value: This research dealt with SQ in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the CL at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt.
service quality, customer loyalty
[Download Full Paper] [Page 03-23]


3) Knowledge Management: The Key to Organizational Success.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: This paper attempts to highlight the significant role of Knowledge Management (KM) in improving Organizational Success (OS). KM is widely acknowledged as a critical factor for OS at commercial banks in Egypt.
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive KM, refer to (KM questionnaire, Jakob 2003; and Wiig, 2003) and OS (OS questionnaire Simon et al., 2011)
. The data of the study was collected from the employees at commercial banks in Egypt. Out of the 382 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at commercial banks in Egypt, 305 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 79%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of KM (creation of knowledge, knowledge acquisition, organization of knowledge, knowledge distribution, and use of knowledge) and OS at commercial banks in Egypt.
Practical implications: This research contributes to the need for organizations to practice KM in order to be able to meet contemporary intense competition, as this trend is to play an important role in enhancing OS. The study suggests that the commercial banks in Egypt can increase OS by influencing its KM. The study provided that it is necessary to pay more attention to the dimensions of KM as a key source for organizations to enhance the competitive advantage which is of prime significance for OS.
Originality/value: The study observes that there is a critical shortage in KM and that a greater understanding of the factors that influence the OS is of great importance. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between KM and OS. This research dealt with KM in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of KM in promoting OS. Accordingly, the study provided a set of recommendations including the necessity to pay more attention to KM as a key source for OS at commercial banks in Egypt.
knowledge management, organizational success
[Download Full Paper] [Page 24-40]


4) The Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Industrial Companies in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how Talent Management (TM) affect Organizational Performance (OP) in the industrial companies in Egypt.
Research Design/Methodology: Using Heinen & O’Neill (2004) of TM, the study develops a number of hypotheses and tests them on a sample of 370 employees at the industrial companies in Egypt. Statistically usable questionnaires amounted to 300 as multiple follow-ups are produced. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: The main finding from this research is that there is an association between TM (planning, recruitment, compensation and rewards, performance management, employee empowerment, employee engagement, and organizational culture) and OP.
Practical implications: The study suggests that the industrial companies in Egypt can improve OP by influencing its TM dimensions. The study provided that it is necessity to pay more attention to the dimensions of TM which is of a prime significance for OP.
Originality/value: The study observes that there is a shortage of empirical research regarding TM. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between TM and OP at the industrial companies in Egypt.
talent management, organizational performance
[Download Full Paper] [Page 41-54]


5) Organizational Learning: The Means of Organizational Excellence.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: This paper attempts to highlight the significant role of Organizational Learning (OL) in improving Organizational Excellence (OE). OL is widely acknowledged as a critical factor for OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt.
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive OL (OL questionnaire American Society for Training and Development, 2002) and OE (OE survey Kandula, 2002; Hesseblin & Gohanston, 2002) are used. The data of the study was collected from 315 employees at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt. Out of the 290 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt, 260 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 89%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of OL (the dynamics of learning, conversion of the organization, employee empowerment, knowledge management, and the application of technology) and OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt.
Practical implications: This research contributes to the need for organizations to practice OL in order to be able to meet contemporary intense competition, as this trend is to play an important role in enhancing OE. The study suggests that the Telecommunications sector in Egypt can increase OE by influencing its OL. The study provided that it is necessary to pay more attention to the dimensions of OL as a key source for organizations to enhance the competitive advantage which is of prime significance for OE.
Originality/value: The study observes that there is a critical shortage in OL and that a greater understanding of the factors that influence the OE is of great importance. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between OL and OE. This research dealt with OL in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of OL in promoting OE. Accordingly, the study provided a set of recommendations including the necessity to pay more attention to OL as a key source for OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt.
organizational learning, organizational excellence
[Download Full Paper] [Page 55-70]


6)The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Evidence from Teaching Hospitals in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating significant role of Customer Satisfaction (CS) on the relationship between Service Quality (SQ) and Customer Loyalty (CL).
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive SQ, refer to (SQ Questionnaire, Cronin &  Taylor,1992), CS (CS Questionnaire, Athanassopoulos, et al, 2001) and CL (CL Questionnaire, Parasuraman, 1996). The data of the study was collected from 315 employees at Teaching hospitals in Egypt. Out of the 357 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at Teaching hospitals in Egypt, 315 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 88%.
Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: Results of the study show that there are high positive correlation between SQ, CS and CL at Teaching hospitals in Egypt. SQ significantly influenced CS and CL. The finding reveals that SQ affects CL through CS. Therefore, this study has been specifically conducted to look into this phenomenon and seek empirical justification in this regard by considering SQ as the main contributory factor towards CS and CL.
Practical implications: Learning the relationships between SQ, CS and CL, retailers can effectively allocate their resources and develop a rational plan to improve their SQ under specific business circumstances. In addition, by the referring of loyal customers, Teaching hospitals can attract more customers. Managers are advised to satisfy and better manage their relationships through quality product and service offerings to their customers as a competitive policy in the marketplace. Teaching hospitals are required to offer products/services that meet or surpass consumers’ expectation. The study also reveals interesting implications in SQ, CS and CL, useful to both academics and practitioners. Managers will find this research helpful in better understanding these variables and their roles on their companies’ performance.
Originality/value: This research dealt with SQ in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the significant role of CS in the relationship between SQ and CL at Teaching hospitals in Egypt.
service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
[Download Full Paper] [Page 71-97]


7) The Impact of Organizational Silence on Job Attitudes:A Study on Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: There is little empirical evidence regarding the nature and components of OS. So, the purpose of this
research is to identify the impact of Organizational Silence (OS) on Job Attitudes (JA) at the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
Design/methodology/approach: To assess OS, refer to (OS questionnaire, Schechtman, 2008; Brinsfield, 2009), JS (JS questionnaire, Judge et al., 2001; Best & Thurston, 2004) and OC (OC questionnaire, Allan & Meyer, 1990; Meyer, et. al., 1993). Five dimensions of OS are constructed and measured in order to examine their effects on JA at the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt. Out of the 356 questionnaires that were distributed to employees, 315 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 88%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: Results indicate that supervisors’ attitudes to silence, top management attitudes to silence and communication opportunities are associated and predict employee silence behaviour. The research has found that there is a significant relationship between OS and JA. Also, the research has found that OS directly affects JA at the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
Practical implications: This research pointed to the need for organizations to adopt a culture which encourages and urges employees to speak in the labor issues and the non-silence in order for the administration to be able to realize these issues and try to solve them first hand in order to prevent their aggravation.
Originality/value: There is little empirical evidence in the literature aimed at defining, analyzing, and coping with silence. It has an impact on the ability of organizations to detect errors. Therefore, this research aims to measure the effect of OS on JA. Based on the findings of this research, some important implications are discussed.
Keywords: organizational silence, job attitudes
[Download Full Paper] [Page 98-124]


8) The Role of Knowledge Management in Promoting Organizational Excellence: A Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: This paper attempts to highlight the significant role of Knowledge Management (KM) in improving Organizational Excellence (OE). KM is widely acknowledged as a critical factor for OE at the Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive KM refer to (KM questionnaire, Jakob 2003; and Wiig, 2003) and OE (OE survey Kandula, 2002; Hesseblin & Gohanston, 2002). The data of the study was collected from the employees at The Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
Out of the 356 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at The Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt, 300 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 84%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of KM (creation of knowledge, knowledge acquisition, organization of knowledge, knowledge distribution, and use of knowledge) and OE at The Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
Practical implications: This research contributes to the need for organizations to practice KM in order to be able to meet contemporary intense competition, as this trend is to play an important role in enhancing OE. The study suggests that the Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt can increase OE by influencing its KM. The study provided that it is necessary to pay more attention to the dimensions of KM as a key source for organizations to enhance the competitive advantage which is of prime significance for OE.
Originality/value: The study observes that there is a critical shortage in KM and that a greater understanding of the factors that influence the OE is of great importance. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between KM and OE. This research dealt with KM in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of KM in promoting OE. Accordingly, the study provided a set of recommendations including the necessity to pay more attention to KM as a key source for OE at the Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.
knowledge management, organizational excellence
[Download Full Paper] [Page 125-143]


9) Organizational Silence: Its Devastating Role of Organizational Success.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The purpose of this research is to identify the effects of organizational silence on organizational success at the Egyptian industrial companies in Sadat City.
Design/methodology/approach: To assess organizational silence, refer to (organizational silence questionnaire, Schechtman, 2008; Brinsfield, 2009), and organizational success (organizational success questionnaire Simon et al., 2011). Out of the 372 questionnaires that were distributed to employees, 315 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 84%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: The research has found that there is significant relationship between organizational silence and organizational success and found that organizational silence directly affects on organizational success. In other words, organizational silence is one of the biggest barriers to organizational success of the employees at the Egyptian industrial companies in Sadat City.
Practical implications: This research pointed to the need for organizations to adopt a culture which encourages and urges employees to speak in the labor issues and the non-silence in order for the administration to be able to realize these issues and try to solve them first hand in order to prevent their aggravation.
Originality/value: Silence climate has an impact on the ability of organizations to detect errors and learn. Therefore, organizational effectiveness is negatively affected. This research aims to measure the effect of organizational silence on organizational success. Based on the findings of this research, some important implications are discussed.
organizational silence, organizational success
[Download Full Paper] [Page 144-164]


10) Analyzing the Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Sadat University in Egypt.
Author Details: Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between SQ (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and CS.
Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive SQ, refer to (SQ Questionnaire, Cronin & Taylor, 1992), and CS (CS Questionnaire, Athanassopoulos, et al, 2001). The data of the study was collected from 470 employees at Sadat University in Egypt. Out of the 692 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at Sadat University in Egypt, 470 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 68%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses.
Findings: The research has found that there is significant relationship between SQ and CS at Sadat University in Egypt. CS significantly influenced SQ. The finding reveals that SQ affects CS. This study has been specifically conducted to seek empirical justification by considering SQ as the main contributory factor towards CS.
Practical implications: Learning the relationships between SQ and CS can effectively allocate their resources and develop a rational plan to improve their SQ under specific business circumstances. Sadat University can attract more customers. Managers are advised to satisfy and better manage their relationships through quality product and service offerings to their customers as a competitive policy in the marketplace. Sadat University is required to offer products/services that meet or surpass consumers’ expectation. The study also reveals interesting implications in SQ and CL, useful to both academics and practitioners. Managers will find this research helpful in better understanding these variables and their roles on their companies’ performance. Based on the study, organization managers are advised to satisfy and better manage their relationships through SQ offerings to their customers as a competitive policy in the marketplace.
Originality/value: This research dealt with SQ in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the CS at Sadat University in Egypt.
service quality, customer satisfaction
[Download Full Paper] [Page 165-186]


11) The Influence Of Team Performance On Home Attendance In College Sports: A Case Study of NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball.
Author Details: Geumchan Hwang-University of Minnesota

This study aims to understand how performance of a men’s basketball team and a football team affect home attendance of a men’s basketball team in NCAA Division I schools according to the type of subdivision (FBS, FCS, and non-football institutions).
A sample unit of the study was a men’s basketball team and a football team in NCAA Division I. A total of 335 men’s basketball team records and a total of 237 football team records in NCAA Division I schools were collected from university official athletic websites and official NCAA websites. After data collection, data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study showed 1) performance of a men’s basketball team significantly predicted home attendance of a men’s basketball, 2) home attendance of a men’s basketball team in FBS schools was more significantly affected by the performance of a men’s basketball team compared to men’s basketball teams in FCS and non-football subdivision schools, and 3) performance of a football team also predicted home attendance of a men’s basketball team.
This study contributes to reconfirming the importance of team performance on home attendance of college sporting events in addition to professional sports. Despite the contribution, this study has limitations in terms of team performance measurement and sample diversity. Thus, future studies will consider more precise team performance measurement (e.g., UPS Team Performance Index) and team performance of men’s basketball teams in Division II and III schools to ensure internal validity of the study.
: team performance, home attendance, winning percentage, men’s basketball, football
[Download Full Paper] [Page 187-191]


12) Case Study on Single Bout of RET With PPBG on a Type II Diabetic Subject on Insulin Therapy.
Author Details: Dr.S.S.Subramanian-M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy).The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100. Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER Chennai – 73.

Resisted exercises lowering PPBG with each session on a type II diabetic subject on insulin is demonstrated with an average drop of 21% of PPBG in every three sessions. With an improved glycemic control along with continued RET, quality of life of the subject, improves with lowering of associated complications such as peripheral neuropathy.  
Keywords: PPBG – Post Prandial Blood Glucose, FBG – Fasting Blood Sugar-RET – Resisted Exercise Training, IDF – International Diabetic Federation -ACSM – American College of Sports Medicine, ADA – American Diabetic Association
[Download Full Paper] [Page 192-196]


13) Growth Performance, Haematological, Carcass and Organ Characteristics of Broiler Starter Birds Fed Aerial Yam (Dioscorea Bulbifera) Tuber Meal.
Author’s Details: (1)Jiwuba, P.C. (2)Ezenwaka, L.C. (3)Ikwunze, K.(4)Nsidinanya N.O (1)Department of Animal Health and Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture, P.M.B.7008, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.(2)Department of Biotechnology, National Root Crops Research Institute, P.M.B, 7006, Umudike, Abia State.(3)(4)Department of Animal Production and Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, P.M.B.7267 Umudike, Nigeria.

A-48 day feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of dietary levels of aerial yam tuber meal (AYTM) on growth performance, haematological, carcass and organ characteristics of broiler birds. Five experimental diets were formulated to include aerial yam tuber meal at 0%, 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% at the starter stage and 0%, 8%, 16%, 24% and 32% at the finisher phase for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 respectively. One hundred and twenty (120) day old Anak broiler chicks were used and randomly divided into five groups with each group randomly allotted to the five treatment diets in a Completely Randomized Experimental Design (CRD). Each group was further subdivided into three (3) replicates of eight birds each. The experimental starter and finisher diets were fed ad libitum. Data were collected for growth performance, haematological parameters, carcass and organ characteristics. Total body weight gain and average daily feed intake were significantly (P<0.05) better in the control diets. The haematological indices differed (P<0.05) significantly in packed cell volume (PCV) and white blood cell (WBC) counts. PCV and WBC were also higher and better for the animals fed the control diets relative to the other treatments. The carcass and organ characteristics showed no significance (P>0.05) difference among the treatment groups. Aerial yam tuber meal showed a good promise when included in the diets of broiler starter and finisher up to 32% without a harmful effect on growth performance, haematological and carcass and organ characteristics of broilers. It can be therefore recommended as a cheaper alternative to maize in broiler feeding.
Key words: aerial yam, growth performance, hematology, carcass and organ characteristic, broiler chicken, alternative feed stuff.
[Download Full Paper] [Page 197-203]


14) Growth Performance and Apparent Nutrient Digestibility of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Β-Carotene Cassava Peel-Centrosema Leaf Meal Based Diets.
Author’s Details: (1)Jiwuba, P.C. (2)Ezenwaka, L.C. (1)Department of Animal Health and Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture, P.M.B.7008, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.(2)Biotechnology programme, National Root Crops Research Institute, P.M.B, 7006, Umudike, Abia State.

A study was carried out to evaluate the growth performance and apparent nutrient digestibility of West African Dwarf (WAD) goats fed β-carotene cassava peel-centrosema leaf meal based diets. Four diets designated A, B, C and D were formulated to contain 0, 10, 20, and 30% levels of Centrosema pubescens leaf meal respectively. Thirty six WAD bucks of about 8 – 10 months of age and averaging 7.19kg in weight were used to conduct the growth performance and four bucks used in the digestibility study in completely randomized design and 4 x 4 Latin square design experiments respectively. Results showed that β-carotene cassava peel-centrosema leaf meal supplementation significantly increased (P<0.05) the average daily feed intake, average daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of WAD goats. Diet D containing 30% Centrosema pubescens leaf meal produced the best performance for optimum intake and growth of the goats. Apparent-nitrogen digestibility was also significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatment groups fed Centrosema pubescens leaf meal than in the control group. The results of this study indicated that the inclusion of β-carotene cassava peel-centrosema leaf meal at 30% level enhanced growth performance and apparent nutrient digestibility of West African Dwarf goats and therefore recommended for better goat production.
Keywords: provitamin A cassava peel, alternative feed resources, growth performance, digestibility, WAD goats and
Centrosema pubescens leaf meal.
[Download Full Paper] [Page 204-210]
