Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 5, Issue 3

Open Access Journal

Volume 5, Issue 3

Impact Factor 3.582

1) Accessory right crus of the diaphragm – a case report.
Author’s Details: (1)T. Ramesh Rao (2)Suresh Rao (CORRESPONDING ADDRESS).
Department of Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Trinidad & Tobago.

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Diaphragm is the principle muscle of inspiration and is present only in mammals. The muscle fibres, forming the periphery of the partition, arise from the circumference of the thoracic outlet and are inserted into a central tendon. During routine gross anatomy dissection of the abdomen, for the purpose of teaching medical students, in a middle-aged male cadaver, we observed an unusual morphology of the right crus of diaphragm. There were two crura on the right side of diaphragm and the left side was normal. Therefore, an attempt has been made to highlight its embryological basis and clinical implications.
accessory crura, crus, diaphragm anomaly
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 2) Integrating Mergers and Acquisitions with Enterprise Systems: Towards an Explanation.
Author’s Details: (1)Prithvi Bhattacharya-Higher Colleges of Technology

Given that many organizations seek to create value through inorganic growth, Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) initiatives are becoming increasingly important. On the other hand, the potential of Information Systems to create value by enabling Mergers and Acquisitions for adopting organizations is emerging as a popular area of investigation. Hence, a study was conducted to understand the role of Enterprise Systems, a very popular variant of Information Systems, in Mergers and Acquisitions initiatives. This paper is a research in progress that first explores the literature available, and subsequently explains that Enterprise Systems, through their ability to ‘integrate’ data, processes and systems, can greatly facilitate Mergers and Acquisitions. The contribution of this paper is that it (a) confirms that Mergers and Acquisitions can be made easier if the organizations concerned have Enterprise Systems in place, and (b) further explains how this can be so. The intention is to further test the phenomenon proposed with empirical data from a number of case studies.

Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions, Integration, Enterprise Systems, ERP, Business Value, Strategic Value, Inorganic Growth
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3) Social Dynamics Influencing Community Participation And Their Impact On Quality Of Basic Education: The Case For Rural Schools In Zimbabwe.
Author Details: Sango Mesheck Godfrey (Dr). Senior Lecturer: Zimbabwe Open University

this study set out to investigate social dynamics that influence behaviour of communities in their involvement in providing basic education.  This study, therefore, sought to answer the following research questions: How are communities members organised for participation in education? What are the social dynamics that influence community participation in education? How are the dynamics influencing quality of basic education? A qualitative case study design directed the research process. The study found out that community attitude towards education, level of school education of community members, awareness of educational issues, political affiliation, and availability of basic needs in families shaped the behaviour of community members in their involvement in school related activities. These behaviours were found to result in shortages in financial resources, school facilities, teaching and learning materials. In addition, supervision of homework, pupil attendance, scope of curriculum, and motivation of teachers were negatively affected. The study recommended parent orientation programmes, increased government and non-governmental organisation support.
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4) Case Study Report on a Geriatric Female with Bilateral Osteoarthrosis Knee and Obesity.
Author Details: Dr.S.S.Subramanian, M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy). The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100. Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER Chennai – 73.

Osteoarthrosis of knee joints, lumbar disc lesion with obesity affects physical movements and daily activities. Reduction of obesity, strengthening of due weak muscles with due physiotherapy techniques, yoga, inversion therapy and Physioball are the key outcome of this study. This case study gets more important as all aspects of rehabilitation were taken care and addressed.

  1. Oswestry Lowback disability questionnaire 10 items with lowback pain on various daily functional activities on a 6 point sub rating score.
  2. WOOMAC: 17 items including pain and various physical functions on a 5 point subject rating score.
  3. Core Exercise: exercises to strengthen Abdomen, Pelvic, Hip and Muscles.
  4. Physioball: An inflated ball with air used for rehabilitation.

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5) Technical Efficiency and Productivity changes in Tea Manufacturing Companies: A Case Study of Mufindi Tea and Coffee Limited in Tanzania.
Author Details: Erasmus Fabian Kipesha (PhD), School of Business, Department of Accounting and Finance, Mzumbe University.

This research study aims at examining technical efficiency and productivity changes of Mufindi Tea and Coffee Ltd (MTC) in Tanzania. The study employed Data envelopment analysis and Malmuquist total productivity index to examine efficiency and productivity changes respectively.
The results show that MTC tea estates were technically inefficient, although the efficiency changes show some positive improvement. Most of the changes in total factor productivity were the results in improvement in scale efficiency while the inefficiencies observed in technical efficiency were contributed by operating at inappropriate scales among the estates.

From the study findings, it is recommended that MTC should use advanced technologies in order to reduce operating costs and increase productivity and efficiency. The company is currently labor intensive in all activities, it is recommended that the company should invest in machines in activities which does not necessarily require labor in order to improve efficiency
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6) Analysis of urban management impact in physical development (Case study: regions 2, 3 and 4 in Zabol)
Author’s Details: (1)Mohammad Boundahi*(Corresponding Author) – MA Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of human science, Young Researcher and Elite club, Zahehan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran-(2)Mahsume Hafez Rezazade – Assistant professor in Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of human science, Zahehan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran-(3)Omolbanin Salari-MA Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of human science, Zahehan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran (4)Nosrat Ganjali-MA Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of human science, Zahehan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

City and urban management are concepts that have a very close relation to each other. The rule of law is needed to establish the field of the interaction between the elements of urban management which includes citizens, institutions and the city administration, the Islamic Consultative and private sector. The purpose of the macro-management of urban is creating a livable environment for all with social justice, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability and urban management is integrated in the areas of urban land and housing, social services and economic development and environmental infrastructure. The purpose of this article is analysis of urban management impact in physical development (case study: regions 2, 3 and 4 in Zabol). In present study, the research method is descriptive-analytic based on library and field studies as questionnaire that collected data is analyzed by using the ELECTRE-TRI model. In this research, regions 2, 3 and 4 among five regions in Zabol have been studied based on the four indices of urban management role in physical development. The results show that the region 2 is placed in first rank, the region 3 in second rank and the region 1 is placed in third rank.
Urban management, Sustainable development, Physical development
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7) Concurrent Effects of School-Based Physical Activity Intervention on BMI Status and Academic Achievement in School-Aged Children.
Author’s Details: Weiyun Chen1, Xiaozan Wang2, Heidi Buchele1, AnnMarie Kuzel1, Rachel Sullivan1, and Michael Vaandering1-School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA1 School of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China2 –Corresponding author and email address: Weiyun Chen,Present/permanent address: 1402 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI 48168

Objectives: Research has documented an increased prevalence of obesity rates and low level achievement in mathematics for school aged children in America. However, despite the preponderance of research, there has been very little done to systematically review school based physical activity (PA) intervention effects on both BMI status and academic achievement in children.  The purpose of this systematic review was to examine concurrent effects of school-based PA interventions on both BMI and academic achievement in children and the role of BMI in this effect. Methods: Seven experimental studies that met the inclusion criteria for this review were extracted from 218 peer-reviewed articles. Results: This review found that participation in daily 40-minute vigorous aerobic PA for 13-15 weeks yielded significant intervention effects in executive function and the math achievement tests, but not in the reading tests and BMI z-scores for sedentary, overweight children. However, participation in either daily 15 minute sessions of physically active academic lessons or weekly 90-minute aerobic PAs for a year, yielded concurrent significant positive changes in BMI percentiles and higher scores in math achievement tests for children with varying BMI statuses and diverse ethnic backgrounds. In particular, a significantly greater proportion of the obese and at-risk for obesity children involved in the intervention, decreased their BMI percentiles compared to the control peers. In addition, the obese children gained the most significant improvement in the math achievement tests compared to other two groups. Conclusions: longitudinal and regular school-based PA interventions generate positive improvements in BMI percentiles and math achievement tests among school-aged children regardless of their weight status, ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic situations.
Obesity, Academic Achievement, Executive Function, Physical Activity.
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8) ‘Chaayos’ Leveraging the Power of Digital Media to Increase Fan Following and Brand Awareness: A Case Study.
Author Details: Ridhima Bhanot Sharma1 1Amity University, Sector-125, Noida (U.P.), India

Abstract: The case study elaborates the marketing strategies of Chaayos.  It talks about how the company was formed by two IIT graduates motivated by their love for tea. The study touches upon the statistics of tea consumption in India against the available hygienic tea shops.The case study envisages how the digital media platforms have been effectively used by Chaayos in order to enhance their capabilities and grow rapidly. Chaayos keeps sharing valuable contents through all its online as well as offline platforms. Apart from this, Chaayos responds to their fans and followers and listens to them with the aim to serve them better and take valuable ideas and feedback.The study illustrates by doing all of this How Chaayos has been able to show it openly that it cares for the fans and makes them feel that they are an integral part of the company. Chaayos understands their audience and the importance of digital media. Taking a giant leap, most recently, Chaayos has plans that it will open 50 new stores pan India in coming 2 years. This will give a major pump to the company’s growth.
Digital Media, Brand Awareness, Online Marketing Strategies, Power of Internet
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9) Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: A Case Report.
Author’s Details: (1)Saidani MD, (2)S. Jarboui MD, (3)Z. Bokal, (4)H. Houissa MD
Department of general Surgery Mahmoud El Matri Hospital-Arian-Tunisia University of medicine Tunis-Tunisia. Corresponding author: (1)Ahmed Saidani (2)Slim Jarboui
Background: Retroperitoneal paraganglioma is a rare tumor that develops from chromaffin cells that secrete catecholamines in the sympathetic ganglia. Universally known as pheochromocytoma, tumors located outside the adrenal gland have been designated as extraadrenal paragangliomas.
Aim of the work: The authors report the case of a retroperitoneal paraganglioma with analysis of clinical and imaging features and review of the relevant literature.
Case report: We report the case of 84-year-old woman with medical history of hypertension and who was complaining of vomiting and pain in the epigastrum and upper right quadrant. Physical examination and laboratory tests revealed no abnormalities.  Ultrasound sonography and abdominal CT-scan showed a round well limited retroperitoneal lesion of c. 7 cm composed of cysts and plain tissue adjacent to the tail of the pancreas, the posterior surface of the stomach and the left renal vein. The Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) showed a lesion that was hypointense on T1 and heterogeneous hyperintense on T2. The preoperative diagnosis was tumor of the tail of the pancreas or the gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) or the extra digestive stromal tumor (E-GIST). The patient was operated on via a midline incision.  We had found a lesion – that was deeply embedded in the left transverse mesocolon near the duodeno-jejunal flexure. It was well encapsulated, surrounded by several peri-capsular veins having connection with the inferior mesenteric vein and the left renal vein. A complete tumor resection was performed.. The histopathological diagnosis was retroperitoneal paraganglioma without any signs of malignancy.
Conclusion: When confronted to a posterior abdominal mass, the first step is to be sure of its retroperitoneal origin. Then, the second step is to try to guess its nature and characterize it. When symptoms and signs are not clear, it is essential to know their most frequent location, in order to think of the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Surgery is the main treatment because of their malignant potential. The removal must be complete to be curative.
: retroperitoneum, pancreas, retroperitoneal paraganglioma.
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10) Macrocystic Serous Neoplasm of the Pancreas Treated By Central Pancreatectomy: Case Report.
Author’s Details: (1)Jarboui S. MD-Department of General Surgery of Sidi Bouzid Hospital- Tunisia.University of medicine Sousse-Tunisia. (2)Baccari A.MD-Department of General Surgery of Sidi Bouzid Hospital- Tunisia.Lupandru A,MD Department of General Surgery of Sidi Bouzid Hospital- Tunisia.

Corresponding author: P r Slim Jarboui – Department of General Surgery of Sidi Bouzid Hospital- Tunisia.
Macrocystic serous cystadenoma neoplasm (SCN) is an unusual benign pancreatic tumor. Enucleation of these benign or low-grade malignant tumor types is not always possible because of pancreatic duct involvement or because of a pancreatic neck or body location. These patients have traditionally been treated with distal subtotal pancreatectomy or extended Pancreaticodudenectomy (PD). Recently central pancreatectomy (CP) has gained much attention.
Aim of the work: Clinical and pathological features of this rare tumor are presented with analysis of the indications and the results of the parenchyma-sparing central CP.
Case report: We report on 55-year-old woman who presented with recurrent epigastric pain.  A cystic lesion at the junction neck/proximal body of the pancreas was revealed by abdominal computed tomography and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The lesion was well-defined and embedded on the pancreas, with some septations and discrete lobulation. The lesion was symptomatic with intractable abdominal pain ( 2 episodes of mild pancreartitis) and a mucinous cystadenoma couldn’t be ruled out. A central pancreatectomy (CP) was performed with closure of the proximal remnant pancreas and end to side Pancraticogastrostomy (PG). The course was uneventful. The histopathological diagnosis was macrocystic SCN of the pancreas with cystic epithelial neoplasm composed of serous-type glycogen-rich epithelial cells. 
Conclusion: Clearly, a role exists for CP in select patients with benign or low grade tumors. Preoperative selection of patients is of utmost importance. Good collaboration between surgeons, radiologists and gastroenterologists is necessary for optimal management of cystic tumors of the pancreas.
Key-words: macrocystic serous cystadenoma, pancreas, central pancreatectomy, Pancraticogastrostomy.

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11) The Critical Role Of Internal Auditing In Addressing Bank Fraud: A Conceptual Framework.
Author’s Details: Georgios L. Vousinas-Alpha Bank S.A. National Technical University of Athens – School of Mechanical Engineering-Sector of Industrial Management & Operational Research

Abstract:The recent global financial recession highlighted the critical role that the banking system plays in the modern economy. Banks are complex financial institutions that operate in a constantly changing business environment and deal with high levels of risk, while facing fraudulent actions in regular basis. In order to address these problems, banks engage in various internal audit techniques such as the implementation of controls and prevention tools, the usage of anti-fraud methods and data mining. The aim of this paper is to highlight the crucial role of internal auditing in addressing bank fraud. This is achieved by initially providing a review of both theoretical and empirical literature which helps in determining the value of internal auditing and then by proposing a conceptual framework in order to justify its interconnection with bank fraud, and also to serve as a guide for all future reference. The results confirm the fact that internal audit can play a major role in risk assurance and bank fraud management thus, ensuring banks’ normal and uninterrupted operation. The paper also provides some useful insights for future application of internal audit methods thus, laying the ground for a fruitful dialogue among the various stakeholders.
Keywords:  Internal audit, banking system, fraud, risk, loss JEL:
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