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Volume 4, Issue 4

Open Access Journal

Volume 4, Issue 4

Impact Factor 3.582

1) Transforming Business: A Case Study of A to Z Advertising.
Author’s Details:(1)Dr. Jitender Kumar-Assistant professor, Department of Management Studies, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of science & Technology Murthal (Sonipat)(2)Dr. Rahul Swami-Assistant professor, ICFAI Business School, The ICFAI University, Jaipur

This case is about Mr. Avinash Gupta who has started his career as a serviceman in an advertising firm in Mumbai and excelled with dedication and sincerity towards his work. Through this case author has tried to put an example before the readers that how a small business like the advertising agency business require lot of brain storming and rational decision making. As a Managing Director of A to Z advertising, Mr. Avinash Gupta is facing three hottest problems: first; the financial performance of A to Z advertising had not been very satisfactory in the last five years. Second; after putting all efforts total revenue is declining from year to year and third; business expenses are increasing swiftly. At the time of this problem Mr. Gupta panicked about his business and he is thinking on some strategic alternates regarding this business like first; to shut down this advertising agency business and skip to another business as suggested by his so called well-wishers. Second, to continue this advertising agency business with same name, same place, same staff and clients etc. and wait for good business time and third, to arrange any kind of business collaboration with any growing advertising agency or can look out for another feasible alternative. To get better solution of the business problems he hired ‘Solutions Private Ltd. Mumbai, a professional marketing research agency’, which has submitted a report at the instance of Mr. Gupta.
Keywords: Advertising agency, Financial Performance, Revenue, Business and Marketing Research.
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2) The State and Art of Community Participation in providing Quality Basic Education: The case for Manicaland Province- Zimbabwe.
Author Details:Mesheck Godfrey Sango- Zimbabwe Open University

This research study set out to describe how community participation was happening and how it influenced quality of basic education in Manicaland province in Zimbabwe.  The study was guided by four research questions: how do communities define community participation in providing quality basic education; how is the community contributing in providing quality basic education; and how is community participation influencing quality of basic education? A qualitative multiple case study design was used to generate qualitative data from three primary schools. The three cases were selected on the basis of them being relevant to the research purpose and were conveniently accessible to the researcher.  Qualitative data were generated through in-depth interviews with head teachers, head men, and councillors and focus group discussions held with parents and other members of the selected communities.

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3The Requirements of Protein and Amino Acids in Rabbit Nutrition and Production.
Author  Details: Akande, Kemi Eunice-Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture,Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi State, Nigeria
This paper reviews the nutritional requirements of protein and amino acids in rabbit production. Protein plays a very significant role in the animal body and, therefore, must be appropriately provided for in the diet. All living cells have protein as one of its principal constituents. Protein has an essential association with living processes.  They are important components of animal tissue (muscles, cell tissue) hormones and enzymes. The dietary protein requirements are 16% for maximum growth and 18% for lactation.  The crude protein levels of 12%, 18%, 16% and 17% have been recommended for maintenance, pregnancy, growth and lactation respectively. Crude protein of 18 to 22% has been reported to be optimum for production of tropical rabbits. For hair or fur producing rabbits, the minimum of 17% crude was reported to be adequate. A crude protein of 15 to 16 percent is considered adequate for fattening rabbits. The optimum requirement of crude protein for breeding does seem to be roughly 17 to 18 percent. Basically, proteins are vital to animals and must be appropriately provided in the diet as required.
Keywords: Crude protein, rabbits, amino acids, cecotrophy
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4)Is Immune Checkpoint Blockade Altered By Specific Gene Therapy Directed Against Bcl-2?.
Author Details:(1) Marvin Rubenstein, Ph.D. Courtney M. P. Hollowell, M.D. Patrick Guinan, M.D.

Antisense oligonucleotides (oligos) [1,2] have been administered against prostatic LNCaP cells in both in vivo and in vitro models.  In spite of advances in early detection, the treatment of prostate cancer has not improved and it is estimated that 233,000 new cases will be diagnosed and 29,450 men will die from it this year in the United States [3].  Gene therapy and immune checkpoint blockade could provide some improvement.  However, our studies indicate that gene therapy employing oligos directed towards bcl-2 (in LNCaP cells) frequently are compensated for by altered regulation of apoptosis, increased androgen sensitivity and enhanced oncogene activity [4].  In addition, we found that certain oligo conformations induce interferon [5], enhance cell surface antigen expression [prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA)] [6] and potentially increase tumor recognition and targeting by the immune system.
We hypothesized that immunologic recognition is an additional pathway for compensation which follows suppressive bcl-2 treatment and suggest that this type of gene therapy could influence proteins associated with immune checkpoint blockade [7,8] now the “standard for care” treatment of melanoma and currently being evaluated for kidney and other solid tumors (including the prostate).  Therefore, markers targeted by these new agents should be evaluated to identify changes in expression produced by previous therapy.
Key words: Antisense; Prostate cancer; Therapy
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5) Stakeholders’ influence on environmental sustainability of reusing religious heritage in the UK: A case of historic churches.
Author Details: Oluwafemi Akande-Department of Engineering and the Built Environment, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Current global pressures on energy consumption have elevated the objective of energy efficiency both within the scientific and legislative agenda. This is due to increasing scarcity of natural resources and impacts on climate change originating from traditional fossil fuel-based energy generation. However, as the momentum gathers for improving environmental sustainability of buildings, it is inevitable that no aspect of building sector could be left out in meeting the carbon emission reduction target for the building sector. An aspect identified for potential reduction in energy use is religious heritage; especially those currently undergoing reuse for other public uses.
Keywords: environmental sustainability, religious heritage, stakeholders, influence
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6) Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport along the South Coast of Qeshm Island.
Author’s Details: M. Rahmanian 1, A. J. Khoshkholgh2, Cyrus Ershadi3
1 Hormozgan University, Department of civil engineering, Bandar Abbas, Iran 2 Iran national institute of oceanography, Institute of technology and marine engineering, Tehran, Iran3 Hormozgan University, Department of civil engineering,Bandar Abbas, Iran

In this project by using Delft3D software, the phenomenon of tides by using amplitude information of water level in the entire Persian Gulf and part of Oman Sea modeled to identify and predict the tide. Comparing the simulation results of tidal amplitude information from water level measurements in Souza and Bandar Lengeh stations indicating a very good fit of the model and demonstrated that the phenomenon of tides is predictable. The tide model set as base of sediment transport simulation. In this study, Badiee et al.`s Wave model output has analyzed Statistically in order to identify the dominant coastal waves and the characteristics of the waves height was classified according to their probability. Studies of analyzing waves And evaluation of the sediment grain size and sediment type, cause that desired coastline divided into three smaller regions because of different wave climates and diverse sediment grain sizes, So that every regions has its own wave climate, sediment grain size and sediment type and finally wave rose of each regions was drawn. Combined effects of tide and dominant waves investigated on the coastline sediment transport pattern. Results of sediment transport simulation indicates that dominant direction of sediment movement is from west to east and from Eastern side of the Qeshm Island to the West side, The intensity and velocity Variations of Long shore and cross shore sediment is reduced that Badiee et al.`s study confirm these results.Online Submission Module.
Keywords: Qeshm Island Shore, Persian Gulf, Hydrodynamic, Sediment Transportation Pattern, Delf3D
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7) Effect of Feeding Locust Bean on Nutrient Intake and Digestibility of Rabbits.
Author  Details: Akande, Kemi Eunice11 Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture,Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi State, Nigeria Correspondence: Kemi  Akande.

This study was conducted to determine the dietary effect of roasted locust bean meal (LBM), an unconventional plant protein source, on the nutrient intake and digestibility of rabbits. The experiment was carried out using forty male and female Dutch and Chinchilla rabbits, between six to eight weeks old with an average initial live weight of 950g.  The rabbits were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments, with ten rabbits per treatment and two rabbits per replicate. The experimental design used was the completely randomized design (CRD). Locust bean was roasted at about 80°C for about four to five minutes. The heat treated locust bean was milled into a coarse meal (LBM) and this was used in compounding the experimental diets. Treatment 1 (control) was maize-soybean based diet with 0% LBM while treatments 2, 3 and 4 contained 10, 20 and 30% LBM in the diets respectively.  Diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. Nutrient intake and digestibility of rabbits were evaluated during the feeding trial which lasted for five weeks.  Dry matter intake (DMI), organic matter intake (OMI), crude protein intake (CPI), acid detergent fibre intake (ADFI) and neutral detergent fibre intake (NDFI) and nutrient digestibility; dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), crude protein digestibility (CPD), acid detergent fibre digestibility (ADFD) and neutral detergent fibre digestibility (NDFD) all showed non-significant differences among dietary treatments. The results obtained exhibited that LBM can be included up to 30% in the diets of weaner rabbits without negatively affecting nutrient intake and digestibility.
Keywords: Nigeria, locust bean, unconventional protein sources
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8) Impact of Organization Justice on the Job  Satisfaction of  Employees among  Academia of Higher Education Institution (HEIs), Sindh.
Author’s Details: (1) Dr. Iram Rani Laghari-Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (2)Sanam Gul Memon-Student of M.Phil, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur.

The paper Examine the impact of organization justice on the job satisfaction of employees among academia of Higher Education Institution (HEIs), Sindh. The study observed the connection between organizational justice comprised by two major components including distributive justice and procedural justice and job satisfaction between academic staff. The investigation of study based on some selected public colleges and universities in khairpur. For the collection of data questioners distributed among responded, total  30 peoples were chosen as sample, from which 15 responded selected for open ended interviews and 15 for survey by using “Likert scale” based on “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”. Data relate to ask the responded whether somewhat really fair or not .For this regard we use qualitative and quantitative study. With the help of QSR Nvivo 10 software we run the three main Queries include Text Search Query, Word Frequency Query and Matrix query. The findings also suggested that this was positive association between organizational justice dimensions (distributive justice and procedural justice) and job satisfaction but there is no any relationship between personal traits like gender like age, gender and nature of job with employee’s job satisfaction. The paper limitation is only give information about Impact of Organization justice on employee’s job satisfaction among Academic staff of HEIs of khairpur Sindh Pakistan. The further study can be taken through increasing the size of sample and target area.
Key words: Organization justice, Job satisfaction, Higher Education
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9) A Qualitative Exploration of Patients’ Satisfaction with Doctors in Sukkur City.
Author’s Details:(1) Prof.Dr.Iram Rani Laghari, (2) Dr.Muhammad Masihullah Jatoi (3)Kanwal Saba
(1)Department of Business Administration Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (2)Assitant Professor Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (3)MS student, Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

This research paper seeks to explore the level of Patients’ satisfaction with doctors within the Sukkur city of Sindh, Pakistan. Seven factors which are general satisfaction, technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication, financial aspects, accessibility and convenience, and time spent with doctor is taken into account for this purpose. The sample of the study is patients and or their attendants in the different hospitals and clinics of Sukkur city. As this is a qualitative research paper therefore 15 interviews and 20 surveys were conducted from the respondents. The results were analyzed through the qualitative software of Nvivo 10, where nodes were formed, coding was done and finally matrix coding query was run in order to interpret the results. It has been found in the results that patients’ satisfaction level has significant relationship with the technical quality, accessibility and convenience, and financial aspects. Whereas other remaining factors such as general satisfaction, interpersonal manner, communication, and time spent with doctor does not have significant relationship with patients’ satisfaction.
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10) Implications of Work-Life Balance on Career Development in Health Sector at Khairpur Mir’s.
Author’s Details:(1)Prof.Dr. Iram Rani Laghari-Department of Business Administration,Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (2)Mr. Shahbaz Hyder(MS STUDENT)-Department of Business Administration,Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

An implication of work-life balance on career development in health sector at Khairpur Mir’s is ascertained in this study. There were 30 participants from various public sector health organizations, from which 14 respondents were observed via interviews and 16 people took active part in questionnaire survey. Interview & questionnaire survey was based on structured style having 15 items that measured the level of work-life balance and its impact on certain defined variables. Whereas work-life balance is independent variable and career development is dependent variable. Impact of work-life on career development is observed via five variables of work-life, named as: Work, Pay, Job security, Family life & entertainment. Cronbach’s alpha is obtained and data is processed in Nvivo 10 software to get results. Three queries are run in Nvivo 10 namely: Text search query, word frequency query & matrix coding query, to get the results and to know the relation of variables to one another. Work-life with its variables has the effective relation with career development. It is observed in the results that there is optimistic relation among variables taken. This research is a qualitative study and is taken in health sector at Khairpur Mir’s.
Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Work itself, Pay, Job Security, Family Life, Entertainment & Career Development
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11)  Impact of Agricultural Extension on Adoption of Soyabean Innovations in Bauchi, Nigeria.
Author Details: Fabiyi, E.F-Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension,College of Agricultural Sciences, Landmark  University, Omu Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria

Abstract:This study was conducted to determine the impact of agricultural extension services on the adoption of improved soyabean processing and utilization technologies in Bauchi , Nigeria. Twenty improved soyabean processing and utilization technologies were used for the study. Four Local Government Areas (LGAs) were purposively selected and three villages were randomly selected from each LGA were many farmers were planting soyabean for consumption and sales. Random cluster sampling technique was used to select fifteen soyabean farmers from each village totaling (180) farmers. The result revealed that low level of education seemed to affect the level of adoption of the new technologies. Out of the twenty innovations involved in the study, only three were widely adopted. These were soya cheese (‘wara’), soya daddawa (condiment) and soya milk, 14 were below 20% adoption, while 3 were at 0% adoption (soya yoghurt, soya puff-puff, soya pancake). Four information sources were involved in the study. These were extension contact, friends/neighbours, social participation and radio/television. The result revealed the level of significance of extension contact was highest in Bauchi LGA (chi-square (X2=112.37) and lowest in Dass LGA (X2=58.95). Extension contact had a considerable impact on adoption of processing and use of soyabean in the area. It was concluded that although some improved soyabean technologies have been adopted, it is gradually becoming a popular food in the area with extension activities exerting a considerable impact. Nevertheless, more awareness of processing knowledge and more government inducement are needed to lead to further adoption of improved soyabean technologies.
Keywords: soyabean, technologies, adoption, extension contact
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12) Analysis of the effects of microfinance on poverty alleviation in rural areas of upper Sindh.
Author’s Details:(1)Prof.Dr. Iram Rani Laghari – Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (2)S.Turab Ali Shah (MS STUDENT) Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

Abstract:The study was conducted to analyze the effects of microfinance on the poverty alleviation and reduction in rural areas of the upper Sindh. The data was collected from 30 respondents through an interview guide. The respondents were the clients of microfinance institutions through a different period of time. The results were processed through using Nvivo 10. We reached the conclusion that microfinance facilities do have positive impact of the increase in income level of the people who have taken these facilities. And there is difference in their lives before and after taking finance from the microfinance institutions. People who have taken microfinance have been observed having better income than those who have not taken such facilities.
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Positive Organizational Climate Creates the Job Satisfaction of Teachers A Case Study of four top private schools of Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.
Author’s Details: (1) Prof: Dr.Iram Rani Laghari (2)Nasreen Anis Goraya2-1Chairperson of Business Administration,Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan 2MS Scholar of Business Administration,Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan

The Qualitative study was conducted in order to identify the role of positive organizational climate in creating Job satisfaction of teachers of four selected schools of khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. The organizational climate is shared perception of employees of organization in which it works. If climate of organization is positive then it will enhance the satisfaction of teachers. The McGregor Y, theory was applied in study which states “Give water to employees and let them bloom”. The qualitative research methodology was used where data was collected via interviews and survey. The data was analysed with the help of NVivo 10. The finding shows that work environment, competencies, management effectiveness, team work and compensation are elements of positive organizational climate. The result also shows that management effectiveness contributes more to positive organizational climate than other elements. The finding also shows that these elements of positive organizational climate creates job satisfaction of teachers. The management effectiveness creates more job satisfaction as it is most important element of positive organizational climate.
: Organizational climate, work environment, management effectiveness, competencies, team Work and compensation
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