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Volume 4, Issue 12

Open Access Journal

Volume 4, Issue 12

Impact Factor 3.582

1) Unilateral Renal Agenesis Associated With Anomaly of Left Testicular Venous Return.
Author’s Details: Suresh Rao1, Siva Konduru2 & T. Ramesh Rao1
(1)Department of Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Trinidad & Tobago.(2)Consultant Radiologist, Medical Imaging Department, Sangre Grande General Hospital, Trinidad and Tobago. Corresponding Author: Dr. Suresh R Rao
Abstract:Unilateral renal agenesis is the most common congenital abnormality of the urinary tract [1, 2] and is characterized by the complete absence of development of one kidney accompanied by an absence of ureter and renal vessels. The incidence of unilateral renal agenesis in each year it is estimated at around one in two thousand and the incidence in male is slightly higher than females.
Renal agenesis is caused by failure of the ureteric bud to induce development of metanephric blastema or by absence of the nephrogenic ridge [3].
The condition is usually asymptomatic and is commonly detected as a chance during renal ultrasound for the evaluation of a urinary tract infection, or in adults who present with hypertension. Most patients are asymptomatic if the other kidney is fully functional. Renal agenesis is occasionally associated with genital tract anomalies on the same side and also the other organs may show anomalies as well [4-6].
With the widespread use of antenatal ultrasound, renal agenesis can be identified in utero, although the presence of normal amounts of amniotic fluid and urine in the bladder results in the diagnosis being frequently missed, unless specifically and routinely looked for the features like absent kidney, absent ipsilateral renal artery and care must be taken not to mistake the low lying adrenal gland which is large in fetuses compared for a kidney. Careful examination of the rest of the abdomen should be carried out to ensure that an ectopic kidney is not present (more common than renal agenesis) as well as of the ‘single’ kidney to ensure it does not represent crossed fused renal ectopia. All imaging modalities such as postnatal ultrasound, CT and MRI will demonstrate the absence of a kidney, with the associated hypertrophy of the single kidney. Color Doppler interrogation may aid in showing absence of renal arteries.
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2) Identifying and Forecasting the Factors that Derive CPO Prices in Malaysia Using NARX Model.
Author’s Details:(1) Dg Halimah Arasim (2) Abdul Aziz Karia – Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sabah,Locked Bag 71, 88997, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Abstract:Determining the movement of the crude palm oil prices (CPO) is a crucial issue, whereby it always associated with the decision-making by businessman, investors, speculators and policymaker. Besides the CPO prices indicate that it is fluctuating all over a time and need to be forecast as to make it visible for the businessman, investors and policymaker in decision-making. The issues arises when most of the literature (1) relying too much on the historical data, whereby its predict series of CPO pricesgiven past values of , (2) disregarded the important factors that also derives the CPO prices, and (3) depending too much on univariate time series forecasting. Therefore, this study considered soybean price, export of palm oil, rainfall, and palm oil stock level as the factors or inputs that derive the CPO prices in Malaysia. We applied the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) as an effort to check the long run relationship with the listed factors. In predicting the CPO prices, we employ the Nonlinear Autoregressive with External (NARX) with three different training algorithms that are Levenberg-Marquardt, Bayesian Regulation and Scaled Conjugate Gradient. The general findings demonstrated that three of the algorithms using the listed inputs show decent results for CPO prices prediction. Therefore, the listed inputs should not be disregarded as this study confirmed that its influence the CPO prices in Malaysia
Keywords: Crude Palm Oil Prices, Artificial Neural Network, Nonlinear Autoregressive with External, Forecast

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3) Prevention Practice of Stress in Preschool Education: Educators’ Perception.
Author’s Details: (1)Rosa Gomes, (2)Anabela Pereira, (3)Feliciano Veiga, (4)Vanessa Aires
(1)University of Aveiro, Department of Education,Campus Universitário, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

(2) University of Aveiro, Department of Education,Campus Universitário, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
(3)University of Lisbon, Education Institute,Alameda da Universidade, 1649-013 Lisboa, Portugal
(4)University of Coimbra, Institute of Cognitive Psychology,Rua do Colégio Novo, 3001-801 Coimbra, Portugal
In the context of pre-school, Educators have an important role in the planning of educational facilitators of child involvement practices. This study aims to identify an educational practice that acts in stress prevention.The sample was composed by 300 Educators who responded to the subscale Educational Practices for Dealing with Stress in Childhood (EPELSI) of P2SEPE Protocol (Gomes & Pereira, 2009), which seeks to identify educational practices that educators develop to deal with children under stress. The results showed statistically significant differences between the pedagogical practice planning time and planning of cooperation activities between the school/family and prevention activities. Also the teaching experience influences the practices that work in promoting the welfare of children, but educators that are under 12 years of service are the ones who develop them in their praxis. However educators with more than 26 years of duty plan activities related to cooperation school / family, prevention activities and psychoeducational planning for prevention of stress. They will be discussed further implications for teaching and training of these professionals.
Keywords: Stress, Preschool education, Educational practices, Stress prevention

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4) Maize Business to Address Base of Pyramid (BoP): A Case Study on Bangladesh.
Author’s Details:(1)Rahma Akhter* (2)Nusrat Hafiz   (3)Tania Akter
(1)(2)(3)BRAC Business School, BRAC University, 66 Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

The case study investigates the ways to offer innovative approaches in maize production and align maize marketing to address the extremely poor people, i.e., the “base of the pyramid” (BoP). Authentic BoP marketing strategy is directed to the extremely poor population, consumer orientation (with features of adaptability and consumer education), and fair and inclusive growth. The project facilitator seeks to have development outcomes of improved maize varieties (high-yielding, stress-tolerant, nutrient-enhanced), enhanced food security, improved livelihoods, better nutrition and improved health and reduced rural poverty. The case study approaches routes to eliminate the fundamental reasons of the poverty by following developmental processes to transform the whole situation. The project aims to facilitate communication and dissemination of results to all stakeholders in order to enhance knowledge of maize production systems. It also covets to provide synthesized and informative analysis throughout the inter-professional organizations’ value chain focusing the rural farmers.
Balance of Pyramid, Fair and Inclusive growth, Development Programming
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5) IMRT for Orbital Maltoma: A Case Report And Review Of The Literature.
Author’s Details:(1)*Kanyilmaz Gul- Author 1 organization: Conception and design, administrrative support, provision of study materials and patient, collection and assembly of data, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing and final appoval of manuscript. (2)Koc Mehmet – Author 2 organization: Conception and design, administrrative support, manuscript writing and final appoval of manuscript.(3)Aktan Meryem – Author 3 organization: Conception and design, manuscript writing and final appoval of manuscript.(4)Temiz Selami Aykut – Author 4 organization: Conception and design, manuscript writing and final appoval of manuscript.

(1)(2)(3)(4)Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medicine School, Department of Radiation Oncology
* Corresponding author:  Kanyilmaz Gul –
Orbital lymphoma is rare and accounts for less than 1% of non-Hodgkins lymphomas (NHLs), and marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type ise the most common histological type involving the orbit. MALT lymphomas are indolent, and usually well response to local radiotherapy (RT). Results from RT series have demostrated excellent and durable local control and survival rates in patients with localized orbital MALT lymphoma. However, due to the rarity of the disease, data about optimal radiation dose is not known and in reports with a substantial number of treated patients, doses ranges were between 20 and 57 Gy. The optimal radiation dose for treating this tumor is controversial. This case is presented because of rare incidence of orbital maltoma and to evaluate the effectiveness of RT in our Radiation Oncology department.
Key words:
IMRT, Lymphoma, Orbital Maltoma, Radiotherapy.
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6) Surveying the effect of implementation of the integrated management system on the performance of employees in PMO[1]– Central Headquarter [1] Port and Marin Organization.
Author’s Details: (1)Dr. Zahra Boroumand, (2)Tayebe abasianfar
(1)Associate Professor, Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran. (2)Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran.

Nowadays, management systems are used for making targets and guiding organizational activities in many fields in most of organizations. The integrated management system is designed to combine three standards, ISO 9000 (quality management standard), ISO 14000 (environmental management standard), and OHSAS 18000 (Occupational Health and Safety Management), to achieving a comprehensive management system. On the other hand, the efficiency and performance of human resources in organizations as the most important and valuable resource, has the most significant effect on other factors and also, the productivity of the organization. During this research which conducted to survey the effect of the implementation of the integrated management system on the performance of employees in the PMO (Central Headquarter), 178 staff who had bachelor degree or above were questioned; and ultimately by using linear regression and T test, we achieved to this result that implementation of the integrated system had effect on performance of employees in mentioned organization. Using multiple regression results indicate when three variables including quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system are surveyed simultaneously, the variable of quality management system has its highest impact and the variable of environmental management system does not have any meaningful effect.
Key words: integrated management system, quality management, performance of employees, Occupational Health and Safety Management

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7) The Dream has come True with Turbalances.
Author’s details:(1)Abdulraheem Ali Alhosani-(2)Syed Zamberi Ahmad(1) (2)Abu Dhabi University, College of Business and Administration (COBA).
Abstract: This case study is about the telephone mobile shop business founded in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 1992 by a Middle East investor, the owner. Due to his passion for initiating telephone businesses, he started his own business venture in the mobile phone industry through this shop. He has struggled since the advent of the shop and eventually, in 2014, noticeably gained weight because of how he had experienced and managed his business for 22 years. The changes he had experienced in his friends’ lives inspired him to start his journey in his own business. On realizing how important and effective the mobile business was in the UAE, he thought about founding his mobile shop, and decided to establish his own business in the region. In time, the owner also found that having this business in his life gave him the opportunity to know different types of employees, customers, and suppliers as well.
Key Words:
decision making, small business venture, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, telecommunication industry, employees’ performance, entrepreneurship
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