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Volume 3, Issue 6

Open Access Journal

Volume 3, Issue 6

Impact Factor 3.582

1)Exploring the dominant factors while adoption of new innovative fashion cloths in rural areas of district Khairpur
Author’s detail:
(1)Mohammad Ismail Soomro (Assistant Professor)-Department of BusinessAdminsitration Shah Abdul Latif University (S.A.L.U.) Khairpur (2)Arshad Ahmed Sial (scholar of M. Phil) S.A.L.U. Khairpur (3)Hafeezullah Narejo (Scholar of M.S) S.A.L.U. Khairpur

The survey data was collected to find out the factors considered by rural population while adopting innovative fashion clothes. Survey was conducted through questionnaires.SPSS 16.0 Software is used for analyzing the quantitative data. These factors would be helpful for the marketers and manufacturers of cloth producers to design the products according to the demands of population of rural area. According to the frequency distribution analysis and nominal regression result shows that people of rural areas influenced by focus groups, and fashion clothes enhance their personality and fashion clothes fulfills their demands. Same time it affects culture, society and religious values. As fashion clothes are costly for them so they cannot afford these clothes. They feel that old fashion is better than new fashion. Factors like focus group enhanced personality influence the customers of rural areas to adopt the fashion clothes while cost of obtaining fashion clothes and some societal factors discourage them to adopt new fashion clothes.
Key words: – frequency distribution, innovative, culture, RMG.
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2)Transforming Transdisciplinary Early Intervention/Education Through the Use of Case Studies
Author’s detail:(1)Jennifer L. Kilgo, Ed.D., University Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham  (2)Jerry Aldridge, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus University of Alabama at Birmingham  (3)Laura Vogtle, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham  (4)William Ronilo, M.S., PT, Clinical Faculty University of Alabama at Birmingham

In the United States, children birth through age eight who receive early intervention or early childhood special education through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) (2004) are often served by transdisciplinary teams that include professionals representing multiple disciplines and families. Teams collaborate to develop Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) or Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to provide the best possible services for the children and families with whom they work. In the past, professionals such as educators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists were educated separately and then expected to collaborate with other professionals. At the University of Alabama at Birmingham, graduate students in early childhood special education, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are prepared to plan, collaborate, and experience role release using transdisciplinary procedures during their first semester experience together. During the second semester, students are placed in transdisciplinary teams in which they must work through complex cases involving young children who qualify for services under IDEA and who live in diverse families and experience services in complicated or challenging settings. This article defines transdisciplinary teaming, describes the process of how teams approach arduous cases, and discusses what happens when teams work through the cases with the goal of providing the best possible early intervention/education for children and families.
Key words: transdisciplinary teams, early intervention/education, case studies
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3)Factors considered by rural customers while adopting new micro finance banking services: A Case Study of Upper Sindh
Author’s detail:(1)Muhammad Ismail Soomro (Assistant Professor)-Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur(2)Turab Ali Shah (Student ofM.S/M. Phil) -Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (3)Syed Hassan Abbas (Student ofM.S / MPhil)-Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

The study was conducted to analyze the factors considered by rural customers while adopting new microfinance banking services by using a questionnaire. We conducted survey for collecting responses of rural customers that which factors they consider more in adopting new services of microfinance banks. We concluded results by applying multiple linear regression technique through SPSS 16. Research was based on quantitative data. Study concluded that selected factors have 14% significance when rural customers adopt new microfinance banking services.
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4)Online Gaming in Pakistan: Demographic Characteristics and Gaming Preferences
Author’s detail:
Anowra Khan1 Rabia Muqtadir2 –12Quaid-i-Azam University, National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract:Online gaming has become very popular all over the world. This area of research is yet to be explored in Pakistan. The aim of the present article is to highlight the demographic characteristics of online gamers in Pakistan and to investigate their gaming preferences. A questionnaire was developed to access these variables in a sample of (N=357)The result indicated that middle adolescents are the main costumer of online games. 59% online gamers secured B grade in their respective classes. Facebook games were the most popular online games played by the participants. Females and males online gamers have different gaming preferences. The findings support the western literature on online gaming. The study will provide base for future researches on online gaming in Pakistan.
Key Words:Online Gaming,Gaming Preferences,Demographic Characteristics,Social Network Games,Massively Multiplier Online Games, Academic Achievement
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5)Role of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Public and Private Banks
Author’s detail:
(1)Muhammad Ismail Soomro, Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (2)Sanam Gul Memon, Student of M.Phil. Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur (3)Muhammad Asif Channa, Student of M.Phil. Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

The aim of this research paper is to identify the customer satisfaction and service quality in banking sectors of Sindh Pakistan. As the customer satisfaction and service quality always remain a prime factors for business for this purpose both public & private banks were selected and data was collected on random basis with the help of questionnaires by using “Likert Scale” ranging from “Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. Different age groups were selected from below 25 to above 45. Targeted sample was 130 respondent both male & females, 100 responses were reasonably considered. Research result shows that customer importance are more in reliability dimension then responsiveness and others factors respectively. The limitation of this study is that its implications are only applicable to the Khairpur & Sukkur cities because of the limited time & budget resources.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality
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6)Need For Uniqueness in Clothing among Females (A Case Study of District: Khairpur Mir`S Sind, Pakistan)
Author’s detail:Associate professor (1) Ismail soomro*-(2) Asma parveen* MS Student (3) Aqsa Sharaf Danwer* M. Phil Student-Department Of Business Administration (Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Sindh, Pakistan*)

The purpose of this research article is to recognize the need-for-uniqueness in clothing among female of district: khairpur sindh, Pakistan. Research high-lights that the majority of females are interested in fashionable outfits in order to look themselves stylish, beautiful& unique than others. Most of the females want to wears outfits that others do not have. Fashions have an effect on the personality of a person either male or female but research indicates that the females are more conscious about their dressing. Our dressing fluent that how we think our selves &how we perceive ourselves as well as how we desire to be considered by other people. When we purchase outfits we purchase exclusivity for ourselves.
Key words: Need, uniqueness, fashion, clothes, purchases, shopping.

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7)Correlation of Customer Satisfaction with Customer Fidelity and Intents to Shift: Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Sukkur
Author’s detail:
(1)Muhammad Ismail Soomro-Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.(2)Ahmed Ali Mangrio-Lecturer, Department of  Commerce, Government Islamia Arts & Commerce College and Post-Graduate Studies Centre, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan.(Corresponding Author)-(3)Amjad Ali Jatoi-Lecturer, Department of Commerce, Government Islamia Arts & Commerce College and Post-Graduate Studies Centre, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan.(4)Shabana Jameel Rajput-Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Government Girls Degree College, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan.

Customer satisfaction plays important role in the selection of a bank whether Islamic or Conventional. The higher levels of satisfaction lead the customers towards increased levels of fidelity, and reduces the chances of shifting to another bank. Which indicates that customer satisfaction is positively correlated with customer fidelity and negatively correlated with intents to shift. The survey of 100 customers from both conventional and Islamic banks proved the same.

Key Words:Customer Satisfaction,Customer Fidelity,Intents to Shift, Consumer Behavior, Islamic Banking, Conventional Banking, Sukkur, Pakistan.
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8) Role of Voice of Customer in New Personal Care Product Development
Author’s Detail: Kanwal Saba1, Bushra Fatima
Ansari 2,Nasreen Anis Goraya3 1-2-3-MS student, Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Pakistan Luqman Pathak, Khairpur, Pakistan

Voice of a customer is a technique help to know the customers’ needs, desires, perceptions, and preferences through getting feedback of customers. Voice of customer enables organization to identify the improvement in existing products and find out the need of new products. New products development is not only to introduce a new product but may be the modulation in existing product or product line. This research is conducted to know the impact of voice of customer on new personal care products. A sample of 50 people was taken in order to get the response. Different questions were included in questionnaire regarding new personal care product development. Regression technique was applied for analyzing the data. This study showed that voice of customer (independent variable) has significant relationship with new personal care product development (dependent variable).Research reflects that voice of customer has impact on new personal care product development. The limitation of this research is that it only includes the role of voice of customer with new personal care products development and its finding are restricted to the khairpur Pakistan only. The further study can be conducted through increasing the size of target area.
: voice of customer and new personal care product

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