Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 2, Issue 2

Open Access Journal

Volume 2, Issue 2

Impact Factor 4.428

1) Neither Deterrence nor Defense: The failure of the French High Command May 1940
Author: Christopher Vasillopulos-Eastern Connecticut State University,Willimantic
ABSTRACT:Few events of the astonishing Twentieth century have caused as much conjecture and controversy as the Fall of France in 1940. The humiliating rapid collapse of a great European power, who at the time saw itself as preeminent in many respects, including military prowess, strategy, and expertise, shocked the world and promised to enable Nazi Germany to conquer the Soviet Union, completing the domination of Europe. My paper does not plan to plow through the millions of words written on this melancholy episode. Rather, I plan to follow the suggestion of Marc Bloch, who in Strange Defeat said: “But how was it that on many of us, and particularly, I gather, on regimental officers, the staff formation produced an undeniable impression of disorder as soon as the war entered its active phase? The explanation seems to be that the plan to stop the Germans in Belgium was an extension of the objective of the ‘Maginot Line’ to prevent German invasion of France. Casualties in Belgium were to be the functional equivalent of the impenetrable fortifications of the Maginot Line.

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2) The Impact of Text Readability Indices in the Learning of Physics in Secondary Schools.
Author’s:JEGEDE, Samuel Akingbade
Ph.D (1).Department of Curriculum Studies,Faculty of Education,Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti
AWODUN, Adebisi Omotade(2)-Department of Physics,College of Education, IkereEkiti

ABSTRACT:This paper investigated the impact of text readability indices on the learning of Physics in secondary schools. This was a descriptive survey research which was questionnaire based. The population of the study was all public Secondary Schools (Physics Students) in Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Nigeria. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select twenty (20) Physics students each from the five (5) selected secondary schools from Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State. A total of one hundred (100) Physics students were used as samples for the study comprises of sixty-four (64) male and thirty-six (36) female. Three research questions were generated and were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Among others, the study revealed that; each of the text readability indices plays vital role in Physics reading ability of Physics Students in Secondary Schools. Conclusion and recommendations were also made in this paper
 Keywords: Text readability, Physics subject, learning and academic performance
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3) Psychological Test Usage among Secondary School Counsellors in Nigeria.
Author’s: 1)Adejumo Gbadebo Olubunmi (Ph.D)-Department of Psychology, College of Development Studies,Covenant University, 2)Adeusi Sussan Olufunmilola-Department of Psychology, College of Development Studies,Covenant University, 3)Olowookere, Elizabeth Ibukunoluwa-Department of Psychology,Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT:In Nigeria, despite the inclusion of guidance and counselling in secondary schools, the behaviour problems among the youths were on the increase. This problem was traceable to ineffectiveness of diagnosis technique which resulted to ineffectiveness of counselling process. The study examined the prevalence of psychological tests usage among counsellors in Nigerian secondary schools in diagnosing students’ behaviour problem. This study adopted a survey research design. Three hundred and sixty-eight professional counsellors who were members of Counselling Association of Nigeria participated in the study. These participants were made up of 128 or 35% males and 240 or 65% females. Their ages range from 24-59years with the mean of 38.4years. Psychological Test Usage Scale (PTUS) was developed to measure counsellors’ psychological test usage in diagnosing clients’ unobservable psychological problems. Three hypotheses were tested and the findings revealed a significant difference between counsellors who use psychological tests and those who do not. Psychological tests usage was found to be significantly different based on educational level and years of experience of counsellors. The findings were discussed and recommendations were made among others that counsellors should be posted to secondary schools based their experiential and clinical experience
Keywords: Counsellors, psychological test, behaviour problem
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