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Volume 14, Issue 1


The Vertical Vector in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Observations in a Pilot Study
Author Details: Jan b Eyskens, PhD – Dr. Medical Sciences, Dr. Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, D.O., Pr. Ph.

A pilot study was set up in 1998 to eventually improve the assessment of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). (1) The idea of this pilot study emerged from observing how patients with CFS performed their exercises. Already at the start of their movements, an inefficient habit could be observed. In a vertical position, during either sitting or standing, it seemed as if they were pulling their head down – pulling their head to their neck – as the first procedure in reshaping their body. We even noticed that when lying on their back, their head was pulled in their necks – downwards – before engaging in a movement.
The pilot study’s major aim was to test whether patients with CFS differed from patients with Spasmophilia (SPS) as well as patients with Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) in their ability to hold their body up against gravity
Keywords: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). Timed Loaded Standing test (TLS). Tensegrity.Fatigue assessment.Gravity and posture.Neuroscience of movement. Rational rehabilitation.
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2) Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities in Zimbabwe: A Tracer Study
Author Details: Blazio M. Manobo (PhD) Catholic University of Zimbabwe

this study investigates the employment outcomes of Vocational Training Centre (VTC) graduates in Zimbabwe, with a focus on their employment status, occupation, and skills utilization. The study uses a tracer study design, where 121 VTC graduates who completed their apprenticeship between 2016 and 2023 were interviewed. The major findings of this study show that 71.9% of the VTC graduates find employment. The study also reveals that VTC graduates who are self-employed have a higher likelihood of specializing in cosmetology (26%) and motor mechanics (33%). The results highlight the importance of vocational training in preparing graduates for the labor market, with 82% of respondents indicating that the skills acquired from VTCs are very relevant to their current work. The study concludes that the VTC program is contributing to employment creation and recommends that the government continues to prioritize vocational training as a key strategy for promoting new enterprise development, employment, and job creation in line with Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy (NDS) 1
Keywords: National Development Strategy 1, Education 5.0, Youth skills Training, Youth Empowerment.
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3) Case Study: Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale: Success Story
Author’s Details:Niranchana shri Viswanathan1,SR. Ramesh Kumar2, Dr. Andi Luhur Prianto3
Research Scholar, Assistant Professor, School of Management Studies, Sapthagiri NPS University, Chikkasandra, Hesarghatta Main Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 560057 2Associate Professor,  School of Management Studies, Sir Padampat Singhaniya University, Udaipur, Rajasthan ,India,313601 3Senior Lecturer, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Department  of Social &Political  Science, Indonesia

“Great Indian Festival Sale” by Amazon was a tactical event around which all the case discusses became an unquestionable leader in Indian e-commerce. It secured one of the linchpins of Amazon’s strategy around customer acquisition and revenue growth in India, and a brand that emerged as one of the leading e-commerce players during a time of the year when Indians tend to splurge as part of seasonal celebrations. Driven by a combination of sensible pricing, strategic partnerships and grassroots marketing along with tech-enabled insights about customers, at least during festive shopping seasons, Amazon managed to enter its market share.
Industry analysts credit Amazon’s success to its tailored corporate strategy, advanced pricing mechanisms and targeted marketing strategies. Emphasis on On-Site Metrics, Massive Product Discounts on Festive Days in India and Enhanced Customer Experience were the pillars which delivered the Great Indian Sale – Making it one of the most successful on-ground promotional activities in India that was competing with International and Local competitors.
It covers Amazon’s customer-centric way of working, how analytics are used to try to maximize price and inventory optimization as well as Amazon’s strategy to create trust & loyalty via its Prime membership and a very wide variety of payment types. Considering the bullish growth potential shown for e-commerce in India, this case attempts to explore whether the Amazon strategy will be a sustainable success in the long run.
Issues-The case aims to achieve the following teaching objectives:

  • How powerful pricing tactics can increase your sales.
  • How technology-based insight generated from server logs and customer-centers act as the backbone of successful e-commerce campaigns.
  • How Amazon is leading Indian e-commerce, especially in this festive shopping season.
  • How the significance of matching promotion with culture to increase sale.

Keywords: E-commerce; Amazon India; Festive sales; Pricing strategy; Consumer behavior; Dynamic pricing; Prime membership; Local partnerships; Market share; Flipkart; Digital marketing; AI in e-commerce; Customer acquisition; Jeff Bezos; Amit Agarwal; EMI offers; Fulfillment centers; Logistics.
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4) Disperse Pigmentation Syndrome and Available Treatments
Author Details: Duong Dieu MD, Ph.D-Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine Nguyen Tat Thanh University-300A Nguyen Tat Thanh Street- HCM City- Vietnam

Excessive pigment liberation throughout the anterior segment/ iris of the eye is a sign of disperse pigmentation syndrome (DPS). Patients with disperse pigmentation syndrome and intraocular pressure can be transferred to pigmentary glaucoma (PG) causing optic damage, so it should be treated early. Examination of the peripheral retina in patients with DPS and PG is very important to detect degeneration requiring treatment. The first choice in medical treatment is acetazolamide which does not cause spasms. Anti-virus drugs were used if zona or herpes clinical signs were seen. Surgical treatment should be done in the case really needed with intraocular not normalizing for a long time as well as the cause of PG. Disperse pigmentation syndrome with available treatments and some consideration on classification will noted in this review.
Key words:
Pigmentation syndrome, pigmentary glaucoma, Dapiprazole, YAG laser, retinal detachment
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5) Rupture of the Eyeball and Optic Nerve by Trauma Due To Boating Accident
Author Details: Duong Dieu MD, Ph.D-Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine Nguyen Tat Thanh University-300A Nguyen Tat Thanh Street- HCM City- Vietnam

Abstract: Eye injuries are one of the major causes of vision loss and blindness in the world.Penetrating ocular trauma, orbital fracture injuries are serious injuries, proposing ophthalmology, complex lesions involving several specialist head face, leaving the poorly aesthetic and functional impairment as well as psychological pressure. Orbital fracture injury accompanying cutting of optic nerve and associating the rupture of internal rectus muscle protruding eyeball pushed forward and temple side is a rare case. Common causes are traffic accidents, domestic accidents, labor accidents and others. This paper presented a case of rupture of the eyeball and cutting out the optic nerve, rectus muscle rupture and fractures to the orbital floor directly in the eye orbit caused by boat cargo transport accident. This case was diagnosed by CT scanner and was treated at the ophthalmology department Provincial Hospital. Some results are discussed and reported herein.
Key words:
eye injuries, rupture of eyeball, cutting of optic nerve, boat cargo transport accident.
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6) Traditional Tools and Implements Used in Hausa Occupations
Author Details:Ahmad Muhammad Mika’il –Federal University of Education, Kano Department of Hausa

This thesis, titled “Tools for the Implementation of the Traditional Occupations of Hausa people, focus on Farming, Forging and Butchering” has been conducted in an attempt to discover and bring to full attention, the type of occupational tools used by Hausa people in these three traditional occupations. Selected occupations to be discussed in the work are: Farming, Blacksmithing and Butchering. Tools are the bedrock for the development of traditional occupations of Hausa people. It is through using these occupational tools, that the Hausa people are able carry out their daily occupational activities with ease and comfort. This research has been divided into five chapters. The main objective is to expose or bring the type of tools used in traditional occupations on Farming, Blacksmithing and Butchering. The research has been limited to three areas on Hausa traditional occupations. And also the research will contribute by making recommendations on how to preserve and improve the traditional tools for better benefits to the society. Different methods of data collection have been used in conducting this research in order to obtain reliable information related to the subject matter of the research. A few example among these methods are: making use of available libraries, to study books, thesis, journals and other educational documents which have to do with the research. Discussions have also been held with academics who have expert knowledge on these traditional occupations, as well as with experienced persons who are current practitioners of these areas. Practical visits were also made to places where these occupations are physically carried out in order to have a firsthand practical knowledge on how the occupations are conducted. The research has been able to establish the indispensability of the traditional tools as the backbone for the continued implementation, sustainability, growth and development of these traditional occupations of the Hausa people. Finally, full explanations on these traditional occupational tools and how they can be used have been provided under relevant topics as they relate to each individual occupation.
Tools, implements, traditions, occupations, Hausa
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