Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 13, Issue 4


1) Economic Crimes and Economic Growth in Selected African Countries
Author’s Details:Akinbayo O. O.  & Ogunleye E.O-Department of Economics, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti.

Economic crime has become a major impediment to the process of economic growth in African Countries despite various efforts put in place by the governments across African countries and international organization to reduce it. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of economic crimes on economic growth in some selected African Countries between 1990 and 2020. Thirty sub-Saharan Africa countries were selected based on data availability. Data for the study was sourced from World Bank Development Indicator Online Data base, United Nations Development programme and Central Banks of the selected countries. The study employed Panel Autoregressive Distributive Lag as the estimation technique to capture the stated objective. The results of study revealed that economic crime and gini coefficient has significant negative relationship with real gross domestic product growth rate .The study therefore concluded that economic crime is detrimental to economic growth in the selected African countries. Based on the conclusion drawn from the major findings of the study, the study recommended that African countries governments should make more efforts to reduce or curb economic crime through adequate policies to reduce income inequality, unemployment rate and population growth rate and ensure means of improving per capita income. More so, policy aimed at improving transparency and more generally disseminating information that may ultimately lead to identification of leakages in the economy will be helpful in controlling economic crimes and creating the conditions for rapid economic growth
Keywords:Economic crimes, economic growth

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2) International Trade and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Author Details: ADEYEMI, Paul Adeniyi (Ph.D) ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0747-8747

Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
The macroeconomic policy distortions emanated from trade has turned Nigeria into an import dependent economy. This is one of the motives why international trade has not been able to translate into economic growth in Nigeria. Therefore, the study set out to examine the impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria. The sources of data for this study were secondary in nature spanning from 1986 to 2022 and it was obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletins. The study employed ARDL Model as the estimation technique to capture the stated objective. The ARDL bound test revealed that there is presence of long-run relationship among the variables. The ARDL results in the long run showed that there is significant negative relationship between export, exchange rate, inflation and GDP while import and FDI have significant positive relationship with GDP. The study also exhibited that current account balance has insignificant negative impact on economic growth. In line with these findings, the study recommended that the government of Nigeria has to take necessary measures to upgrade the infrastructures, increase productivity and competitiveness of enterprise in the export sector.  More so, government should also encourage export diversification and minimise concentration on oil export to create healthy competition in the global market
Keywords: International trade, Economic growth, FDI and ARDL model

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3) Figurational Social and Cultural Sciences (V)
Author Details: Jeroen Staring-Retired Dr. mult. Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in
Retired Dr. mult. Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work, and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments.

After a discussion of strong criticism made of a statement and the work of Norbert Elias during a sociological conference in 1981 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, it is indicated that this series of articles does not include so-called ‘biologisms.’ Afterwards, attention is paid to Anthropogenese by Anton Pannekoek with (further) hypotheses concerning ‘detours’ in thinking’ and ‘detours in action’ in hominin and human behavior, involved in the tool use by hominins and humans. Related to this, work by Dieter Claessens on using tools is also discussed, as an introduction to Frans Veldman’s hypotheses about haptic qualities of hominins and humans. For example, people can ‘feel’ through tools and objects that they hold in their hands, thus shifting the boundary between ‘inside and outside the body’ outwards, incorporating living beings and inanimate objects into their self-experiences, as it were
Paul Alsberg (1883-1965); Godfried van Benthem van den Bergh (1933); Anton Blok (1935); Dieter Claessens (1921-1997); Hans Peter Duerr (1943); Norbert Elias (1897-1990); Hans Wilhelm Carl Friedenthal (1870-1942); Wilfried Gottschalch (1929-2006); Johan Goudsblom (1932-2020); Hugh Miller (1891-1981); Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960); Ger Teitler (1942); Frans Veldman (1921-2010). Figurational sociology; Figurational social and cultural sciences; Allgemeinempfindlichkeit (general sensitivity); Körperausschaltungsprinzip (principle of body-liberation).
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