Volume 14 Issue 2 Live Now ==== Calls For Submissions Issue March-2025
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Volume 13, Issue 3


1) The Effects of Practices and Challenges of Advertisements, Sponsorships, and Mechanisms on Efficient Revenue Generation of Oromia Radio and Television Organization
Author Details: Awol Hussien Aman (MBA, MSc)-Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia

The objective of this Research was to examine the Effects of Practices and Challenges of Advertisement, Sponsorships, and Mechanisms on Efficient Revenue Generation in Oromia Radio and Television Organization. The study used descriptive and explanatory research design which incorporated quantitative research approaches. A Simple Random Sampling Technique was used and analyzed based on SPSS software version 16. As the result of finding indicated, Revenue Generated from Advertisements and sponsorships practices were not able to employ and attract qualified staff in reaching out to audiences and to expand and reach target audience faster in ORTVO. However, a little improvement practices had seen on respecting of editorial policy for broadcasting. The result of Pearson Correlation indicated that positive and significant relationships were existed between all variables. The linear regression analysis indicated, Revenue Generation Efficiency can be predicted from the combination of Advertisement and Sponsorships Practices, Sponsorships and Advertisements Challenges, and Mechanisms to Generate Revenue at F=23.828, p<0.05 in which Mechanisms to Generate Revenue is the most influential factor that significantly effect on the Revenue Generation Efficiency with (beta = 0.522, t=5.395), at 99% confidence level (p < 0.05). Statistically significance differences were seen between managers and non managers at the p<05, and between groups in Revenue Generation Efficiency [F (2, 81) = 3.484, p=.035] on basis of ages. Furthermore, the organization was not efficient in generating its revenue and poor handling mechanisms with sponsors and working agents. Therefore, the management of the organization should have to work hard on the improvement of using traditional way of transmitting format for programs, draws a strategic plan for any sponsorships, given concern to mechanisms used in revenue generations and knowing its challenges and mitigating it at a time.
Keywords: Advertisement Practices, Sponsorships Practices, Advertisement and Sponsorships Challenges, Mechanisms, and Efficient Revenue Generation.

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2) Effects of Service Quality Delivery on Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Private Insurance Companies in Adama City Administration, Ethiopia
Author Details: Awol Hussien Aman (MBA, MSc)-Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia

The core objective of this study was to examine of Effects of Service Quality Delivery on Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Private Insurance Companies in Adama City Administration, Ethiopia. The study used descriptive and explanatory research design which incorporated both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to answer four research questions posed for the study. The researcher employed convenience sampling technique to distribute the questionnaire to the respondents. Data were collected by using both closed and open ended self-administered questionnaires. The results were analyzed and interpreted using SPSS software version 20. The scores were interpreted quantitatively and open-ended suggestions were interpreted qualitatively. Service quality was measured using five dimensions that were categorized as assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and tangible. Data were analyzed using regression analysis, variance analysis, and correlation analysis. The research indicated that customer perception of service quality attribute and customer satisfactions have an Effect on customer loyalty. The majority of the participants were not satisfied with their level of perceptions on service quality dimensions delivered by insurance companies in Adama. Linear regression analysis also indicated that Loyalty can be predicted from the combination of both Customers’ Perceptions of Service Quality and Customers’ Satisfaction. The Variance analysis was used to investigate the variation concerned with the effect of demographic variables on perception of service quality and its satisfaction as a function of demographic factors. As Indicated by the finding, there is no significant difference in mean score from either Group in customer satisfaction, service quality perception and customer loyalty with analysis of ANOVA. However, a significant difference was existed between all variables in mean scores for males and females since p value for all variables are less than 0.05 significance. Finally, the researcher believes that this paper is not exhaustive that could provide all lists of topic researched. However, it gives a bird-eye view on topic and it is open for further discussion and/or critics
Keywords: SERVQUAL model, assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, tangible; customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

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3) Figurational Social and Cultural Sciences (IV)
Author Details: Jeroen Staring-Retired Dr. mult. Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work, and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments.

The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of biologist and paleontologist Dr. John de Vos, former Scientific Curator at Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis in Leiden, Netherlands, in finding the correspondence between Eugene Dubois and Robert Broom and for its interpretation.
Since the 1980s, anatomists, paleoanthropologists, and other scientists, including figurational social and cultural scientists, as well as science writers, have commented on the finds of fossilized hominin bones. For example, C. Owen Lovejoy, Henry McHenry, John E. Pfeiffer and Nancy Makepeace Tanner extrapolated from such finds possible ways of living of, for example, Australopithecus afarensis individuals. Earlier anthropologists Paul Alsberg and Dieter Claessens already outlined hypothesss about the special place that early hominins occupied in the world about 4 to 2 million years ago. Ancestors of humans developed tool use and defended themselves against predators, attacked and expelled them. According to Alsberg and Claessens these hominins did not do this with their bodies, that is, for example, with large canines, or with strong, sharp claws, but by using objects that did not belong to their bodies, that were not (part of) their bodies: for example sticks, branches and stones. Figurational sociologists Norbert Elias and Johan Goudsblom spoke in this context of making and using tools about ‘making detours.’ They actually linked up with what astronomer Anton Pannekoek wrote in 1945 about anthropogenesis, where so-called detours via detachment involved both ‘detours in thinking’ and ‘detours in actions.’
Paul Alsberg (1883-1965); Dieter Claessens (1921-1997); Norbert Elias (1897-1990); Johan Goudsblom (1932-2020); Claude Owen Lovejoy (1943); Henry McHenry (1944); Hugh Miller (1891-1891); Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960); John E. Pfeiffer (1915-1999); Volker Rittner (1946); Nancy Makepeace Tanner (1933). Figurational sociology; Figurational social and cultural sciences; Körperausschaltungsprinzip (principle of body-liberation); Distanz als Prinzip (distance as principle); Distanzierung als Prinzip (distancing as principle).
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