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Volume 10, Issue 9

Volume 10, Issue 9

1) A Meta-Study on the Impact of Entrepreneurial Management on Creativity and Innovation
Author’s Details: Dr. Manzir Abbas1, 21Istanbul Okan University, Department of Business Administration,School of Social Sciences, Tuzla Campus 34959, Istanbul, Turkey 2University of Management and Technology, Dr. Hassan Murad School of Management, C-II, Johar Town 54770, Lahore, Pakistan Manzirabbas786@gmail.com

Each creative product and service that comes with sophisticated technology requires creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship to launch. Entrepreneurship is regarded as a critical component of economic progress. The focus of this paper was on entrepreneurial creativity and innovation. The importance of creativity and innovation in enhancing the value of entrepreneurship has become clear. Creativity aids in the improvement of current company practices. Making a method that can translate an invention or gain concept into a more viable product or service is what innovation is all about. The purpose of this research is to examine and expand on the roles of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. Search engines are being used to research this job by reading literature and looking for similar material.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, advanced technology, economic development, Creative Ideas, Innovation
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2) Psychological Effects of COVID-19: A Barrier to Job Engagement in the Egyptian Organizations

Author’s Details: Prof. Dr. Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt

The objective of the research is to examine the impact of psychological effects of COVID-19 on Job Engagement (JE). The research population consists of all employees at Menoufia University hospitals in Egypt. The researcher adopted a sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results, the most important of which are (1) The negative psychological effects of COVID-19 have increased in Egyptian society, such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and General Anxiety Disorders (GAD) among individuals in Egyptian society,  (2) there is a statistically significant relationship between the psychological effects of COVID-19 (OCD) and the JE among employees in the organization. In other words, there is a negative relationship between the study variables, so the more negative psychological effects COVID-19 have, the lower the degree of JE, (3) there is a statistically significant relationship between the psychological effects of COVID-19 (PTSD) and the job link among the organization’s workers. In other words, there is a negative relationship between the study variables, so the more negative psychological effects COVID-19 have, the lower the degree of JE, and (4) there is a statistically significant relationship between the psychological effects of COVID-19 (GAD) and JE among the organization’s workers. In other words, there is a negative relationship between the study variables, so the more negative psychological effects COVID-19 have, the lower the degree of work association. The study referred to a number of recommendations, the most important of which are (1) the necessity of making strategic alliances in the medical field and the technological field between South Korea and the rest of the world in order to benefit from its experience in the field of confronting COVID-19, (2) the necessity of conducting many research and studies in the field of artificial intelligence as one of the tools that can be used in facing COVID-19, (3) increasing awareness campaigns on COVID-19 and viewing it as a disease like other diseases that require diagnosis and treatment, (4) seeking assistance from specialists in awareness programs and disseminating all information through social media for the purpose of awareness and prevention of infection COVID-19, (5) providing psychological service to COVID-19 patients inside hospitals in a manner that raises their spirits and confronts this virus, (6) the necessity for the Egyptian Ministry of Health to enhance the level of mental health for all members of society by establishing a psychological aid unit and taking over work to reduce the psychological anxiety from COVID-19, (7) spreading positive feelings among enough community members through the media, explaining that COVID-19 will be overcome, and providing the necessary awareness programs to reduce anxiety problems and sleep disorders, (8) researchers and scholars in the field of psychology and mental health conduct research and studies through which counseling and validation programs for community members are published, and (9) expanding the study of psychological immunology, and focusing on the psychological immunity variables in reducing the negative effects of COVID-19.
Keywords: Psychological Effects, COVID-19, Job Engagement

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3) Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Impact Analysis
Author’s Details:Mathias A. Chuba-Department of Economics, Achievers University Owo, Km 1, Idasen-Ute Road, P. M. B. 1030, Ondo State, Nigeria

In view of disagreement among economists on the impact of government expenditure on economic growth and in order to contribute to the debate, this paper evaluated the impact of government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria using annual data from 1961 to 2019. The government expenditure is split into government recurrent expenditure and government capital expenditure. The Engle and Granger (1987) two-steps error correction model that allows for the measurement of the short and long run impact of a change in government recurrent expenditure and government capital expenditure on economic growth was employed. Investigation revealed that government recurrent expenditure constitutes the lion share of government total expenditure and government recurrent expenditure had a positive impact on economic growth in Nigeria in the short and long run; and government capital expenditure had a negative impact on economic growth in Nigeria in the long run. Government capital expenditure had a negative impact on economic growth because the money budgeted for capital projects were not religiously spent on the projects due to corruption. Economic growth will increase if more money is budgeted for government recurrent expenditure and if money budgeted for government capital projects is religiously spent on the projects.  
Keywords:Government Expenditure, Economic Growth, Error Correction Model, Nigeria

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4) Uptake and Bioaccumulation of Copper by Kluyveromyces Marxianus
Author’s Details: Sai Subhashini1 S. Kaliappan(1)Assistant professor,SRM institute for training and development, Chennai, India (2)Professor Department of civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India. *Corresponding authors- subhasenthil.nh@gmail.com

The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of Cu (II) bioaccumulation by live and immobilized cells of Kluyveromyces marxianus. The effects of operating parameters like pH, temperature and initial Cu (II) concentration on bioaccumulation were investigated. The concentration of the Cu (II) in the bioaccumulation media was varied between 20 to 500 mg/L. The optimum pH and temperature was found to be 5 and 350C respectively for the growth and bioaccumulation of Cu (II). The mechanism of Cu (II) bioaccumulation involves both dependant and independent process of metabolism. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis were performed to study the surface binding and intracellular accumulation of Cu by the yeast. Clear morphological changes were observed in the SEM images of Cu (II) accumulated biomass. Presence of Cu in the yeast cells and functional groups involved in the bioaccumulation of Cu (II) by Kluyveromyces marxianus clearly indicated by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) analysis of the SEM and Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) respectively. The changes in the FTIR indicated the chemical interaction between the functional groups and the metal ions. The protein analysis showed the decrease in the total protein due to the accumulation of copper ions in the metal binding proteins.  The yeast cells are immobilized in sodium alginate and a column study was performed in order to find out the efficiency of the organism in maximum removal of heavy metal copper. In the column studies immobilized beads were able to remove copper ions at 50.54% with residual copper ions 138.96 mg/L from the solution with initial metal concentration of 300 mg/L with a flow rate of 10 ml/min and 15 cm bed height. The reusability of the immobilized beads was performed with desorption studies with 0.1M HCl. The beads showed no significant change till 3 cycles.
Copper, Kluyveromyces marxianus, SEM, FTIR, EDAX, Immobilized beads, Packed bed column, desorption
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5) The Alleged Rubber Article of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) Reviewed From the Perspective of Constitutional Law
Author’s Details: ¹Benyamin Tungga-¹Master Degree in Ngurah Rai University, Denpasar Indonesia benyamintungga@yahoo.com ² Yossie Maria Yulianty Jacob-² Law Faculty in Nusa Cendana University, Kupang Indonesia jacobyossie@gmail.com

The implementation of the ITE Law has been adapted to the purpose of the 1945 Law, which is to guarantee freedom of expression without compromising legal protection for those who hold opinions or accept those opinions. However, there are still problems related to the revision of the ITE Law. The relationship between the public in criticizing the government and the ITE Law, namely the ITE Law is one of the regulations governing freedom of expression through social media. That is what causes people to feel afraid that if they criticize the government through social media, they will be subject to criminal sanctions if they are deemed to have violated the ITE Law. Because some people think that the articles in the ITE Law are still multi-interpreted, causing people to be afraid if they want to criticize the government through social media. Based on the data above, the public considers the ITE Law to be very restrictive when people want to criticize the government through social media. People think that in the ITE Law there are still rubber articles that can ensnare the public at any time.
It is undeniable that social media has become the lifeblood of society. All complaints, stories, and even fights can now be done through social media. However, since the enactment of the ITE Law number 11 of 2008 in Indonesia, there have been certain limitations in terms of conveying something through social media. What is rife are cases containing hate speech.
There are often misunderstandings in the application of the ITE Law among law enforcers. They assume that criminal acts in the ITE Law are included in the lex specialis, which is special and can override general laws. In other words, this means that criminal acts within the scope of the ITE Law are included in special crimes, while all crimes outside the Criminal Code are not special crimes.
rubber article, electronics, viewpoint, law, state administration
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6) Performance Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Tractor Mounted Four Bottoms Moldboard Plow for Effective Tilth
Author’s Details: Bilal Ahmad1,*, Usman Ali2, Fazal Ahmad Jamal3 Sidrah Ashfaq41Department of Farm Machinery and Power, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan eabilal@yahoo.com 2Department of Engineering, Dalhousie University, Canada usman.ali@dal.ca 3Department of Structures and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan ranajamal.nns@gmail.com 4Department of Farm Machinery and Power, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan sidrah708@uaf.edu.pk *Correspondence: eabilal@yahoo.com
Moldboard Plow is one of the oldest agricultural implements in the history of agriculture. It is considered as a necessary tillage implement because it carries the nutrients to the root zone of plants by turning the soil. This study focused on finding the optimal efficiency of Moldboard Plow in the field. For this analysis, we used a tractor mounted four bottoms Moldboard Plow. The theoretical and actual field capacities along with the efficiency were calculated at different engine rpm and depths (depth of cut). The maximum theoretical and actual field capacities were observed 0.55 and 0.33 (ha/hr) respectively when the engine speed was 1700 rpm, and the depth of cut was 6 cm. The maximum 68.65% field efficiency was observed when the engine speed was 1700 rpm and the depth of cut was 18 cm. In the current study it was observed that the efficiency greater than 65% can be achieved at the depth (depth of cut) of 14-18 cm and engine speed of 1700 rpm, it will cost 2022 PKR/ha. The Breakeven point can be reached after 8.33 days of use at a rate of 9 hours per day and it means that the owner could get back its original investment within 8.33 days of operation.
Moldboard, Theoretical Field Capacity, Actual Field Capacity, Field Efficiency, Breakeven analysis
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