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Volume 10, Issue 6

Volume 10, Issue 6

1) Mandatory Planting for Garlic Importers in Accordance to World Trade Organization
Author’s Details: (1)J.M. Atik KrustiyatiFaculty of Law, University of  Surabaya,  Surabaya, Indonesia krustiyati@staff.ubaya.ac.id (2) Gita Venolita Valentina GFaculty of  Law, University of  Surabaya,  Surabaya, Indonesia gitavenolita@yahoo.com (3) Sylvi Janisriwati-Faculty of Law, University of  Surabaya,  Surabaya, Indonesia sylvianwar@gmail.com (4)Mokhmad Khoirul HudaProfessor  at  the  Faculty of  Law, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya,Indonesia. emka.huda@hangtuah.ac.id
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of compulsory planting for garlic importers in accordance with the World Trade Organization legal system. The research results show that the provisions stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the obligation to carry out mandatory domestic garlic planting for prospective garlic importers to obtain Recommendation of Horticultural Product Import are not in accordance with the World Trade Organization legal system. If this continues, it will cause environmental damage, given the topographical and climatic conditions that are only around the mountains with limited access in some areas.
Keywords:Garlic,  Importers, mandatory planting, environmental damage.
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The Role of Artificial Intelligence as a Deterrent between the Iranian and Israeli Governments
Author’s Details: (1)Ehsan Afrashi; Master candidate of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch , Bonab ,Iran (2)Hamid Sarmadi , PhD in Political Science, Lecturer of Islamic Azad University, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch , Bonab , Iran.. (Corresponding Author). (3)Javid karimi: M.A of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch , Bonab , Iran.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of artificial intelligence as a deterrent power between the governments of Iran and Israel. Over the past few decades, the rise of the Islamic Republic in West Asia has changed the balance of power in the region. The Zionists have approached and introduced Iran as their main enemy. Meanwhile, the numerous attacks of the Zionist regime against the Iranian centers in Syria, mainly due to reasons such as the weak military position of the government of Bashar al-Assad and the limited military presence of Iran in Syria, have remained unanswered, which has caused the Zionist regime officials to continue these attacks. Follow with less concern and gradually expand attacks from Syria to Iraq, and even over the past few months, have prioritized cyber-attacks against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this descriptive and analytical study, we seek to answer the question of what role artificial intelligence will play in the hands of the governments of Iran and Israel as a deterrent power. The cyber strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes the power of cyber-attack, which is influenced by the fact that Iran’s cyber-attack power is at a very good level, but unfortunately Iran has invested limitedly in the field of cyber defense, which results in high cyber pollution and cybercrime. Cyber ​​and, finally, successful cyber-attacks by other countries on Iran’s vital facilities. In this regard, it is suggested that while continuing the cyber strategy of strengthening offensive power, increasing the strength of cyber defense should also be a priority.
Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Inhibitory Power; Israel, Iran
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