International Journal of Case Studies (IJCS) | |
ISSN (Online): 2305-509X |
Impact Factor (2020): 3.582 |
Author’s Guidlines |
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Author’s Guidlines
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Submissions to “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” must comply with the following submission formatting guidelines. Authors are expected to review their manuscripts for compliance prior to submission. While minor areas of noncompliance will be corrected by the editorial staff, manuscripts not predominantly meeting the Submission Formatting Guidelines will be returned to the author for revision and resubmission.
- Files must be submitted in Microsoft Word or IEEE format.
- All manuscripts must be single-spaced.
- The title must be bold, black, 16 point Times New Roman font, maximum of 12 words, single spaced, and centered on the top line(s) of the title page only. Capitalize only the first word of the title, acronyms and proper nouns in the title.
- The remainder of the manuscript must be black 12 point Times New Roman font and left aligned.
- List all authors with their organizational affiliations on the title page immediately following the title. Author information as follows (Centered, 12 point font, not bolded – note no email addresses or other contact information are included):
Author 1 name
Author 1 organization
Author 2 name
Author 2 organization
- DO NOT LIST AUTHORS ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE MANUSCRIPT. Manuscripts are blind reviewed. Manuscripts are assigned a tracking number and title pages are separated from manuscripts before they are sent to the reviewers.
- All manuscripts must include a maximum 250 word abstract on the title page immediately following the author(s)’ names. Do not bold or italicize abstract.
- Add a list of 5-6 keywords one line below the abstract. Skip one line after the abstract then begin with Keywords: then list the keywords on the same line, separated by commas. DO NOT BOLD.
- Start the introduction on the page following the title page.
- Margins must be 1 inch all around on all pages. THIS INCLUDES ALL TABLES, GRAPHS, and FIGURES.
- Manuscripts must be written in third person. Do not use I, we, me, our, etc.
- Include a right-aligned running footer with the first 3 or 4 words of the title starting on the title page. Footer must be in 12 point Times New Roman font. DO NOT USE ITALICS. DO NOT NUMBER PAGES.
- Left align and bold all section headers and subheaders . Leave one line before and one line after section headers and subheaders. Section headers should be all caps. Section subheaders should be mixed case.
- Do not use bold text anywhere else in the manuscript. Do not use italics anywhere in the document except in the reference list according to APA formatting requirements.
- Indent paragraphs .5 inches, do not leave a line between paragraphs. This includes the abstract.
- APA formatting is preferred for citations and references. However, any accepted academic formatting style (MLA, Turabian, Chicago etc.) is acceptable. Regardless of the formatting style used, a bibliography/reference list must be included at the end of the manuscript. DO NOT MIX FORMATTING STYLES IN THE TEXT. DO NOT USE ENDNOTES.
- Manuscripts must be adequately cited and referenced using academically-appropriate sources. Papers not copiously cited and referenced are not acceptable for publication. This includes case studies.
- All graphics, charts and tables must be in an appendix at the end of the manuscript and referenced in the text.. State “as indicated in Table 1 (Appendix)”. Do not state “Insert Table 1 Here”.
- All pages must be in portrait orientation in the document. If graphs or pictures are too wide for portrait orientation the author must resize or rotate 90 degrees.
- Maximum standard manuscript length is 40 pages including reference list and appendices. To submit a manuscript greater than 40 pages for review, please contact the prior to submission.
- All papers must be original and not previously published documents. Papers published in conference proceedings are acceptable if the proceedings are not copyrighted or a copyright release is provided by the author(s).
- All papers will be submitted to plagiarism detection website to verify authenticity. Papers in the yellow or red similarity level (excluding quotes and bibliography) will be returned to the author for revision and resubmission.
- As a condition of acceptance of a submission in consideration for publication in an “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” journal.
- “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” will not publish papers containing profanity, racially or ethnically degrading statements, sexual content, political endorsements or criticisms, religious endorsements or criticisms, or personal attacks on any individual or organization.
- “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” reserves the absolute right to refuse acceptance for review of any submission without cause.
- “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” reserves the absolute right to refuse publication of any reviewed submission without cause.
“CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” Journal Submission Procedures
Revised and simplified submission procedures
To better serve our authors, the editorial staff of “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” has simplified journal submission procedures to make it easier and faster for you to submit a manuscript for journal publication review:
- After Submission of manuscript a panel of two reviewers should gave their review.
- On the base of review Editorial Board will send Acceptance or rejection letter to Author’s.
- After acceptance Author should ask for Publications Fee.
- You will receive an email receipt from Plimus immediately and an email notification from “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” when your payment is recorded.
- During this in case of any change inform Editor otherwise Board not responsible.
- Without payment no Paper will published and consider “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” property until its withdraw from Author.
- Expedited Review also available on Short period.
- Review the following “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” Authorization and Orignality Certification“CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” Authorization and Originality Certification
Authors certify that the submitted manuscript is their original work that has not been previously published. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author(s) grants in perpetuity to the Academic and Business Research Institute (“CASESTUDIESJOURNAL”) the exclusive right to publish this manuscript at its discretion in an “CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” journal or website, or any other publication, hosting site, or database.“CASESTUDIESJOURNAL” authors retain copyright ownership of their work product for all other purposes.