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Volume 10, Issue 11



1) The Role of Digitalization in Enhancing Digital Service Quality: A Study on Commercial Banks in Egypt
Author Details: Prof. Dr. Wageeh A. Nafei-University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt
The objective of the research is to examine the influence of digitalization on Digital Service Quality (DSQ). The research population consists of all employees at Commercial banks in Egypt. The researcher has adopted a sampling method to collect data for the study. The appropriate statistical methods such as Alpha Correlation Coefficient (ACC), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA), are used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.The research has reached a number of results, the most important of which are (1) the decrease in the number of employees holding a master’s degree and a doctorate in the study sector. This means that the banks affiliated with this sector do not make privileges for holders of higher educational degrees. (2) The age group that work in the field of information are mostly young. This means that this group need intensive training in order to be able to gain experience in the operations related to the bank (3) The study shows that there is a significant relationship between the variables under study, which confirms that banks in this sector invest all their resources in order to improve bank performance. (4) The study shows the weakness of the variable of skills and capabilities of employees in this sector, which requires activating this variable by working to raise the skills and capabilities of employees and training them so that they can gain experience in dealing with devices and equipment, and how to use them properly. (5) Communication networks play an important role in improving bank performance, and the current study has shown that there is a fundamental relationship between improving communication networks and achieving competitive advantage and the quality of services provided. (6) There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of digitization represented in strategic planning, preparing leaders, institutional structure, attracting skills, competencies and quality of banking service on the one hand, and competitive advantage on the other.

The study referred to a number of recommendations, the most important of which are (1) the need for a bank affiliated with this sector to pay attention to developing the skills and experiences of employees in terms of using modern devices and technology in the world of technology, markets and products, (2) the necessity of paying attention to information technology and the ability to use it and manage it in terms of employing the skills and capabilities of employees in this sector, (3) effective investment in employees in terms of their development, providing opportunities to accomplish their job tasks, increasing their awareness of the importance and value of their work, and increasing their sense of the need to achieve success for the bank in which they work, (4) creating a good atmosphere that links the goals of the employees, the bank and the community in a way that achieves the highest possible performance on the one hand, and achieving competitive advantage on the other hand, and (5) paying attention to information technology, as most banks are gradually moving towards using computers in order to save time and improve performance
Keywords: Digitalization, Digital Service Quality
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Attitude of Public High School Students towards the Subject of Chemistry and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement in District Toba Tek Singh
Author’s Details: Zahida Parveen-University of Agricultural Sub Campus Toba Tek Singh, University of Agricultural Faisalabad

Since the previous four decades, attitudes about chemistry have been a focus of study, attracting the attention of numerous educational studies. This pressing issue had prompted educational experts to unravel the chemistry enigma in terms of comprehension and perception. The goal of this investigation was to find out how public high school pupils in Toba Tek Singh felt about the topic of chemistry. The study’s population was made up of all public high school pupils. Through the propionate sampling technique, 300 kids were chosen from a total of 13,099 students, with 6790 boys and 6309 girls. The data was collected using a questionnaire, and the data was analysed using mean, median, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. Respondents recognised the importance of the chemistry discipline and respected chemistry’s utility to humanity. Although chemistry is an interesting subject, I am hesitant to recommend it as a career. Fortunately, responders enjoy performing and prefer theory-based experiments, which have proven to be the most effective way of remembering chemical information. Using cutting-edge educational strategies, the teacher helps pupils develop a favourable attitude toward chemistry.
Keywords: Attitude, educational studies, Public School, Chemistry, Toba Tek Singh
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Public Service Innovation for Eradication of Mosquito Nests Through the Movement Program for Eradicing the Flat with Fish (GERAJI) In the City of Surabaya
Author Details: ¹ Agustia Hendriyanti, ²Sri Umiyati, ³Sri Wahyuni, ⁴Susi Ratnawati
¹,²,³ Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Hang Tuah University Surabaya Indonesia

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences-Bhayangkara University Surabaya Indonesia
The eradication of mosquito larvae has used a new thing, namely with fish. This latest innovation has led to a movement called the Movement to Eradicate Mosquito larvae with Fish (GERAJI). Fish are considered natural predators in people’s homes. Basically, many fish like to eat larvae, however, there are some that can be used to prey on larvae, namely Black Molly and Betta Fish. The aim of the GERAJI innovation program is to improve the Lontar Health Center’s Performance Achievement, namely Larva Free Rate.Research on Public Service Innovations for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests Through the Program to Eradicate Larva With Fish (GERAJI) at Lontar Health Center, Surabaya City aims to describe, analyze, and find supporting and inhibiting factors in the Larva-Fish Movement Eradication Program (GERAJI). This study uses the measurement theory of public service innovation according to Suryani (2008), which contains four indicators, namely innovation characteristics, communication channels, change efforts, and social systems. This research uses a case study research method using a qualitative approach. This data collection technique is done by means of observation, interviews, and documentation.
Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that the innovation of the Larva- Fish Movement Programme (GERAJI) at Lontar Health Center, Surabaya City, can be said to be unsuitable. There are indicators of innovation charactheristics in the complexitu sub-indicator and sosial systems in the adaptation sub-indicator. This can be seen from GERAJI’s innovation that is still difficult to run and some people still have not carried out innovations properly and have not actively participated. Judging from the people who are not used to giving fish in the bath, they are afraid that it will smell bad (fishy), and residents of boarding houses who are lazy to monitor fish in the bath.
Keywords: Public Service Innovation, Movement to Eradicate Larvae with Fish (GERAJI).
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4) Analysis of Msme Empowerment Program Department of Trade in the City of Surabaya in Improving the Economy of MSME
Author Details: ¹Saifuddin Afif, ²Sri Umiyati, ³Sri Wahyuni, ⁴Susi Ratnawati
¹,²,³ Faculty of Social Science and Political Science-Hang Tuah University Surabaya Indonesia

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences-Bhayangkara University Surabaya Indonesia
According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2009 that the number of micro-enterprises reached 52.2 million or around 98.87% and the existence of MSMEs had contributed significantly to the employment of more than 96.2 million people. Looking at the MSMEs in Indonesia, the largest contribution is in the province of East Java, which of the total 34 provinces in Indonesia, East Java is the only province where the cooperative sector and its MSMEs have an important role in showing the regional economy. This is proven by the contribution of cooperatives and SMEs in East Java’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) which is quite fantastic from East Java’s GRDP of IDR 884 trillion. The contribution of cooperatives and SMEs is very large, reaching more than Rp. 600 trillion. East Java Province itself has a Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2007 concerning the empowerment of cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and East Java Provincial Regulation No. 6 of 2011 concerning the empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, efforts to grow Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are based on at least three reasons. 1) MSME aim to absorb labor, 2) income distribution and 3) poverty alleviation. The approach and type of research used is descriptive qualitative research, where the researcher describes and explains the situation and conditions that occurred, after the researchers conducted observations and interviews.
Keywords: program, empowerment, MSME, economy
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