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Volume 11, Issue 11



1) Lagarde University-Taking the Lead in Business Education
Author Details:Samih Antoine Azar, Haigazian University

This case study is about an institution of higher learning that is considering the option of expanding its curriculum to include a new emphasis in its academic program, and which will be offered, alongside other general course requirements, for its Bachelor degree. The institution has asked you, as a coordinator of the department, to look into the dilemma of whether to offer the new emphasis or not. Although educational institutions are expected to be non-profit, the administration desires to balance its accounts, and possibly to earn a residual. This is a strategic managerial decision that necessitates the application of principles in corporate finance. It consists of undertaking a feasibility study for the viability of an investment proposal. The case is directed to senior students in business, economics, and eventually other social specialties and fields, or to those with an advanced scholastic status. It is necessary and advisable for applicants to have a background in the mathematics of finance.
Key Words: feasibility study, university new major, present values, Gordon dividend discount model, sensitivity analysis, EXCEL spreadsheet  

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2) Implementation of Kasal Policy Number 46 of 2020 Concerning Distribution of Personnel in the Tni Navy Environment
Author’s Details: ¹ R. Gunawan-Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia ² Mas Roro Lilik E-Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia ³ Sri Umiyati-Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia

With the enactment of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army, which in its article clause states that there is a change in the retirement period for officers from 55 years to 58 years. This will directly bring new problems and fundamental consequences for the development of TNI personnel, including the planning of TNI AL personnel in terms of procurement, use, education, rank and career patterns of the personnel themselves. To achieve skills and abilities and obtain optimal results and usability, it is necessary to develop personnel as human workers. Coaching is a process of activities in order to realize the achievement of the right level of quantity and quality so that the distribution of work distribution can be carried out according to the needs of the organization or community environment.
Human resource development is an effort to utilize human resources, it is necessary to have adequate personnel management steps both in terms of quality and quantity in order to achieve balanced conditions so that organizational goals can be achieved optimally. Personnel arrangement is the realization of one aspect of personnel planning based on the distribution of labor, personnel turnover, personnel transfer, and others. The personnel statement is in line with the opinion of Suyoso Sukarno which states that human resource management can also be referred to as personnel management, workforce planning can also be referred to as personnel planning.
Keywords: Implementation, policy, Kasal, Personnel
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3) Catchment Area Model for Improving Peri-Urban Community Services in East Java
Author’s Details: ¹Susi Ratnawati-Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bhayangkara University Surabaya Indonesia ²Nurul Umi Ati-²Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia ³Kus Indarto-Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Mulawarman Samarinda, East Kalimantan

The research aims to improve services to the community with the affordability of services to the periphery or peri-peri community using the Catchment Area model. Decentralization is a policy carried out by the government in delegating authority to regions to manage their own regions. The purpose of decentralization in the context of regional autonomy is to accelerate the realization of community welfare through service improvement, empowerment and community participation. The catchment area perspective in this study was appointed as a factor It is important to see the efficiency and effectiveness of services to the community in the administration of local governments. Several things related to the catchment area in service to the fairy community in the village area in East Java province. The challenges faced in providing services to the community are within the reach of local governments. The locus of this research was conducted in East Java Province. This research was conducted and analyzed based on a systems thinking approach. The systems thinking approach used is a soft system methodology. This system works by examining phenomena and realities that occur in the real world based on understanding and building conceptual models as problem solving efforts carried out through a systems thinking framework. This research produces (1) a catchment area model using the buffer zone method, (2) a catchment area model using the isochrones method, (3) a catchment area model using the catchment area method based on the criterion of nearest proximity of provider locations (catchment area based on the closest condition to the location of the service provider), (4). Catchment area model with Gravity models method (gravity model)
Improvement, Service, Catchment area, village
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4) A Strategic Analysis of the TJX Companies, Inc.: 2019
Author’s Details: Bernard Williams, PwC-Associate Financial Service Consultant

Herbert Sherman, Ph.D.-Long Island University – Brooklyn Campus
This paper is a secondary source case analysis of the TJX Companies Inc, a conglomerate that provides access to quality and fashionable brand name merchandise at around 20% to 60% lower than their competitors both through online and in store purchases.  As of February 1st, 2020, the firm has a total of 7 retail chains and 4 E-Commerce websites (Company |, 2020). These chains include TJ Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Sierra, HomeSense, Winners, and TK Maxx (Company, 2020). These chains provide nearly $42 billion in annual sales, with over 4,500 stores in 9 countries spanning 3 continents (Company |, 2020).  This case analysis will provide an overview of the firm; describe the firm’s mission, goals and objectives; discuss the firm’s generic strategy; describe the firm’s external and internal environments (including Macroenvironmental, industry and competitor analyses) culminating in a SWOT analysis and suggestions for future actions by the firm.
Keyword: TJX Companies Inc
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