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Volume 12 , Issue 06



1) Planning Adult and Non-Formal Basic Literacy Education Programmes: Roles of Scheme Organizers
Author Details: Muhammad Alkali PhD-Department of Adult Education and Extension Services,Faculty of Education and Extension Services-Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Nigeria

Planning is regarded as one of the important components of management. It is considered as a serious action that should be taken if success can be achieved. Planning of basic literacy programme is critical to the provision of basic education for people who do not have opportunities to formal education. Planning gives direction to what the goals to be achieved and resources that are required for the accomplishments of the activities that will lead to the attainment of the goals. This paper therefore examines how important planning of basic literacy is to the provision of basic education in Nigeria. The scheme organizers are regarded as right drivers to the realisation of the provision of literacy programmes at ward level. Hence, the roles of scheme organisers were raised and explored.
Adult and Non-Formal, Basic Literacy Education Programmes
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2) Investigating the Level of Teachers’ Preparedness on Students’ Academic Performance in Geography: Case Study of Bamenda III Municipality-Cameroon
Author’s Details:(1)Nubonyin Hilda Fokong-Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of Bamenda, Cameroon (2)Rosette Yensinkem-Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

Teachers’ preparedness is an important component in the teaching learning progress. This study aimed at investigating the level of Geography teachers’ preparedness on students’ academic performance in grammar secondary schools in Bamenda III Municipality of Cameroon. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. The participants were made up of 285 randomly selected form five students; 44 teachers and 8 heads of department (HODs) of Geography purposively selected. The study was a cross sectional survey that made use of an interview guide and two questionnaires with high and low being indicators of teachers’ preparedness. The instruments were validated by 10 students who did not constitute part of the sample. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that, high level of teachers’ preparedness had a statistical significant positive effect on Geography students’ academic performance in grammar secondary schools in Bamenda III, Municipality. From the findings, low level of teachers’ preparedness were explained by factors like lack of competence in balancing diverse learning needs of students, heavy workload as a result of insufficient teachers and inadequate teaching-learning aids. Based on the findings, there is need for the government to provide adequate instructional resources and to embark on regular in-service training programs.
Geography, level of teachers’ preparedness, students’ academic performance
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3) Pulses Market and Developing Value Chain on Retail, Wholesale and Daal Factory Level Analysis for the Farmers of Sukkur
Author’s Details: (1)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Professor & Chairman-Deptt:of Agri:Economics, SZABAC-Dokri-Larkana Sindh-Pakistan(2)Fritz Bohmler-Junkersstr.60, 88250 Weingarton Germany (3)Dr.Nadeem Bhatti-Vice Chancellor, Lahore Leads University (4)Shoukat Rafiue Awan-B#6 Ayaz Gul Street, Sector one Township Sukkur
This research investigates Pulses Market and Developing Value chain on Retail, Wholesale and Daal factory level Analysis for the Farmers of Sukkur.  Data were collected from various retail, wholesale, Processor, agent in different cities of Sindh Pakistan. A well-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was prepared with the help of the experts and project team and Before starting the survey, the enumerators were rigorously trained in various areas and ifor one day by the project team responsible for the baseline survey in Larkana District.  In first few visits I checked them whether they are collecting information according to the questionnaire.  Focus group discussion was carried out to get information from farm level. Value chain analysis of pulses is carried out to identifiy the current practices, opportunities for improving value chain at different levels of value chain of pulses.  It was revealed that Pulses play an important role in farming systems worldwide. They have proved to be ideal crops for achieving improvements in nutrition and health conditions, reducing poverty through higher food security and enhancing ecosystem re- silience, particularly in developing countries like Pakistan ACIAR Australian Centre for innovative Agriculture Research  is making efforts to improve value chain of pulses in Pakistan considering all value chain actors. The research project intends to understand the current practices and obstacles, different value chain actors are facing.  After identifying the possible interventions to improve value chain of pulses in the country, interventions will be tested across the value chain. In order to see the effect of interventions on the performance of interventions. It was revealed that Value chain analysis of pulses is carried out to identifiy the current practices, opportunities for improving value chain at different levels of value chain of pulses. For this purpose, the high end-stores, superstores and grocery shops were visited in in Larkana, Sukkur Hyderabad and Karachi. . Wholeslaers, merchants, processors (Channa factory) and farmers were contacted for detailed study of value chain of mung beans. chick peas and Lentil. Results reveal that size of grain, color, packaging, Brand cleanliness and freshness are important attributes of pulses when the consumers make decision in purchasing pulses from the supermarkets and or super stores. Main issues recently he faced that in 50k.g of chickpea bag 2k.g dust, in lentil bag 4 .kg dust and broken seed from lentil.  In Mungbeans bags dust particals’ and broken Mungbeans.   In Hyderabad we have visited Ahmed Ali Wholesaler located  in Main issues recently he faced that in 50k.g of chickpea bag 3k.g dust, in lentil bag 3 .kg dust and broken seed from lentil.  In Mungbeans bags dust particulars’ and broken Mungbeans.
Pulses Market, Value Chain on Retail
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4) Reflection and Value Chain Characterization of Pulses in Pakistan: A Case study of Larkana and Sindh
Author’s Details: (1)Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh-Professor & Chairman, Deptt:of Agri:Economics- SZABAC-Dokri-Larkana Sindh-Pakistan (2)Fritz Bohmler – Junkersstr.60 88250 Weingarton Germany (3)Dr.Nadeem Bhatti-Vice Chancellor – Lahore Leads University (4)Shoukat Rafiue Awan-B#6 Ayaz Gul Street, Sector One Township Sukkur

The current research investigates the Reflection and Value Chain Characterization of Pulses in Pakistan: A Case study of Larkana and Sindh.Pulses are mostly purchased in summer and second half of the day from grocery and supermarkets/super stores. Quantity bought by the consumers ranges ½ kg-2 kg depending on the type of grocery shop, stores, etc. cleanliness, packing and price are considered important attributes by the super stores and supermarkets. Grading, sorting and packing are done at the supermarkets and superstores whereas no or little value addition relating activities are done at grocery shops. However, one owner of grocery shop reported that he used to keep pulses in glass boxes in order to having shining and brightness to attract the customers. Size of grain, origin of pulses, cleanliness, packing and price are very much important for customers while buying mung bean and chick peas as reported by the retailers. Wholesaler point view Freshness, size of grain  and cleanliness of the pulses are top priority of the wholesaler.  If any dust are broken of pulses specially lentil, Mungbeans and chickpeas the price will be low.  Chemical free is also important for wholesaler.  Chickpeas size of the grain, cleanness, freshness and color on top priority Lentil and Mungbeans: cleanness, freshness and color on top priority.  Although wholesalers demand the quality produce of the pulses (based on size of the grain, waste, moisture, etc.) from merchants and or farmers, they care very little during selling the produce to the daal factories or millers. This implies absence of price incentives for selling the quality produce to the processors. In spite of these facts, the processors deduct the amount paid to the wholesalers for waste, moisture and damaged or broken pulses. This implies that there is a need to sensitize and build confidence among the processors and wholesalers that value addition would be beneficial to all the value chain actors. Merchant and farmers are other important value chain actors and we don’t see value addition relating activities at farmers’ and merchants’ ends. Interventions at the farm level needs immediate attention to start value addition as doing this will reduce cost of value addition at later stages of value chain of pulses. However, this happens only if price incentives for value addition are ensured to farmers and merchants. visits Farooq daal Mill is located at SITE area Larkana.  The mill owner Farooq was not there but there manager Usman Ali brief about Daal mill. Reliability of supply, size of the grain cleanness, fresh on the top priority of the daal mill.
Reflection, Value Chain Characterization, Pulses in Pakistan
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